In this issue
Oral cancer incidence and survival rates in the Republic of Ireland, 1994-2009.
Ali, Hala and Sinnott, Sarah-Jo and Corcoran, Paul and Deady, Sandra and Sharp, Linda and Kabir, Zubair (2016) Oral cancer incidence and survival rates in the Republic of Ireland, 1994-2009. BMC Cancer , 16 , (950) .
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Cancer in Ireland 1994-2014: annual report of the National Cancer Registry.
National Cancer Registry. (2016) Cancer in Ireland 1994-2014: annual report of the National Cancer Registry. Cork: National Cancer Registry.
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Smokers and ex-smokers have shared differences in the neural substrates for potential monetary gains and losses.
Nestor, Liam and McCabe, Ella and Jones, Jennifer and Clancy, Luke and Garavan, Hugh (2016) Smokers and ex-smokers have shared differences in the neural substrates for potential monetary gains and losses. Addiction Biology , Early online .
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Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Misuse Database: 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016.
Public Health Information and Research Branch. (2016) Statistics from the Northern Ireland Drug Misuse Database: 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016. Belfast: Department of Health.
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Alcohol Treatment services in Ireland: how the public view them.
Hope, Ann and Barry, Joseph (2016) Alcohol Treatment services in Ireland: how the public view them. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Clinical guidelines for opioid substitution treatment.
Health Service Executive. (2016) Clinical guidelines for opioid substitution treatment. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Health in Ireland key trends 2016.
Health Service Executive. (2016) Health in Ireland key trends 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Drug & alcohol treatment services for adult offenders in prison and in the community.
Clarke, Ann and Eustace, Anne (2016) Drug & alcohol treatment services for adult offenders in prison and in the community. Dublin: Probation Service and Irish Prison Service.
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Department of Health statement of strategy for the period 2016-2019.
Department of Health. (2016) Department of Health statement of strategy for the period 2016-2019. Dublin: Department of Health.
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Simon communities of Ireland annual report 2015.
Simon communities of Ireland. (2016) Simon communities of Ireland annual report 2015. Dublin: Simon communities of Ireland.
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Alcohol-related fracture admissions: a retrospective observational study.
Marley, W D and Kelly, G and Thompson, N W (2015) Alcohol-related fracture admissions: a retrospective observational study. The Ulster Medical Journal , 84 , (2) , pp. 94-97.
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HIV infection among persons who inject drugs: ending old epidemics and addressing new outbreaks.
Des Jarlais, Don C and Kerr, Thomas and Carrieri, Patrizia and Feelemyer, Jonathan and Arasteh, Kamyar (2016) HIV infection among persons who inject drugs: ending old epidemics and addressing new outbreaks. AIDS , 30 , (6) , pp. 815-826.
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Sharps injuries in a teaching hospital: changes over a decade.
Kevitt, F and Hayes, B (2015) Sharps injuries in a teaching hospital: changes over a decade. Occupational Medicine , 65 , (2) , pp. 135-8.
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A review of mental health recovery programs in selected industrialized countries.
Pincus, Harold A and Spaeth-Rublee, Brigitta and Sara, Grant and Goldner, Elliot M and Prince, Pamela N and Ramanuj, Parashar and Gaebel, Wolfgang and Zielasek, Jürgen and Großimlinghaus, Isabell and Wrigley, Margo and van Weeghel, Jaap and Smith, Mark and Ruud, Torleif and Mitchell, John R and Patton, Lisa (2016) A review of mental health recovery programs in selected industrialized countries. International Journal of Mental Health Systems , 10 , p. 73.
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Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2016: main findings.
Daly, Antoinette and Craig, Sarah (2016) Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2016: main findings. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Recorded crime: quarter 3 2016.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Recorded crime: quarter 3 2016. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Tackling youth justice. Youth justice action plan 2014-2018: progress report 2014/2015.
Irish Youth Justice Service. (2016) Tackling youth justice. Youth justice action plan 2014-2018: progress report 2014/2015. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Optimizing writing schemes for addiction researchers.
Klimas, Jan (2016) Optimizing writing schemes for addiction researchers. Journal of Substance Use , Early online , pp. 1-3.
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An Garda Siochana: annual report 2015.
An Garda Siochana. (2016) An Garda Siochana: annual report 2015. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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National service plan 2017.
Health Service Executive. (2016) National service plan 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Family carer training. A resource for those working with family carers
Velthuis, Sandra , ed. Hughes, Zoe and O'Sullivan, Liam (2016) Family carer training. A resource for those working with family carers. Dublin: Care Alliance Ireland.
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National Drug-Related Deaths Index 2004 to 2014 data.
Health Research Board. (2016) National Drug-Related Deaths Index 2004 to 2014 data. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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National sexual health strategy for Ireland 2015–2020 and action plan 2015–2016.
Department of Health. (2015) National sexual health strategy for Ireland 2015–2020 and action plan 2015–2016. Dublin: Deparment of Health.
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Garda recorded crime statistics 2010 - 2014.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Garda recorded crime statistics 2010 - 2014. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Implementing a health led approach to drug use - speakers notes.
(2016) Implementing a health led approach to drug use - speakers notes. In: Implementing a health led approach to drug use - what does it mean?, 17 November 2016, Citywide, Dublin.
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The role of alcohol dependency in deaths among people with epilepsy recorded by the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) in Ireland, 2004-2013.
Lynn, Ena and Lyons, Suzi and Langan, Yvonne and Craig, Sarah and Doherty, Colin (2016) The role of alcohol dependency in deaths among people with epilepsy recorded by the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) in Ireland, 2004-2013. Seizure , 45 , pp. 52-55.
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Alcohol consumption among university students: a typology of consumption to aid the tailoring of effective public health policy.
Davoren, Martin P and Cronin, Mary and Perry, Ivan J and O'Connor, Karl (2016) Alcohol consumption among university students: a typology of consumption to aid the tailoring of effective public health policy. BMJ Open , 6 , (11) , e011815.
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Family support handbook. Information for families affected by someone’s drug and alcohol use.
Murray, Mary , ed. (2016) Family support handbook. Information for families affected by someone’s drug and alcohol use. Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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