In this issue
Evidence Resources
Two birds with one stone: experiences of combining clinical and research training in addiction medicine.
Klimas, Jan and McNeil, R and Ahamad, K and Mead, A and Rieb, L and Cullen, W and Wood, E and Small, W [Biomed Central] . (2017) Two birds with one stone: experiences of combining clinical and research training in addiction medicine. BioMed Central. BMC Medical Education, 17 (1)
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Preventing the deaths of women in prison – initial results of a rapid information gathering exercise by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody.
Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. (2017) Preventing the deaths of women in prison – initial results of a rapid information gathering exercise by the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. London: Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody. 45 p.
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Implementation of drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-related brief interventions in the European Union Member States, Norway and Turkey. Technical report.
Fountain, Jane and Burkhart, Gregor and Montanari, Linda [EMCDDA] . (2017) Implementation of drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-related brief interventions in the European Union Member States, Norway and Turkey. Technical report. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. 32 p.
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Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2016.
International Narcotics Control Board. [INCB] (2017) Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2016. New York: United Nations. 132 p.
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Precursors 2016 and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
International Narcotics Control Board. [INCB] (2017) Precursors 2016 and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. New York: United Nations. 132 p.
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Communicating the UK Chief Medical Officers’ alcohol guidelines.
United Kingdom. Department of Health. [Department of Health (UK)] (2017) Communicating the UK Chief Medical Officers’ alcohol guidelines. London: Department of Health. 4 p.
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Reducing opioid-related deaths in the UK.
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. (2016) Reducing opioid-related deaths in the UK. London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. 62 p.
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European Facility Survey Questionnaire (EFSQ) package.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) European Facility Survey Questionnaire (EFSQ) package. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
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Insight report: young people and NPS.
Addaction. (2017) Insight report: young people and NPS. London: Addaction. 20 p.
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Alcohol policy changes and 22-year trends in individual alcohol consumption in a Swiss adult population: a 1993-2014 cross-sectional population-based study.
Dumont, Shireen et al [BMJ Open]. (2017) Alcohol policy changes and 22-year trends in individual alcohol consumption in a Swiss adult population: a 1993-2014 cross-sectional population-based study. BMJ Publishing. BMJ Open, 7 (3)
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Cannabis and young users- a brief intervention to reduce their consumption (CANABIC): a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care.
Laporte, Catherine et al. (2017) Cannabis and young users- a brief intervention to reduce their consumption (CANABIC): a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 15 (2)
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An exploration of the role of alcohol in relation to living situation and significant life events for the homeless population in Merseyside, UK.
Ross-Houle, Kim and Venturas, Collette and Bradbury, Andrew and Porcellato, Lorna [Alcohol Research UK] . (2017) An exploration of the role of alcohol in relation to living situation and significant life events for the homeless population in Merseyside, UK. London: Alcohol research UK. 42 p.
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Report on the risk assessment of methyl 2-[[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethylbutanoate (MDMB-CHMICA).
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2017) Report on the risk assessment of methyl 2-[[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethylbutanoate (MDMB-CHMICA) in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 51 p. Risk Assessments 19
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Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Health Organization. [UNESCO] (2017) Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Paris: UNESCO. 69 p. Good policy and practice in health education: booklet 10.
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“No one judges you here". Voices of older people affected by a loved one’s substance use.
Adfam. (2017) “No one judges you here". Voices of older people affected by a loved one’s substance use. London: Adfam. 16 p.
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Outreach to chronic problem drinkers: the service user view.
Ward, Mark [Alcohol Concern] . (2016) Outreach to chronic problem drinkers: the service user view. London: Alcohol Concern. 14 p.
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Council of Europe annual penal statistics SPACE II: Survey 2015. Persons serving non-custodial sanctions and measures in 2015.
Aebi, Marcelo F and Chopin, Julien [Council of Europe] . (2016) Council of Europe annual penal statistics SPACE II: Survey 2015. Persons serving non-custodial sanctions and measures in 2015. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 94 p.
