In this issue
Evidence Resources
How can contingency management support treatment for substance use disorders? A systematic review.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2016) How can contingency management support treatment for substance use disorders? A systematic review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 46 p.
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Alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement. A process review of the proof of concept pilot.
Pepper, Melissa  and Dawson, Paul (2016). Alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement. A process review of the proof of concept pilot. London: Mayor of London Office of Policing and Crime.
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Patient preferences and shared decision making in the treatment of substance use disorders: a systematic review of the literature.
Friedrichs, Anke and Spies, Maren and Härter, Martin and Buchholz, Angela [PLOS One] . (2016) Patient preferences and shared decision making in the treatment of substance use disorders: a systematic review of the literature. National Library for Public Health. PloS one, 11 (1) /10.1371/journal.pone.0145817
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Quality standard frameworks for community treatment.
Recovery Group UK. (2016) Quality standard frameworks for community treatment. London: Recovery Partnership.
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Fathers and alcohol. Implications for preconception, pregnancy, infant and childhood health outcomes.
McBride, Nyanda and Johnson, Sophia . (2016) Fathers and alcohol. Implications for preconception, pregnancy, infant and childhood health outcomes. Sydney: NDARC, NDRI, NCETA. Drug and Alcohol Research Connections (October 2016)
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The SCottish Alcoholic Liver disease Evaluation: A population-level matched cohort study of hospital-based costs, 1991-2011.
Bouttell, Janet and Lewsey, James and Geue, Claudia and Antony, Grace and Briggs, Andrew and McCartney, Gerry and Hutchinson, Sharon and Graham, Lesley and Heydtmann, Mathis [PLOS One] . (2016) The SCottish Alcoholic Liver disease Evaluation: A population-level matched cohort study of hospital-based costs, 1991-2011. Public Library of Science. PloS one, 11 (10)
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Preventing children and young people’s mental health and substance use problems.
Mentor ADEPSIS. (2016) Preventing children and young people’s mental health and substance use problems. London: Mentor. 7 p.
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Global report on access to hepatitis C treatment - Focus on overcoming barriers.
World Health Organization. [WHO] (2016) Global report on access to hepatitis C treatment - Focus on overcoming barriers. Geneva: World Health Organization. 68 p.
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Birth cohort trends in the global epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol-related harms in men and women: systematic review and metaregression.
Slade, Tim and Chapman, Cath and Swift, Wendy and Keyes, Katherine and Tonks, Zoe and Teesson, Maree [BMJ Open] . (2016) Birth cohort trends in the global epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol-related harms in men and women: systematic review and metaregression. BMJ Publishing. (10) e01182. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011827
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