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EU drug markets report 2016
by Ciara Guiney
On 5 April 2016 the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Europol published their second joint study of European drug markets.1 This in-depth strategic examination builds on the 2013 report, which was the first attempt to bring together intelligence on the functionality and structure of European drug markets in the wider illicit drugs setting.2 The overall aim of both reports has been to inform policy and responses aimed at drug supply reduction.
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EU drug markets report
by Ciara Guiney
On 5 April 2016 the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and Europol published their second joint study of European drug markets.1 This in-depth strategic examination builds on the 2013 report, which was the first attempt to bring together intelligence on the functionality and structure of European drug markets in the wider illicit drugs setting.2 The overall aim of both reports has been to inform policy and responses aimed at drug supply reduction.
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Drug treatment courts
by Ciara Guiney
Studies carried out in Ireland suggest that the majority of offenders detected in Ireland present with some form of drug dependency.1,2,3 The study reported on here evaluates one approach that has been used within the justice system to treat drug dependency – drug treatment courts (DTCs).4
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The quality of crime statistics
by Ciara Guiney
Since 2003 the production of crime statistics has been the responsibility of the Central Statistics Office (CSO). These statistics are based on data collated by An Garda Síochána using the Garda PULSE (Police Using Leading Systems Effectively) system.
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HIV infection among homeless people who inject drugs
by Margaret Curtin
A paper published in September 2015 outlines a case-control and epidemiological study conducted in response to an increase in recently acquired HIV infection among a population of homeless people who inject drugs (PWID) in Dublin.1 The report defines recently acquired HIV infections as those in which the person who tests positive is p24 antigen, or has had an HIV negative test within the previous 12 months, or suffers an acute HIV sero-conversion illness.
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