EWODOR was established in 1983 and aims to provide a forum for researchers and health professionals in the drugs area to share research experience and expertise.
Minister for State Alex White TD opened the conference, while Rowdy Yates MBE, executive director of EWODOR, set the scene for the participants around the theme of the conference, ‘Gender and diversity’. There was a wide range of presentations given by 35 international experts and academics over the two days. The keynote speakers were: Ms Karen Biggs (Phoenix Futures, UK), Prof Eric Broekaert (Ghent University, Belgium), Prof Shane Butler (TCD), Dr Joanne Fenton (HSE), Mr Ted Fleming (NUI Maynooth), Dr Ilse Goethals (University College Ghent, Belgium), Ms Di Hilton (Phoenix Futures, UK), Dr Paula Mayock (TCD), Ms Mary Moore (Irish Probation Service), Ms Pauline McKeown (Coolmine Therapeutic Community), Ms Romy Paust (Coolmine Therapeutic Community), Dr Steve Pearce (NHS, UK), Ms Kathleen Yates (NHS, UK) and Mr Rowdy Yates MBE (University of Stirling, UK).
A number of the delegates also gave presentations. Paula Mayock (TCD) spoke about her study on young women and their initiation into heroin use. Anne Marie Carew (HRB) and Kat Bahramian (Pavee Point) gave a joint presentation on Travellers in drug treatment. Anita Harris (Coolmine Therapeutic Community) presented the findings of the ‘Parenting under Pressure’ (PUP), the first to be run in Ireland. Di Hilton (Phoenix Futures, UK) spoke about her experiences of prison-based therapeutic communities in the UK.
The email and discussion list for EWODOR can be found at www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=EWODOR