Latest figures on drug-related deaths published
by Suzi Lyons
The latest national figures on drug-related deaths in 2011 have been published.1 The figures in this update supersede all previously published figures. Similarly, figures for 2011 will be revised when data relating to new cases become available.
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NDTRS drug treatment data for 2011 and 2012 available on line
by Suzi Lyons
Drug treatment data for 2011 and 2012 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) are now available in the DRUG DATA pages of the NDC website at The database now contains nine years of drug and alcohol treatment data that can be searched to produce customised reports.
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Stakeholder consultation on Hidden Harm
by Suzi Lyons
‘Hidden harm’ (HH) is the term now most often used to describe the experience of children living with, and affected by, problem alcohol and other drug use by parents. The term conveys the two key features of that experience: these children are frequently not known to health or social services, and they are exposed to harm, often through physical or emotional neglect.1,2,3 Experience from other countries has shown that despite evidence to show the negative impact of HH, there is lack of policies on how to effectively address HH. The other two main areas where HH is of concern are domestic violence and parental mental health disorders.
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Pharmacy needle exchange in Ireland
by Jean Long, Joe Doyle and Denis O'Driscoll
In October 2011 the HSE rolled out the national pharmacy needle exchange programme, which is a partnership initiative between the Elton John Aids Foundation, the Irish Pharmacy Union and the Health Service Executive (HSE). The programme targets counties outside of Dublin and will run to September 2014. Once pharmacies have signed a service level agreement with the HSE, their contact details are passed on to the relevant HSE services so that they can promote access to sterile injecting equipment at the participating pharmacies and accept referrals for investigation and treatment.
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HSE services in 2014 - illicit drugs, smoking and alcohol misuse
by Brigid Pike
Approved by the Minister for Health on 17 December 2013, the HSE’s National Service Plan 2014 sets out the type and volume of services the HSE will provide during 2014.1 With the health services budget for the year reflecting cost reductions of €619 million, and against a backdrop of a reduction in overall health service funding of almost €4 billion since 2008 and staff reductions of over 10,000 in that time, the HSE’s top priority in 2014 is to protect the volume, quality and safety of frontline services.
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Review of Dublin North City and County addiction service
by Martin Keane
A recent high-level review of addiction treatment services in the Dublin North City and County area concludes that a substantial reconfiguration of services is needed to effectively respond to population needs and emerging national policy.1 The report contains 14 recommendations, eight to reconfigure services and six to reconfigure operational elements (Table 1).
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Substance misuse in the eastern counties of HSE South
by Joan Moore
The Health Service Executive (HSE) South published the report Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2012 in November 2012.1 This overview reports on treated substance misuse in the south-eastern counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. The report comprises sections relating to treatment services and substance-related offences in the region.
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Ruhama annual report 2012
by Martin Keane
Ruhama is a non-governmental organisation that works on a nationwide basis with women affected by prostitution. Ruhama provides support and assistance to women who are active in prostitution, have a history of prostitution, or are victims of sex trafficking. The latest annual report shows that the service worked with 258 women, of 32 different nationalities.1 This article briefly describes some the main programmes of work reported by Ruhama for 2012.
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Inchicore Bluebell team launches strategy document
by Vivion McGuire
On 5 December 2013 Alex White TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, launched the Strategic Plan 2014–2017 of the Inchicore Bluebell Community Addiction Team (IBCAT).1
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