In this issue
General Practitioner perspectives on and attitudes toward the methadone treatment programme in Ireland.
Delargy, Ide and O'Shea, Marie T and Van Hout, Marie Claire and Collins, Claire (2016) General Practitioner perspectives on and attitudes toward the methadone treatment programme in Ireland. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online .
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Recorded crime: quarter 1 2016.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Recorded crime: quarter 1 2016. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Galway City alcohol survey.
Hope, Ann (2016) Galway City alcohol survey. Galway: Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum.
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The Probation Service annual report 2015.
Probation Service. (2016) The Probation Service annual report 2015. Dublin: Probation Service.
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Irish Prison Service annual report 2015.
Irish Prison Service. (2016) Irish Prison Service annual report 2015. Longford: Irish Prison Service.
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Irish Prison Service strategic plan 2016-2018.
Irish Prison Service. (2016) Irish Prison Service strategic plan 2016-2018. Longford: Irish Prison Service.
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Estimating risk of alcohol dependence using empirically validated ordinal risk zones versus recommended binary risk zones of the RAPS4.
Cousins, Gráinne and Mongan, Deirdre and Barry, Joe and Smyth, Bobby and Rackard, Marion and Long, Jean (2016) Estimating risk of alcohol dependence using empirically validated ordinal risk zones versus recommended binary risk zones of the RAPS4: a validation study using stratum-specific likelihood ratio analysis. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research , Early online .
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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2015.
Prison visiting committees. (2016) Prison visiting committee annual reports 2015. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Parents who use drugs: the well-being of parent and child dyads among people receiving harm reduction interventions for opiate use.
Comiskey, Catherine and Milnes, Jennie and Daly, Maeve (2016) Parents who use drugs: the well-being of parent and child dyads among people receiving harm reduction interventions for opiate use. Journal of Substance Use , Early online .
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What is known about community pharmacy supply of naloxone? A scoping review.
Nielsen, Suzanne and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2016) What is known about community pharmacy supply of naloxone? A scoping review. The International Journal of Drug Policy , 32 , pp. 24-33.
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A cross-national analysis of the effects of methadone maintenance and needle and syringe program implementation on incidence rates of HIV in Europe from 1995 to 2011.
Marotta, Phillip L and McCullagh, Charlotte A (2016) A cross-national analysis of the effects of methadone maintenance and needle and syringe program implementation on incidence rates of HIV in Europe from 1995 to 2011. The International Journal of Drug Policy , 32 , pp. 3-10.
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A study of untimely sudden deaths and people who took their lives while in the care of the Donegal Mental Health Service.
Corry, Colette and Arensman, Ella and Williamson, Eileen (2016) A study of untimely sudden deaths and people who took their lives while in the care of the Donegal Mental Health Service. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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How do we compare with best practice? A completed audit of benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic prescribing.
Rowntree, R and Sweeney, J and Crumlish, N and Flynn, G (2016) How do we compare with best practice? A completed audit of benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic prescribing. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Promoting school readiness and improving child health: learning from the evaluation of the preparing for life home visiting programme.
Early Childhood Research Team, UCD Geary Institute. Doyle, Orla (2016) Promoting school readiness and improving child health: learning from the evaluation of the preparing for life home visiting programme. Dublin: Preparing for Life.
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Partnership for change. Report of the Mental Health Reference Group.
HSE Mental Health Division. (2016) Partnership for change. Report of the Mental Health Reference Group. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Overview of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and alcohol policy in Ireland.
Mongan, Deirdre and Long, Jean (2016) Overview of alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harm and alcohol policy in Ireland. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Phenotypic heterogeneity in study populations may significantly confound the results of genetic association studies on alcohol dependence.
Ali, M Adam et al (2015) Phenotypic heterogeneity in study populations may significantly confound the results of genetic association studies on alcohol dependence. Psychiatric Genetics , 25 , (6) , pp. 234-40.
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Mental Health Commission annual report 2015. Including report of the Inspector of Mental Health Services.
Mental Health Commission. (2016) Mental Health Commission annual report 2015. Including report of the Inspector of Mental Health Services. Dublin: Mental Health Commission.
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Cork & Kerry alcohol strategy 2015-2016.
Cork and Kerry Alcohol Strategy Group. (2016) Cork & Kerry alcohol strategy 2015-2016. Cork: Health Service Executive; Cork Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force; and Southern Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force.
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Tabor Group annual report 2015.
Tabor Group. (2016) Tabor Group annual report 2015. Cork: Tabor Group.
