In this issue
Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2018) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 64, Winter 2018 . Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Is problem alcohol use being detected and treated in Irish general practice?
O'Regan, Andrew and Cullen, Walter and Hickey, Louise and Meagher, David and Hannigan, Ailish (2018) Is problem alcohol use being detected and treated in Irish general practice? BMC Family Practice , 19 , (1) , p. 30.
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A longitudinal qualitative analysis of the lived experience of the recovery process in opioid-dependent patients post-detoxification.
Ivers, J H and Larkan, F and Barry, J (2018) A longitudinal qualitative analysis of the lived experience of the recovery process in opioid-dependent patients post-detoxification. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs , Early online , pp. 1-9.
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Health and social care workers' perceptions of NPS use in Northern Ireland.
Campbell, Anne and O Neill, Nina and Higgins, Kathryn (2017) Health and social care workers' perceptions of NPS use in Northern Ireland. The International Journal of Drug Policy , 40 , pp. 93-101.
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Same crime: different punishment? Investigating sentencing disparities between Irish and non-Irish nationals in the Irish criminal justice system.
Brandon, Avril Margaret and O'Connell, Michael (2017) Same crime: different punishment? Investigating sentencing disparities between Irish and non-Irish nationals in the Irish criminal justice system. British Journal of Criminology , azx080 .
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Drug affordability-potential tool for comparing illicit drug markets.
Groshkova, Teodora and Cunningham, Andrew and Royuela, Luis and Singleton, Nicola and Saggers, Tony and Sedefov, Roumen (2018) Drug affordability-potential tool for comparing illicit drug markets. The International Journal of Drug Policy , Early online .
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Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006 to 2014.
Feliu, Ariadna and Filippidis, Fillipos T and Joossens, Luk and Fong, Geoffrey T and Vardavas, Constantine I and Baena, Antoni and Castellano, Yoladnda and Martínez, Cristina and Fernandez, Esteve (2018) Impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and quit ratios in 27 European Union countries from 2006 to 2014. Tobacco Control , Early online .
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A cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based suicide prevention programmes.

Ahern, Susanet al (2018) A cost-effectiveness analysis of school-based suicide prevention programmes. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , Early online .

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Children’s Rights Alliance report card 2018.
Children’s Rights Alliance. (2018) Children’s Rights Alliance report card 2018. Dublin: Children’s Rights Alliance.
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Lifeskills survey 2015. Report on survey findings.
Ireland. Department of Education and Skills.. (2017) Lifeskills survey 2015. Report on survey findings. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills.
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Attitudes of Irish patients with chronic pain towards medicinal cannabis.
Rochford, Ciaran and Edgeworth, Deidre and Hashim, Mohammad and Harmon, Dominic (2018) Attitudes of Irish patients with chronic pain towards medicinal cannabis. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Community awareness of Drugs (CAD) annual report 2016.
Community Awareness of Drugs. (2017) Community awareness of Drugs (CAD) annual report 2016. Dublin: Community Awareness of Drugs.
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Rotunda hospital annual report 2016.
The Rotunda Hospital. (2017) Rotunda hospital annual report 2016. Dublin: The Rotunda Hospital.
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‘Behind the door’: solitary confinement in the Irish penal system.
Martynowicz, Agnieszka and Moore, Linda (2018) ‘Behind the door’: solitary confinement in the Irish penal system. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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Medication safety monitoring programme in public acute hospitals - an overview of findings.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2018) Medication safety monitoring programme in public acute hospitals - an overview of findings. Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority.
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