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Modelling OST outcomes with urinalysis and DAIS data
by Ita Condron
The need for ongoing, prompt, cost-efficient and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of drug treatment is well recognised. The scientific literature supports the use of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) as the ‘gold standard’ research design for evaluating interventions and treatment outcomes. However, in community substance-use treatment settings, the use of RCTs is not always possible or appropriate. There are ethical issues and questions about relevance, feasibility and costs.
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Drug service for LGBT young people
by Lucy Dillon
BeLonG To has been the national youth service for LGBT young people since 2003. The organisation ‘envisions a future in which LGBT young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and communities, and all young people are equally cared for, valued, and respected’ (personal communication, Gerard Roe, Drug Education and Outreach Worker, Belong To, April 2016). With the support of the North Inner City Drugs Task Force, BeLonG To set up a Drug & Alcohol Servicein late 2007. It was established in response to a national study of drug use among LGBT young adults in Ireland.1 It continues to be the only designated LGBT drug service in the country.
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Rapid HIV testing service piloted
by Margaret Curtin
The 2014 Annual epidemiological report from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre,1 published in December 2015, reports 377 new diagnoses of HIV, of which almost half (n=183) were among men who had had sex with men (MSM). This reflects a growing trend with the number of new diagnoses among MSM increasing threefold in the ten years since 2005 (from 60 to 183). Moreover, the median age of diagnosis has decreased from 37 to 31 years. Increased access to testing explains some of the increase.
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Women and methadone maintenance treatment
by Suzi Lyons
A study conducted between 2006 and 2007 in the National Drug Treatment Centre, a large specialist addiction clinic in Dublin, sought to discover whether women in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) had more unmet needs and lower quality of life than men in MMT.1
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