In this issue
Evidence Resources
Health responses to new psychoactive substances.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2016) Health responses to new psychoactive substances. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 30 p.
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Delivering alcohol IBA in housing, probation and social work settings: opportunities and constraints.
Thom, Betsy and Herring, Rachel and Bayley, Marianna and Hafford-Letchfield, Trish [Alcohol Research UK] . (2016) Delivering alcohol IBA in housing, probation and social work settings: opportunities and constraints. Middlesex: Alcohol Research UK and Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Middlesex University. 76 p.
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World drug report 2016.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. [UNODC] (2016) World drug report 2016. Vienna: United Nations. 176 p.
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SURE: Substance Use Recovery Evaluator.
(2016) SURE: Substance Use Recovery Evaluator. London: King’s College London.
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History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality in Scotland and Glasgow.
Walshe, David  and McCartney, Gerry and Collins, Chik and Taulbut, Martin and Batty, G David  (2016) History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality in Scotland and Glasgow. Glasgow: Glasgow Centre for Population Health.
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Taking a new line on drugs.
Royal Society for Public Health. (2016) Taking a new line on drugs. London: Royal Society for Public Health. 44 p.
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Understanding the relationship between poverty and alcohol misuse.
Jones, Lisa and Sumnall, Harry . (2016) Understanding the relationship between poverty and alcohol misuse. Liverpool John Moores University. 41 p.
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Global drugs survey 2016. An overview of our key findings.
Winstock, Adam and Barrett, Monica and Ferris, Jason and Maier, Larissa . (2016) Global drugs survey 2016. An overview of our key findings. Global Drug Survey. 97 p.
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Immediate effects of alcohol marketing communications and media portrayals on consumption and cognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Stautz, Kaidy and Brown, Kyle G and King, Sarah E and Shermilt, Ian and Marteau, Theresa M [Biomed Central] . (2016) Immediate effects of alcohol marketing communications and media portrayals on consumption and cognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. BioMed Central. BMC Public Health, 16 (465)
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Perspectives on drugs: Drug consumption rooms: an overview of provision and evidence.
[EMCDDA] (2016) Perspectives on drugs: Drug consumption rooms: an overview of provision and evidence, Updated. Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
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EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-l]acetamide (acetylfentanyl),
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2016) EMCDDA–Europol joint report on a new psychoactive substance: N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-l]acetamide (acetylfentanyl),. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 21 p. Joint reports
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The opiate epidemic - free access article collection.
(2016) The opiate epidemic - free access article collection. Taylor & Francis.
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Refreshing perspectives: exploring the application of peer research with populations facing severe and multiple disadvantage.
Revolving Doors Agency. Terry, Lucy . (2016) Refreshing perspectives: exploring the application of peer research with populations facing severe and multiple disadvantage. Lankelly Chase. 33 p.
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Cannabis regulation and the UN drug treaties. Strategies for reform.
Bewley-Taylor, Dave and Jelsma, Martin and Rolles, Steve and Walshe, John . (2016) Cannabis regulation and the UN drug treaties. Strategies for reform. Canadian Drug Policy Coalition; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Global Drug Policy Observatory; Mexico United Against Crime; International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy; Transnational Institute; Transform Drug Policy Foundation; Washington Offi. 24 p.
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Reducing the Strength: a mixed methods evaluation of alcohol retailers' willingness to voluntarily reduce the availability of low cost, high strength beers and ciders in two UK local authorities.
Sumpter, Colin and McGill, Elizabeth and Dickie, Esther and Champo, Enes and Romeri, Ester and Egan, Matt [Biomed Central] . (2016) Reducing the Strength: a mixed methods evaluation of alcohol retailers' willingness to voluntarily reduce the availability of low cost, high strength beers and ciders in two UK local authorities. BMC Public Health, 16 (1)
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