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Department of Justice and Equality briefing document, 6th May 2016.
Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality. (2016) Department of Justice and Equality briefing document, 6th May 2016. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Garda public attitudes survey 2015.
An Garda Siochana. (2016) Garda public attitudes survey 2015. Templemore: An Garda Siochana.
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Women's Aid impact report 2015.
Women's Aid. (2016) Women's Aid impact report 2015. Dublin: Women's Aid.
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LifeSkills substance misuse prevention programme: evaluation of implementation and outcomes in the UK.
Sneddon, Helga (2015) LifeSkills substance misuse prevention programme: evaluation of implementation and outcomes in the UK. Ilford: Barnardos.
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Socioeconomic differentials in mortality by cause of death in the Republic of Ireland, 1984-2008.
Layte, Richard and Banks, Joanne (2016) Socioeconomic differentials in mortality by cause of death in the Republic of Ireland, 1984-2008. European Journal of Public Health , 26 , (3) , pp. 451-8.
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Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation.
Straley, Megan et al (2016) Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity , epub ahead of print .
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Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of alcohol use disorder and comorbid affective disorder: a pilot matched control trial.
Thekiso, Thekiso B and Murphy, Philip and Milnes, Jennie and Lambe, Kathryn and Curtin, Aisling and Farren, Conor K (2015) Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of alcohol use disorder and comorbid affective disorder: a pilot matched control trial. Behavior Therapy , 46 , (6) , pp. 717-728.
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Smoke-free spaces on the island of Ireland: snapshot report 2016.
Purdy, Joanna and McAvoy, Helen and Cotter, Noelle and Mitchell, Elizabeth (2016) Smoke-free spaces on the island of Ireland: snapshot report 2016. Dublin: Institute of Public Health in Ireland.
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MISI 2015 - Findings from the men who have sex with men internet survey.
O'Donnell, Kate and Fitzgerald, Margaret and Barrett, Peter and Quinlan, Mick and Igoe, Derval (2016) MISI 2015 - Findings from the men who have sex with men internet survey. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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Epidemiology of symptoms of common mental disorders among elite Gaelic athletes: a prospective cohort study.
Gouttebarge, Vincent and Tol, Johannes L and Kerkhoffs, Gino M M J (2016) Epidemiology of symptoms of common mental disorders among elite Gaelic athletes: a prospective cohort study. The Physician and Sportsmedicine , Early online , pp. 1-7.
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Coolmine Therapeutic Community annual report 2015.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community. (2016) Coolmine Therapeutic Community annual report 2015. Dublin: Coolmine Therapeutic Community.
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Prison Litigation Network Project. National report on Ireland.
Martynowicz, Agnieszka (2016) Prison Litigation Network Project. National report on Ireland. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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Improving prison conditions by strengthening the monitoring of HIV, HCV, TB and harm reduction. Mapping report Ireland.
MacNamara, Catherine and Varley, Lorraine and Mannix McNamara, Patricia (2016) Improving prison conditions by strengthening the monitoring of HIV, HCV, TB and harm reduction. Mapping report Ireland. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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Ethnic group variations in alcohol-related hospital admissions in England: does place matter?
Barry, Eleanor and Laverty, Anthony A and Majeed, Azeem and Millett, Christopher (2015) Ethnic group variations in alcohol-related hospital admissions in England: does place matter? Ethnicity & Health , 20 , (6) , pp. 557-63.
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Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent COPD diagnosis.
Rapsey, Charlene M et al (2015) Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent COPD diagnosis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 79 , (5) , pp. 333-339.
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Alcohol use during pregnancy.
O'Keeffe, Linda M and Kearney, Patricia M and Greene, Richard A and Kenny, Louise C (2016) Alcohol use during pregnancy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine , Early online .
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Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study.
O'Keeffe, Linda M and Dahly, Darren L and Murphy, Marion and Greene, Richard A and Harrington, Janas M and Corcoran, Paul and Kearney, Patricia M (2016) Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open , 6 , (5) , e010233.
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Fatal collisions 2008-2012: alcohol as a factor.
Road Safety Authority. (2016) Fatal collisions 2008-2012: alcohol as a factor. Ballina: Road Safety Authority.
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HIV Ireland annual report 2015.
HIV Ireland. (2016) HIV Ireland annual report 2015. Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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Draft classified list of legislation in force in Ireland: comprising Acts and Statutory Instruments.
Law Reform Commission. (2016) Draft classified list of legislation in force in Ireland: comprising Acts and Statutory Instruments. Dublin: Law Reform Commission.
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