EWODOR international conference held in Dublin
by Suzi Lyons
The European Working Group on Drugs Orientated Research (EWODOR) conference took place on 22–23 May in Trinity College Dublin, in partnership with Coolmine Therapeutic Community. This is the first time the conference has been held in Ireland.
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Prevalence of drug use and blood-borne viruses in Irish prisons, 2011
by Carrie Garavan, Jean Long, Suzi Lyons
A new report estimates the extent of drug use and the prevalence of blood-borne viruses among the prison population in Ireland.
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Annual review of the drug situation in Europe
by Brian Galvin
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) published European drug report 2014: trends and developmentson 27 May.1 The report summarises the latest trends across the 28 EU member states, and Norway and Turkey.
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Cocaine use in Ireland: 2010/11 survey results
by Margaret Curtin
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol recently published Bulletin 4 in a series of reports on the 2010/11 survey on drug use in the general population.1 The bulletin focuses on cocaine use in the adult population (15–64 years) and provides a profile of cocaine use. The final achieved sample was 5,134 in the Republic of Ireland. This represented a response rate of 60%. This article presents a summary of some of the main results.
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Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland, 2008–2012
by Suzi Lyons
The National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) has published the latest figures on treated problem alcohol use in Ireland in the years 2008–2012.
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