Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland, 2008–2012
by Suzi Lyons
The National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) has published the latest figures on treated problem alcohol use in Ireland in the years 2008–2012.
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Alcohol and mental health among school students
by Deidre Mongan
Alcohol can contribute to the development of mental health problems as well as exacerbating pre-existing mental health difficulties. A recent Irish report, Alcohol and youth mental health – the evidence base,1 profiled drinking behaviour and psychological health in 6,085 12–19-year-olds in 72 randomly selected post-primary schools in Ireland to determine the association between drinking behaviour and mental health and to identify risk and protective factors associated with adolescent drinking. Participants completed the My World Survey – Second Level (MWS–SL), which contains a battery of psychometrically reliable instruments assessing risk and protective factors of psychological health.
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AAI leaflet on alcohol and pregnancy
by Margaret Curtin
In March 2014 Alcohol Action Ireland produced an information leaflet in conjunction with the country’s three largest maternity hospitals, the National Maternity Hospital, the Rotunda Hospital and the Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital. Alcohol and Pregnancy1 warns of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and advises that the optimal approach for pregnant women is to abstain completely from alcohol consumption.
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Forensic Science Laboratory analyses street-level heroin and cocaine
by Johnny Connolly
An analysis of heroin and cocaine seizures submitted to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) between April 2010 and March 2012 sought to assess the current status of these particular drug markets, ‘in order to track changes in the markets, and for comparison to reported European data’.1 The study also sought to establish whether purity plays a role in the pricing of street drugs.
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Barriers or bridges?
by Johnny Connolly
A CityWide consultation report on the impact of budgetary cuts on Drug Rehabilitation Projects (DRPs) has identified significant challenges for such projects in terms of maintaining their crucial work with recovering drug users. The report concludes that changes introduced to the Community Employment scheme in order to increase its focus on labour market activation have not taken into account the distinct role of DRPs. In particular, the research found that recent budgetary changes had led to a change in the profile of those applying for places on the projects.
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Preventing and responding to overdose in homeless accommodation in Limerick
by Suzi Lyons
The voluntary agency Novas Initiatives is the largest provider of homeless accommodation in the Mid-West area. McGarry House was opened by Novas in 2002 in Limerick city and provides homeless accommodation for 30 individuals and long-term supported housing for 37 individuals.
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