21 March 2014
Hepatitis C: hidden harm
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8
Organised by / Contact: Community Response
Tel: (01) 454 9772353 1 454 9772
Information: This one-day conference will present national and international speakers, including: Dr Lelia Thornton (HPSC); Professor Joe Barry (TCD); Dr John Dillon (University of Dundee); Professor Suzanne Norris (St James’s Hospital); Mr Gary Gahan (Sydney, NSW), and representatives from Hepatitis Scotland.
28 March 2014
New drugs and latest trends workshop
Venue: All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
Organised by / Contact: Community Awareness of Drugs
Tel: (01) 878 3656
Information: Speaker: Dr Des Corrigan EU and Irish Government Drugs Consultant. This half-day workshop (9:00am –1:30pm)will be an opportunity for you to update your existing knowledge of drugs. The presentation provides an overview of drugs as well as focusing on recent drug developments. Topics will include the new benzodiazepine/Z drug regulations, the latest NDRDI figures, information on high strength cannabis, and new designer drugs including PMMA.
March /April
31 March – 4 April 2014
National Alcohol Awareness Week 2014
Alcohol's harm to others – when someone else's drinking becomes your problem
Venue: various
Organised by / Contact: Alcohol Forum
Tel: 074 912 5596/8 or 087 0642816
Email: or
Information: National Alcohol Awareness Week 2014 seeks to advance debate and engage communities, locally and nationally, to reduce alcohol consumption in Ireland. This year's theme is ‘Alcohol’s harm to others’, specifically highlighting family problems; assaults, crime and anti-social behaviour; travelling with a driver under the influence of alcohol; and workplace accidents and loss of productivity. Organisations are invited to support/ host activities in their own areas and are encouraged to focus their contribution/ activity on one or more of the key areas above. To facilitate wide ranging engagement, activities are also encouraged throughout the month of April. Please contact the Alcohol Forumto register your event and get your Introduction/ Guidance pack. Registered appropriate activities will receive 'NAAW Branding' and be featured in the Schedule of Events and press promotion. Alcohol Forum, Unit B9, Enterprise Fund Business Park, Ballyraine, Letterkenny, Co Donegal.
2 April 2014
National Alcohol Conference: alcohol’s harm to others
Venue: National Conference Centre, Dublin
Organised by / Contact: Alcohol Forum
Information: Part of National Alcohol Awareness Week 2014, this event is presented as a Morning Conference followed by a Master Class. Confirmed keynote speakers are:
Professor Robin Room, director of the Centre for Alcohol and Policy Research, University of Melbourne, and advisor to the World Health Organization since 1975, on the topic ‘Alcohol's harm to others’.
Professor Moira Plant, director of the Alcohol and Health Research Unit and Professor of Alcohol Studies at the University of the West of England, Bristol, on the topic ‘Women and alcohol-related harm’.
Dr Helen McMonagle, rehabilitation co-ordinator with the Alcohol Forum, on the topic ‘Alcohol-related brain injury and its impact on the family and society’.
29–30 April 2014
Recovery from Addiction: Bridging the Gap between Policy and Practice
Venue: University of Chester, UK
Organised by / Contact: CSARS Group
Information: Recovery has become more central to the addictions treatment policy agenda than ever before, but the nature of recovery and means of achieving it are subject to vigorous debate. This event will provide a forum for policy makers, commissioners and practitioners, together with representatives from mutual aid groups and the wider recovery movement. It aims to raise awareness of the diversity of the recovery landscape and to build consensus towards more cohesive policy implementation. It will be useful to substance-misuse workers, health and social care professionals, probation & criminal justice workers, counsellors, psychotherapists and psychiatrists, members of mutual-aid groups and others involved with, affected by, or in recovery. Dr David Best,Associate Professor, Monash University, & Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, Australia, will be among the keynote speakers.
7–9 May 2014
2nd European Harm Reduction Conference
Venue: Basel, Switzerland
Organised by / Contact: European Harm Reduction Network (EuroHRN)
Information: The conference aims to offer an ideal platform to discuss the present and future of harm reduction and to promote the further development of the concept in different European countries. The most recent developments in harm reduction practice will be explored at the meeting as well as international models of regulating drugs. Registration for the conference is now open.
15–16 May 2014
3rd international conference on novel psychoactive substances
NPS and behavioural addiction
Venue: Rome
Organised by / Contact: EMCDDA and others
Information: The event will be organised by: the University of Hertfordshire; the EMCDDA; the University of Chieti-Pescara; ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome; and ‘Guglielmo Marconi’ University. The event is sponsored by the Società italiana di psichiatria.
In the past 25 years a variety of novel (or ‘new) psychoactive drugs (NPS) have become available, and they are often misrepresented as ‘safer’ and ‘legal” alternatives to illicit drugs. NPS are often sold via the Internet, where information on their effects is minimal or inaccurate. This conference will offer participants an opportunity to share evidence-based information on NPS and improve understanding of prevention, treatment and management approaches in this area.
21–23 May 2014
International Society for the Study of Drug Policy
Eighth Annual Conference
Venue: Rome
Organised by / Contact: ISSDP
Information: The 2014 ISSDP conference will be held in Rome, Italy, where state-of-the-art monitoring and epidemiology, along with innovative treatment, law enforcement and prevention approaches are all on display. The conference will provide a rich programme of world-class drug policy research from across the globe.
22–23 May 2014
European Working Group on Drugs Oriented Reserch (EWODOR)
15th Symposium: Gender and Diversity
Venue: Trinity College Dublin
Organised by / Contact: EWODOR / Coolmine Therapeutic Community
Information: EWODOR is a network of addiction researchers closely aligned to the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC). At this symposium you will learn, be inspired by discussion and debates, and be motivated in your day-to-day work through new research, skills and networking with colleagues.