In this issue
Domestic, sexual & gender based violence services. Working report on 2015 services, activities and use: towards evidence informed services.
Tusla Child and Family Agency. (2016) Domestic, sexual & gender based violence services. Working report on 2015 services, activities and use: towards evidence informed services. Dublin: Tusla.
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Purity of illicit drugs submitted to Forensic Science Ireland 2015.
O’Neill, Geraldine and Clinton, Darrell and Lynch, Brendan (2016) Purity of illicit drugs submitted to Forensic Science Ireland 2015. Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.
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Substance misuse in life and death in a 2-year cohort of suicides.
Galway, Karen and Gossrau-Breen, Diana and Mallon, Sharon and Hughes, Lynette and Rosato, Michael and Rondon-Sulbaran, Janeel and Galway, Karen (2016) Substance misuse in life and death in a 2-year cohort of suicides. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 208 , (3) , pp. 292-297.
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Recovery from addiction Aiséirí annual report 2015.
Aiseiri. (2016) Recovery from addiction Aiséirí annual report 2015. Kilkenny: Aiseiri.
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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2015.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Dillon, Christina B and Corcoran, Paul and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2016) National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2015. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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Department of Justice and Equality annual report 2015.
Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2016) Department of Justice and Equality annual report 2015. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2016.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2016. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Healthy Ireland survey 2016 summary of findings.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2016) Healthy Ireland survey 2016 summary of findings. Dublin: Stationery Office.
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Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2016) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 59, Autumn 2016 . Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Submission on the new National Drugs Strategy.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2016) Submission on the new National Drugs Strategy. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Progressive white matter impairment as a predictor of outcome in a cohort of opioid-dependent patient's post-detoxification.
Ivers, Jo-Hanna and Fitzgerald, Jacqueline and Whelan, Christopher and Sweeney, Brion and Keenan, Eamon and Fagan, Andrew and McMarrow, Jason and Meany, Jim and Barry, Joe and Frodl, Thomas (2016) Progressive white matter impairment as a predictor of outcome in a cohort of opioid-dependent patient's post-detoxification. Addiction Biology , Early online .
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HIV in Ireland 2015
HSE, Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2016) HIV in Ireland 2015. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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The effectiveness of functional family therapy for adolescent behavioral and substance misuse problems: a meta-analysis.
Hartnett, Dan and Carr, Alan and Hamilton, Elena and O'Reilly, Gary (2016) The effectiveness of functional family therapy for adolescent behavioral and substance misuse problems: a meta-analysis. Family Process , Early online .
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National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2015.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2016) National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2015. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Cherishing all the children equally? Ireland 100 years on from the Easter Rising.
Williams, James and Nixon, Elizabeth and Smyth, Emer and Watson, Dorothy , eds. (2016) Cherishing all the children equally? Ireland 100 years on from the Easter Rising. Dublin: Oak Tree Press.
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Cocaine use in young adults: correlation with early onset cannabis, alcohol and tobacco use.
Smyth, Bobby P and Hannigan, A and Cullen, Walter (2016) Cocaine use in young adults: correlation with early onset cannabis, alcohol and tobacco use. Irish Medical Journal , 109 , (9) .
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The epidemiology of emergency in-patient hospitalisations among those with ‘no fixed abode’ (homeless) 2005-2014: What lessons can be learnt.
O'Farrell, A and Evans, DS and Allen, Mary (2016) The epidemiology of emergency in-patient hospitalisations among those with ‘no fixed abode’ (homeless) 2005-2014: What lessons can be learnt. Irish Medical Journal , 109 , (9) .
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Family therapy within an adolescent addiction treatment service. “In search of solutions".
Murray, Denis (2016) Family therapy within an adolescent addiction treatment service. “In search of solutions". Feedback: Journal of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland , 1-15p.
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Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2016 - 2019.
RCSI Hospitals Group. (2016) Healthy Ireland implementation plan 2016 - 2019. Dublin: RCSI Hospitals Group.
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Overview of harm reduction in prisons in seven European countries.
Sander, Gen and Scandurra, Alessio and Kamenska, Anhelita and MacNamara, Catherine and Kalpaki, Christina and Bessa, Cristina Fernandez and Laso, Gemma Nicolás and Parisi, Grazia and Varley, Lorraine and Wolny, Marcin and Moudatsou, Maria and Pontes, Nuno Henrique and Mannix-McNamara, Patricia and Libianchi, Sandro and Antypas, Tzanetos (2016) Overview of harm reduction in prisons in seven European countries. Harm Reduction Journal , 13 , (1) , p. 28.
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An assessment of the levels of perceived social support among older adults living with HIV and AIDS in Dublin.
Okonkwo, Nelson Obiora and Larkan, Fiona and Galligan, Marie (2016) An assessment of the levels of perceived social support among older adults living with HIV and AIDS in Dublin. SpringerPlus , 5 , (1) , p. 726.
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Fatal collisions 2008-2012: motorcyclists.
Road Safety Authority. (2016) Fatal collisions 2008-2012: motorcyclists. Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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Overview of the European university-based study programmes in the addictions field.
Pavlovska, Amalie and Miovsky, Michal and Babor, Thomas and Gabrhelik, Roman (2016) Overview of the European university-based study programmes in the addictions field. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , Early online , pp. 1-7.
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Misuse of non-prescription codeine containing products: Recommendations for detection and reduction of risk in community.

Van Hout, Marie-Claire and Norman, Ian (2016) Misuse of non-prescription codeine containing products: Recommendations for detection and reduction of risk in community pharmacies. International Journal of Drug Policy , 27 , pp. 17-22

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