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In brief
Community organisations working in disadvantaged areas contribute to the democratic process by giving a voice to the most marginalised and by building the capacity of citizens to organise and participate in decision-making around the issues that affect them.
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Reclaiming community development
by Lucy Dillon
On 26 March 2018, Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task Force (CDATF) held a conference on ‘Reclaiming community development as an effective response to drug harms, policy harms, poverty and inequality’.1,2 The conference marked the launch of the CDATF 2018–2025 strategic plan of the same title. Minister Catherine Byrne TD launched the strategy and welcomed the approach taken, noting that it reflects ‘many of the themes’ running through the national strategy.
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Report on penal reform and sentencing
by Ciara H Guiney
Increased interest in penal reform and sentencing in Ireland has resulted in the publication of several reports.1,2,3,4 An updated report, which re-examined this subject, was published by the Joint Committee on Justice and Equality in May 2018.5 The report brings together existing evidence and the views of key stakeholder groups, such as the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT), Victims’ Rights Alliance, Probation Service, Irish Prison Service, Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Prison Officers’ Association, and Simon Communities of Ireland. The overall aim was to determine what the main issues were and to identify ‘specific actions’ to overcome them. The themes that emerged from the engagement with stakeholders resulted in several recommendations by the committee.
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Same crime: different punishment? Sentencing disparities between Irish and non-Irish nationals
by Ciara H Guiney
A central view of justice in democratic societies is that people are regarded equally and respectfully and are not exposed to discrimination, directly or indirectly (p. 1).1 An area of concern worldwide is the occurrence of discrimination centred on ethnic, cultural or social groups within the criminal justice system.2 Historically, Ireland has been associated with ‘mass emigration’ (p. 1).3 However, since the nineties and noughties, due to the economic downturn, this trend has been reversed and Ireland has become a multicultural society that is now home to many EU citizens.3 The change in Ireland’s population has similarly been reflected within the Irish criminal justice system. Hence, the study described here by Brandon and O’Connell is timely and aimed at determining whether racial bias was present in Irish sentencing practices between Irish and non-Irish nationals.4
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Pre-sentence reports and individualised justice: consistency, temporality and contingency
by Ciara H Guiney
With the aim of decreasing the dependence by criminal justice systems on imprisonment, numerous reports have encouraged drawing on a wider array of alternatives to prison, for example, pre-sentence reports (PSRs). PSRs are requested by judges from probation officers after a defendant is found guilty and before sentencing. They contain in-depth information about the defendant, such as personal circumstances, background, ability to engage in rehabilitation, risk of reoffending, and may also provide guidance on sentencing and rehabilitation, which may or may not inform sentencing. Primarily, research has highlighted the importance of PSRs; however, although they are regularly used in Ireland, despite no statutory requirement to do so, the process involved is not clearly understood.
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Attitudes to medicinal cannabis of patients with chronic pain
by Lucy Dillon
Both nationally and internationally there is ongoing debate about the medical use of cannabis for a range of conditions. The attitudes to medicinal cannabis of a sample of Irish patients experiencing chronic pain are the subject of a new study.1 In a 2017 review on the topic by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), the medical use of cannabis is defined as ‘a situation where a doctor prescribes or recommends the use of cannabis for treatment of a medical condition in a patient under his/her care’ (p. 9).2 The review found three medical conditions for which there was ‘some scientific evidence to support the use of cannabis or cannabinoids as a medical treatment in patients who have failed available treatments’ (p. 16).2
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Human rights and equality of drug treatment service users
by Lucy Dillon
Our life, our voice, our say is a report published in March 2018 by the Community Action Network (CAN).1 It highlights a range of challenges faced by service users of opioid treatment in Ireland, framing them in the context of users’ human rights and service providers’ obligations under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 (IHRECA 2014). Since the introduction of the Act, public bodies have been required to take proactive steps to promote equality, protect human rights, and fight discrimination in relation to their functions and powers.
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The untold story: harms experienced in the Irish population due to others’ drinking
by Deirdre Mongan
In the last decade there has been a substantial increase in research relating to alcohol’s harm to others; and international research indicates that a significant proportion of the population has experienced harm from other people’s drinking. On 16 April 2018, the Health Service Executive (HSE) launched the results of the first dedicated Irish survey on alcohol’s harm to others.1 The survey was undertaken in 2015 using CATI (computer assisted telephone interviewing) and employed a probability sample. The total completed sample was 2,005 and the response rate was 37.2%. The survey comprised three main parts:
- Harm from others’ drinking (including strangers, co-workers and known drinkers); harm to children from others’ drinking; and alcohol-related domestic problems due to others’ drinking.
- The burden on those around the drinker, for example, caring for the drinker; the burden of specific harms from drinkers with a cost impact; and having to seek help due to the drinking of others.
- The financial burden of harms from others’ drinking, including the estimated cost of caring for the drinker; having to seek public services due to others’ drinking; out-of-pocket expenses; and estimated workplace costs related to co-workers’ drinking.
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