Assessment of the value of youth work in Ireland
by Martin Keane
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) recently published what they claim to be the first national comprehensive and rigorous economic assessment of youth work in Ireland.1 The fieldwork and data collection and analysis were undertaken by Indecon International Economic Consultants.
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Review of drugs task forces and national structures continues
by Brigid Pike
On 18 December 2012 Alex White TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy (NDS), published the Department of Health’s 15 recommendations with regard to the first of the terms of reference for the review of drugs task forces (DTFs), i.e. the role and composition of DTFs and the national structures under which they operate.1 The report on this first stage of the review proposes three main changes.
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HSE targets for drug-related services in 2013
by Brigid Pike
Each year the Health Service Executive (HSE) publishes a ‘national service plan’ (NSP). The plan sets out the type and volume of services to be delivered during the year. In 2013, according to the newly released NSP,1 service activity volumes in relation to drug-related treatment are expected to be similar to last year’s targets (see following table). A new performance indicator (PI), monitoring the number of unique individuals attending a pharmacy needle exchange, has been included.
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EU drug markets - a strategic analysis
by Johnny Connolly
An EU drug markets report, jointly published by the EMCDDA and Europol, is the first comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union.1 It covers issues such as drug production, consumer markets, trafficking, organised crime involvement and policy responses, along with a review of the markets for heroin, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy and new psychoactive substances.
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National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol
by Brian Galvin
Minister of State at the Department of Health, Mr Alex White TD, has reconstituted the National Advisory Committee on Drugs for the period until the end of 2016, in line with the timescale of the National Drugs Strategy. The Committee is being extended to incorporate alcohol as well as drugs and, to reflect this, it will henceforth be known as the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol.
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Update on drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users
by Suzi Lyons and Simone Walsh
National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) figures on drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users reported in 2010 are now available online.1 The figures in this update supersede all previously published figures. Similarly, figures for 2010 will be revised when data relating to new cases becomes available.
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Substance misuse in the eastern counties of HSE South
by Suzi Lyons
The Health Service Executive (HSE) South published the report Data co-ordination overview of drug misuse 2011 in November 2012.1 This overview reports on treated substance misuse in the south-eastern counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. The report comprises sections relating to treatment services and substance-related offences in the region. The section on treatment services analyses data collected from statutory and voluntary drug and alcohol treatment agencies, acute general hospitals and psychiatric hospitals in the region. Data from the drug and alcohol treatment services are returned to the National Drug Treatment Reporting System in the Health Research Board.
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Approaches to drug decriminalisation in disparate countries
by Johnny Connolly
As part of its campaign, ‘Drugs – it’s time for better laws’, the UK-based advocacy group Release has published a report, A quiet revolution: drug decriminalisation policies in practice across the globe.1 The report identifies a trend over the past decade towards the decriminalisation of drug possession and use, suggesting a ‘growing recognition of the failures of the criminalisation approach and a strengthening political wind blowing in the direction of an historic paradigm shift’ (p.9).
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Investigating the links between substance misuse and crime
by Johnny Connolly
A report by the Probation Service presents the findings of the first large-scale, nationwide survey conducted by the service on drug and alcohol misuse among the adult offender population on probation supervision.1 Although earlier research in Ireland has highlighted a link between substance misuse and offending behaviour,2 the identification of the precise causal connection between drugs and crime remains a complex and much-debated area of criminological research.3
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Driving under the influence in Europe
by Johnny Connolly
This report, Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines in Europe – findings from the Druid project, presents the key findings from one of the most comprehensive research projects ever carried out in the EU on drugs (including alcohol) and driving.1
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