In this issue
Evidence Resources
Good practice principles for low risk drinking guidelines.
Broholm, K and Galluzzo, L and Gandin, C and Ghirini, S and Ghiselli, A and Jones, L and Martire, S and Mongan, Deirdre and Montonen, M and Makela, P and Rossi, L and Sarrazin, D and Scafato, E and Schumacher, J and Steffens, R . (2016) Good practice principles for low risk drinking guidelines. National Institute for Health and Welfare.
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GHB - G information resources. (2016) GHB - G information resources. Dublin:
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A cost-benefit analysis of a potential supervised injection facility in San Francisco, California, USA..
Irwin, Amos and Jozaghi, Ehsan and Bluthenthal, Ricky N and Kral, Alex H . (2016) A cost-benefit analysis of a potential supervised injection facility in San Francisco, California, USA.. Sage. Journal of Drug Issues, Early online DOI: 10.1177/0022042616679829
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Modelling the impact of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular disease mortality for comparative risk assessments: an overview.
Rehm, Jürgen and Shield, Kevin D and Roerecke, Michael and Gmel, Gerrit [Biomed Central] . (2016) Modelling the impact of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular disease mortality for comparative risk assessments: an overview. BioMed Central. BMC Public Health, 16 (363) DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3026-9
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Alcohol consumption and ethyl carbamate.
International Research for Research on Cancer. (2010) Alcohol consumption and ethyl carbamate. Geneva: World Health Organization. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, 96
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‘What works’ in drug education and prevention?
Warren, Fran [Scottish Government] . (2016) ‘What works’ in drug education and prevention? Edinburgh: Scottish Government. 44 p.
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Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse: community health and social care services.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. [NICE] (2016) Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse: community health and social care services. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 60 p.
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Alcohol Matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning; Generic and cross-cutting issues.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2016) Alcohol Matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning; Generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 4 p.
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Naloxone cost-effective lifesaver.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Naloxone cost-effective lifesaver. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (21 December 2016)
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Clients of Danish drug consumption room reduce public injecting.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Clients of Danish drug consumption room reduce public injecting. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (13 December 2016) 2 p.
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Worth supplementing buprenorphine with therapy?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Worth supplementing buprenorphine with therapy? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (13 December 2016) 3 p.
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Naltrexone and acamprosate best suited to different alcohol treatment goals.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Naltrexone and acamprosate best suited to different alcohol treatment goals. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (13 December 2016) 3 p.
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Do we inadvertently make it hard to start and stay with alcohol treatment?
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Do we inadvertently make it hard to start and stay with alcohol treatment? London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (13 December 2016) 3 p.
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Maintenance prescribing saves lives of English heroin addicts.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Maintenance prescribing saves lives of English heroin addicts. Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (8 November 2016) 5 p.
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Brief emergency unit alcohol advice nearly halves readmissions.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Brief emergency unit alcohol advice nearly halves readmissions. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Bulletin (08 November 2016) 4 p.
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Healthy futures: supporting and promoting the health needs of looked after children.
Local Government Association. (2016) Healthy futures: supporting and promoting the health needs of looked after children. London: Local Government Association. 24 p.
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Alcohol use and motivations for drinking among types of young adult illicit stimulant users.
Leslie, Ellen and Smirnov, Andrew and Najman, Jake M and Scott, John [Australian Government] . (2016) Alcohol use and motivations for drinking among types of young adult illicit stimulant users. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice (515) 15 p.
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Image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs): literature review.
Lifeline Project. (2016) Image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs): literature review. London: Lifeline Project Ltd. 23 p.
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Medical marijuana use in oncology: a review.
Wilkie, Gianna and Sakr, Bachir and Rizack, Tina [JAMA] . (2016) Medical marijuana use in oncology: a review. American Medical Association. JAMA Oncology, 2 (5) 670-75. 10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.0155
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The public health burden of alcohol: evidence review.
Public Health England. (2016) The public health burden of alcohol: evidence review. London: Public Health England. 241 p.
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Public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer in England in 2015: a population-based survey.
Buykx, Penny and Li, Jessica and Gavens, Lucy and Hooper, Lucie and Lovatt, Melanie and Gomes de Matos, Elena and Meier, Petra and Holmes, John [Biomed Central] . (2016) Public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer in England in 2015: a population-based survey. BioMed Central. BMC Public Health, 16 (1194) DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3855-6
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Understanding the patterns of use, motives, and harms of New Psychoactive Substances in Scotland.
MacLeod, Katy and Pickering, Lucy and Gannon, Maria and Greenwood, Sharon and Liddell, Dave and Smith, Austin and Johnstone, Lauren and Burton, George . (2016) Understanding the patterns of use, motives, and harms of New Psychoactive Substances in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. 133 p.
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Short-term effects of announcing revised lower risk national drinking guidelines on related awareness and knowledge: a trend analysis of monthly survey data in England.
Holmes, John and Brown, Jamie and Meier, Petra and Beard, Emma and Michie, Susan and Buykx, Penny [BMJ Open] . (2016) Short-term effects of announcing revised lower risk national drinking guidelines on related awareness and knowledge: a trend analysis of monthly survey data in England. London: BMJ Publishing. BMJ Open, 6 (e013804) 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013804
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