In this issue
Concern over street use of epilepsy drug in Dublin and Limerick.
[] , Brophy, Daragh (30 Mar 2017)
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Standardised Packaging of Tobacco to be signed into law, to come into force in September.
[Department of Health] (29 Mar 2017)
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Minister Harris announces ‘pivotal step’ on medicinal cannabis access programme – prescribers, patients and pharmacists to draw up guidance for the safe use of cannabis-based treatments for qualifying patients.
[Department of Health] (29 Mar 2017)
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Ireland still among the highest smokers in the world.
[] (28 Mar 2017)
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Surge in teenage alcohol-related admissions at children’s hospital.
[Irish Times] , D'Arcy, Ciaran (27 Mar 2017)
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Buying drugs online: ‘It’s so easy. It sucks you in’.
[Irish Times] , O'Connell, Jennifer (25 Mar 2017)
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Online intervention programme will help students moderate their drinking.
[Limerick Post] , Bourke, Simon (24 Mar 2017)
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How our teens are getting 'high' online - as they ditch the booze and cigarettes.
[] , Moriarty, Sinead (23 Mar 2017)
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Minister Catherine Byrne presses on with injecting facilities bill.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 Mar 2017)
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Ireland top of the table for drinking at home.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac (22 Mar 2017)
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Pregabalin harm reduction campaign launched on
[] (22 Mar 2017)
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High prevalence of ‘pre-drinking’ and heavy drinking identified in new survey.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (22 Mar 2017)
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Your 6 big questions about medicinal cannabis in Ireland... answered.
[], Murray, Sean (20 Mar 2017)
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USI: Drug information campaign 2017.
[] (20 Mar 2017)
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Science weighs in to assess risks and rewards of medicinal cannabis.
[] , Bielenberg, Kim (19 Mar 2017)
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Roadside drug tests set to begin over Easter weekend.
[Irish Examiner] , Rogers, Stephen (19 Mar 2017)
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New judge wants drugs court for North East.
[] (18 Mar 2017)
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Road Safety Authority: Ban motorists who drink and drive.
[Irish Examiner] , Ring, Evelyn (17 Mar 2017)
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Experts to provide clarity on medicinal cannabis.
[Irish Examiner], Shanahan, Catherine (16 Mar 2017)
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Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Doctors unaware of dangers.
[Irish Examiner] (16 Mar 2017)
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Neurologists to draw up guidelines for safe use of medicinal cannabis.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul (15 Mar 2017)
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Commission proposes a new EU Action Plan on Drugs to enhance action against drug use and trafficking.
[European Commission] (15 Mar 2017)
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Warning re purchase of alcohol from unrecognised vendors.
[Health Service Executive] (14 Mar 2017)
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HPRA detains 673,906 dosage units of illegal medicines in 2016.
[Health Products Regulatory Authority] (13 Mar 2017)
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New 'SafeSesh' kits allow college students test quality of recreational drugs.
[], Halpin, Hayley (13 Mar 2017)
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Ireland targeted in 200-courier cocaine trafficking operation.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (12 Mar 2017)
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Nightclubs could soon provide free drug testing so users can check 'purity' of substances.
[], O'Regan, Mark (12 Mar 2017)
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Injecting facility ‘clinical structure’ is key.
[Irish Medical Times], Culliton, Gary (10 Mar 2017)
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Warning of obligation to comply with international drug laws on plan for injecting facilities.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (08 Mar 2017)
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'Unseen' calories in alcohol give drinkers food for thought.
[], O'Regan, Eilish 08 Mar 2017)
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Alcohol Bill may return to Seanad before summer.
[Irish Times], D'Arcy, Ciaran (08 Mar 2017)
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Most Irish people think drinking to excess is part of our culture.
[], Hosford, Paul (08 Mar 2017)
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Minister Corcoran Kennedy launches new HSE website and encourages everyone to manage their own drinking.
[Department of Health] (07 Mar 2017)
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Statement from Minister Harris: Cannabis for medical reasons.
[Department of Health] (06 Mar 2017)
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Children as young as 13 are caught up in crack 'epidemic'.
[], Lynott, Laura (06 Mar 2017)
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Needle exchange gets thumbs up from users.
[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (05 Mar 2017)
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'Low-alcohol' crashes kill up to eight a year.
[], O'Regan, Mark (05 Mar 2017)
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After Alex 'N Bomb' tragedy, drug education can prevent more deaths.
[] (04 Mar 2017)
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Warnings over ‘fast and loose’ medicinal cannabis supply.
[Irish Times], Cullen, Paul (03 Mar 2017)
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Minimum pricing key to tackling drink crisis.
[Irish Examiner], Baker, Noel (01 Mar 2017)
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Irish Pain Society backs use of medical cannabis.
Irish Examiner], Leogue, Joe (01 Mar 2017)
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'If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you inhale a mugful of tar each year'.
[], Ryan, Orla (01 Mar 2017)
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Department of Health: Update on progress re Cannabis for medical reasons
[Department of Health] (01 Mar 2017)
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