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Restorative justice – strategies for change
by Ciara H Guiney
In June 2019, the collective restorative justice strategy for Ireland was published.1 The strategy is the first Irish output of a four-year, collaborative cross-European project aimed at helping to embed restorative justice and restorative practices within the Irish criminal justice system.
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Addressing educational disadvantage – Youthreach and DEIS
by Lucy Dillon
Educational disadvantage is widely recognised as a risk factor for substance misuse.1 Improving supports for young people at risk of early substance use is an action of the national drugs strategy – Reducing harm, supporting recovery: a health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025 (Action 1.2.5),2 which identifies the preventative role of programmes that support young people to stay in education.
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Tabor Group annual report, 2018
by Seán Millar
The Tabor Group is a provider of residential addiction treatment services in Ireland. It aims to offer hope, healing, and recovery to clients suffering from addictions through integrated and caring services. This article highlights services provided by the Tabor Group to individuals with a substance use addiction in 2018.
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