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Council of Europe annual penal statistics: SPACE I – prison populations: survey 2015.
Aebi, Marcelo F and Tiago, Melanie M and Burkhardt, Christine [Council of Europe] . (2016) Council of Europe annual penal statistics: SPACE I – prison populations: survey 2015. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 143 p.
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European Union Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment: crime in the age of technology,
Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment. (2017) European Union Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment: crime in the age of technology,. The Hague: Europol.
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Global SMART update 2017. Fentanyl and its analogues - 50 years on.
Global SMART Programme. [UNODC] (2017) Global SMART update 2017. Fentanyl and its analogues - 50 years on. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 12 p.
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Evaluation of four recovery communities across England: Final report for the Give it Up project.
Harrison, Rebecca and Cochrane, Madeleine and Pendlebury, Marissa and Noonan, Robert and Eckley, Lindsay and Sumnall, Harry and Timpson, Hannah . (2017) Evaluation of four recovery communities across England: Final report for the Give it Up project. Liverpool John Moores University. 119 p.
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Health matters: preventing drug misuse deaths.
Fenton, Kevin [Public Health England] . (2017) Health matters: preventing drug misuse deaths. London: Public Health England. Public Health Matters (1 March 2017)
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Novel Psychoactive Substances: important information for health professionals.
Sumnall, Harry and Hamilton, Ian and Monaghan, Mark . (2017) Novel Psychoactive Substances: important information for health professionals. Oxford: Minervation Ltd. The Mental Elf Blog (3 March 2017)
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Towards elimination of hepatitis B and C in European Union and European economic area countries: monitoring the world health organization’s global health sector strategy core indicators and scaling up key interventions.
Duffell, EF and Hedrich, Dagmar and Mardh, O and Mozalevskis, A [Eurosurveillance] . (2017) Towards elimination of hepatitis B and C in European Union and European economic area countries: monitoring the world health organization’s global health sector strategy core indicators and scaling up key interventions. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Eurosurveillance, 22 (9) 30476. DOI:
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Splitting the bill: alcohol's impact on the economy.
Institute of Alcohol Studies. [IAS] (2017) Splitting the bill: alcohol's impact on the economy. London: Institute of Alcohol Studies. 68 p.
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Adolescents at risk. Psychosomatic health complaints, low life satisfaction, excessive sugar consumption and their relationship with cumulative risks.
Walsh, Sophie D and Bruckauf, Zlata and Gaspar, Tania [UNICEF] . (2016) Adolescents at risk. Psychosomatic health complaints, low life satisfaction, excessive sugar consumption and their relationship with cumulative risks. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. 38 p. Innocenti Working Paper No.2016-13
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The acceptability and feasibility of a brief psychosocial intervention to reduce blood-borne virus risk behaviours among people who inject drugs: a randomised control feasibility trial

Gilchrist, Gail and Swan, Davina et al [Biomed Central] (2017) The acceptability and feasibility of a brief psychosocial intervention to reduce blood-borne virus risk behaviours among people who inject drugs: a randomised control feasibility trial of a psychosocial intervention (the PROTECT study) versus treatment as usual. BioMed Central. Harm Reduction Journal, 14 (4)

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Early-life exposure to income inequality and adolescent health and well-being: evidence from the health behaviour in school-aged children study.
Elgar, Frank J and Currie, Candace . (2016) Early-life exposure to income inequality and adolescent health and well-being: evidence from the health behaviour in school-aged children study. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research. 22 p. Innocenti working paper no.2016-07
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880 lives a year saved by addiction treatment in England.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) 880 lives a year saved by addiction treatment in England. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (28 March 2017) 4 p.
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Does AA really help drinkers stop?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Does AA really help drinkers stop? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. (28 March 2017) 4 p.
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Mandatory assessment for arrestees does not cut crime.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2017) Mandatory assessment for arrestees does not cut crime. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (28 March 2017) 4 p.
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Overdose antidote naloxone takes harm-reduction centre stage.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2017) Overdose antidote naloxone takes harm-reduction centre stage. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Hot Topic 6 p.
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