In this issue
How academics and service providers are working together to inform drug policy in Ireland.
Duffin, Tony (2018) How academics and service providers are working together to inform drug policy in Ireland. EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog .
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Intentional drug overdose involving pregabalin and gabapentin: findings from the National Self-Harm Registry Ireland, 2007-2015.
Daly, Caroline and Griffin, Eve and Ashcroft, Darren M and Webb, Roger T and Perry, Ivan J and Arensman, Ella (2017) Intentional drug overdose involving pregabalin and gabapentin: findings from the National Self-Harm Registry Ireland, 2007-2015. Clinical Drug Investigation , Early online .
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Microsystems of recovery in homeless services: The influence of service provider values on service users' recovery experiences.
Manning, Rachel M and Greenwood, Ronni Michelle (2018) Microsystems of recovery in homeless services: The influence of service provider values on service users' recovery experiences. American Journal of Community Psychology , Early online .
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Safer from harm: the strategic plan of the Ana Liffey Drug Project 2018-2020.
Ana Liffey Drug Project. (2018) Safer from harm: the strategic plan of the Ana Liffey Drug Project 2018-2020. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
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Health and social problems associated with recent novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use amongst marginalised, nightlife and online users in six European countries.

Van Hout, Marie Claire et al (2017) Health and social problems associated with recent novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use amongst marginalised, nightlife and online users in six European countries. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction , Early online .

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Evidence from qualitative studies of youth about the impacts of tobacco control policy on young people in Europe: a systematic review.
Papanastasiou, Natalie and Hill, Sarah and Amos, Amanda (2018) Evidence from qualitative studies of youth about the impacts of tobacco control policy on young people in Europe: a systematic review. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , Early online .
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Roma in Ireland: a national needs assessment.
Curran, Siobhan and Fay, Ronnie and McGaughey, Fiona , eds. Kennedy, Patricia (2018) Roma in Ireland: a national needs assessment. Dublin: Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.
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Self-harm among the homeless population in Ireland: A national registry-based study of incidence and associated factors.
Barrett, Peter and Griffin, Eve and Corcoran, Paul and O'Mahony, Mary and Arensman, Ella (2018) Self-harm among the homeless population in Ireland: A national registry-based study of incidence and associated factors. Journal of Affective Disorders , 229 , pp. 523-531.
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Trafficking in human beings in Ireland annual report 2016.
Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, Department of Justice and Equality. (2018) Trafficking in human beings in Ireland annual report 2016. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2016.
Prison visiting committees. (2018) Prison visiting committee annual reports 2016. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Traumatic brain injury and co-occurring problems in prison populations: A systematic review.
O'Rourke, Conall and Linden, Mark A and Lohan, Maria and Bates-Gaston, Jackie (2016) Traumatic brain injury and co-occurring problems in prison populations: A systematic review. Brain Injury , 30 , (7) , pp. 839-54.
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A community guide to alcohol licensing in Ireland.
The National Community Action on Alcohol Network. Tracey, Sarah (2017) A community guide to alcohol licensing in Ireland. Donegal: Alcohol forum.
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The associations among personality, alcohol-related Protective Behavioural Strategies (PBS), alcohol consumption and sexual intercourse in Irish, female college students.
Moylett, Sinead and Hughes, Brian M (2017) The associations among personality, alcohol-related Protective Behavioural Strategies (PBS), alcohol consumption and sexual intercourse in Irish, female college students. Addictive Behaviour Reports , 6 , pp. 56-64.
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Road safety strategy 2013 -2020. Report of mid-term evaluation.
Road Safety Authority. (2018) Road safety strategy 2013 -2020. Report of mid-term evaluation. Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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RSA alcohol and driving research 2017.
O'Mahony, John (2017) RSA alcohol and driving research 2017. Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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HIV, STIs and Hepatitis among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ireland.
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2018) HIV, STIs and Hepatitis among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Ireland. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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