The 2014 Annual epidemiological report from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre,1 published in December 2015, reports 377 new diagnoses of HIV, of which almost half (n=183) were among men who had had sex with men (MSM). This reflects a growing trend with the number of new diagnoses among MSM increasing threefold in the ten years since 2005 (from 60 to 183). Moreover, the median age of diagnosis has decreased from 37 to 31 years. Increased access to testing explains some of the increase.
The National Sexual Health Strategy 2015–20202 also raises concerns regarding the increasing incidence of diagnoses of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, particularly among young people. One response outlined in the strategy is free, rapid HIV testing in non-traditional locations.
Dublin’s first free rapid HIV testing service was launched by the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) in March 2016. The ‘KnowNow’ campaign is a one-year pilot project aimed at gay and bisexual men and offers on-site testing in workplaces, bars and other hubs. Funding has also been provided for similar projects operated by the Cork Sexual Health Centre and the Gender Orientation Sexual Health HIV in Limerick. Testing will be offered in gay and bisexual friendly pubs. The test involves a pin-prick blood test and results are available in 30 seconds. The pilot project will record and collate key data to evaluate its efficacy.
In addition to making HIV testing more accessible, the project aims to raise awareness around sexual health issues, remove the stigma associated with HIV and promote a mature attitude to sexual health.
Margaret Curtin
1 HPSC (2015) Annual epidemiological report 2014. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre.,15505,en.pdf
2 Department of Health (2015) National sexual health strategy 2015–2020 Dublin: Department of Health.