In this issue
Evidence Resources
People powered recovery. Social action and complex needs: findings from a call for evidence.
Turning Point. (2018) People powered recovery. Social action and complex needs: findings from a call for evidence. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on complex needs and dual diagnosis. 46 p.
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Alcohol and older people: a systematic review of barriers, facilitators and context of drinking in older people and implications for intervention design.
Kelly, Sarah and Olanrewaju, Olawale and Cowan, Andy and Brayne, Carol and Lafortune, Louise [PLOS One] . (2018) Alcohol and older people: a systematic review of barriers, facilitators and context of drinking in older people and implications for intervention design. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 13 (1)
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Primary care models for treating opioid use disorders: What actually works? A systematic review.
Lagisetty, Pooja and Klasa, Katarzyna and Bush, Christopher and Heisler, Michele and Chopra, Vineet and Bohnert, Amy [PLOS One] . (2017) Primary care models for treating opioid use disorders: What actually works? A systematic review. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 12 (10)
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Changes in opiate and stimulant use through 10 years: the role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and psychosocial factors in a prospective SUD treatment cohort study.
Lauritzen, Grethe and Nordfjærn, Trond [PLOS One] . (2018) Changes in opiate and stimulant use through 10 years: the role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and psychosocial factors in a prospective SUD treatment cohort study. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 13 (1)
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The effectiveness of smoking cessation, physical activity/diet and alcohol reduction interventions delivered by mobile phones for the prevention of non-communicable diseases: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials.

Palmer, Melissa et al [PLOS One] . (2018) The effectiveness of smoking cessation, physical activity/diet and alcohol reduction interventions delivered by mobile phones for the prevention of non-communicable diseases: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 13 (1)

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Risk preferences impose a hidden distortion on measures of choice impulsivity.
Lopez-Guzman, Silvia and Konova, Anna B and Louie, Kenway and Glimcher, Paul W [PLOS One] . (2018) Risk preferences impose a hidden distortion on measures of choice impulsivity. Public Library of Science. PLoS ONE, 13 (1)
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Bite-size guide to patient insight: writing an effective questionnaire.
NHS England. (2018) Bite-size guide to patient insight: writing an effective questionnaire. London: NHS England. 6 p.
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Postsurgical prescriptions for opioid naive patients and association with overdose and misuse: retrospective cohort study.
Brat, Gabriel A and Agniel, Denis and Beam, Andrew and Yorkgitis, Brian and Bicket, Mark and Homer, Mark and Fox, Kathe P and Knecht, Daniel B and McMahill-Walraven, Cheryl N and Palmer, Nathan and Kohane, Issac [BMJ Open] . (2018) Postsurgical prescriptions for opioid naive patients and association with overdose and misuse: retrospective cohort study. BMJ Publishing. BMJ Open, 360 (j5790) doi:
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Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms: a prospective cohort study.
Mattick, Richard P and Clare, Philip J and Aiken, Alexandra and Wadolowski, Monika and Hutchinson, Delyse M and Najman, Jackob and Slade, Tim and Bruno, Raimondo and McBride, Nyanda and Kypri, Kypros and Vogl, Laura and Degenhardt, Louisa [Lancet] . (2018) Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms: a prospective cohort study. Elsevier. The Lancent Public Health, Early online DOI:
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Subcortical local functional hyperconnectivity in cannabis dependence.
Manza, Peter and Tomas, Dardo and Volkow, Nora D . (2017) Subcortical local functional hyperconnectivity in cannabis dependence. Elsevier. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Early online
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What comes next? Post-UNGASS options for 2019.
International Drug Policy Consortium. (2018) What comes next? Post-UNGASS options for 2019. London: International Drug Policy Consortium. 8 p.
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Top tips: what helps us family members share their experience.
Adfam. (2017) Top tips: what helps us family members share their experience. London: Adfam. 1 p.
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The relationship between alcohol use and long-term cognitive decline in middle and late life: a longitudinal analysis using UK Biobank.
Piumatti, Giovanni and Moore, Simon C and Berridge, Damon M and Sarker, Chinmoy and Gallacher, John . (2018) The relationship between alcohol use and long-term cognitive decline in middle and late life: a longitudinal analysis using UK Biobank. Oxford University Press. Journal of Public Health, Early online
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The world drug perception problem: countering prejudices about people who use drugs.
Global Commission on Drug Policy. (2018) The world drug perception problem: countering prejudices about people who use drugs. Geneva: Global Commission on Drug Policy. 44 p.
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The adolescent brain – wired for taking risks.
Mentor ADEPSIS. (2017) The adolescent brain – wired for taking risks. London: Mentor ADEPSIS. 8 p.
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The brain under construction [2]: the effects of alcohol on the brain.
Mentor ADEPSIS. (2018) The brain under construction [2]: the effects of alcohol on the brain. London: Mentor ADEPSIS. 6 p.
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Needle syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy for preventing hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs.
Platt, Lucy and Minozzi, Silvia and Reed, Jennifer and Vickerman, Peter and Hagan, Holly and French, Clare and Jordan, Ashly and Degenhardt, Louisa and Hope, Vivian and Hutchinson, Sharon and Maher, Lisa and Palmateer, Norah and Taylor, Avril and Bruneau, Julie and Hickman, Matthew [The Cochrane Library] . (2017) Needle syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy for preventing hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9
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InterMAHP: The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies: A comprehensive guide to the estimation of alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality.
Sherk, Adam and Stockwell, Tim and Rehm, Jürgen and Dorocicz, John and Shield, Kevin D . (2017) InterMAHP: The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies: A comprehensive guide to the estimation of alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality. British Columbia, Canada: Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria. 105 p.
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Family and carer smoking control programmes for reducing children's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

Behbod, Behrooz and Sharma, Mohit and Baxi, Ruchi and Roseby, Rob and Webster, Premila [The Cochrane Library] (2018) Family and carer smoking control programmes for reducing children's exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1) DOI:

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Drug Treatment Matrix cell D2: organisational functioning - generic and cross-cutting issues.

Drug and Alcohol Findings (2018) Drug Treatment Matrix cell D2: organisational functioning - generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings.

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Drug Treatment Matrix cell E2: Treatment systems - Generic and cross-cutting issues

Drug and Alcohol Findings (2018) Drug Treatment Matrix cell E2: Treatment systems - Generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings

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