In this issue
Reducing harm, supporting recovery. A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017 - 2025.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2017) Reducing harm, supporting recovery. A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017 - 2025. Dublin: Department of Health.
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Drug-related intimidation. The Irish situation and international responses: an evidence review.
Murphy, Laura and Farragher, Louise and Keane, Martin and Galvin, Brian and Long, Jean (2017) Drug-related intimidation. The Irish situation and international responses: an evidence review. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Alcohol treatment in Ireland 2009-2015.
Health Research Board. (2017) Alcohol treatment in Ireland 2009-2015. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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The drugs situation in Ireland: an overview of trends from 2005 to 2015
Liverpool John Moores University. Centre for Public Health.Bates, Geoff  (2017) The drugs situation in Ireland: an overview of trends from 2005 to 2015.
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The effectiveness of interventions related to the use of illicit drugs: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. A ‘review of reviews’.
Bates, Geoff and Jones, Lisa and Cochrane, Madeleine and Pendlebury, Marissa and Sumnall, Harry (2017) The effectiveness of interventions related to the use of illicit drugs: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. A ‘review of reviews’. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Speech by An Taoiseach Mr Leo Varadkar TD.
Varadkar, Leo (2017) Speech by An Taoiseach Mr Leo Varadkar TD. In: Launch of Reducing harm, supporting recovery – A health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025., 17 July 2017, Dublin Castle.
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Speech by Catherine Byrne. Minister of State for Health Promotion and the National Drugs Strategy.
Byrne, Catherine (2017) Speech by Catherine Byrne. Minister of State for Health Promotion and the National Drugs Strategy. In: Launch of Reducing harm, supporting recovery – A health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025., 17 July 2017, Dublin Castle.
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Speech by Simon Harris TD , Minister for Health.
Harris, Simon (2017) Speech by Simon Harris TD , Minister for Health. In: Launch of Reducing harm, supporting recovery – A health led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025., 17 July 2017, Dublin Castle.
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Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2016.
Daly, Antoinette and Craig, Sarah (2017) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2016. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Report on public consultation to inform the new national drugs strategy.
RPS Group Limited. (2017) Report on public consultation to inform the new national drugs strategy. Dublin: Department of Health.
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A performance measurement framework for drug and alcohol task forces.
Haase, Trutz and Pratschke, Jonathan (2017) A performance measurement framework for drug and alcohol task forces. Dublin: Trutz Haase – Social & Economic Consultants.
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Pregabalin: Guidance for people working with Pregabalin users.
Extern. (2017) Pregabalin: Guidance for people working with Pregabalin users. Newtownabbey: Extern.
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The advocacy needs of mental health service users living in the community: a pilot study.
McDaid, Shari and Ní Bheara, Anna (2017) The advocacy needs of mental health service users living in the community: a pilot study. Dublin: Mental Health Reform.
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Supporting women to access treatment.
Geaney, Clara (2016) Supporting women to access treatment. Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce.
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Courts Service annual report 2016.
Ireland. Courts Service. (2017) Courts Service annual report 2016. Dublin: Courts Service.
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Exploring patient characteristics and barriers to hepatitis C treatment in patients on opioid substitution treatment attending a community based fibro-scanning clinic.
Crowley, Des and Cullen, Walter and Laird, Eamon and Lambert, John S and Mc Hugh, Tina and Murphy, Carol and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2017) Exploring patient characteristics and barriers to hepatitis C treatment in patients on opioid substitution treatment attending a community based fibro-scanning clinic. Journal of Translational Internal Medicine , 5 , (2) , pp. 112-119.
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Alcohol study 2016. A study commissioned by Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force to understand current pattern of alcohol use within the area.
Okakpu, E and McDonnell, S and McHugh, R (2016) Alcohol study 2016. A study commissioned by Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force to understand current pattern of alcohol use within the area. Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drugs Task Force.
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DTALK. Drug, Alcohol and Information for the Ballyfermot Community.
Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force. (2017) DTALK. Drug, Alcohol and Information for the Ballyfermot Community. , (Summer 2017) , 23 p.. Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drugs Task Force.
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Connecting for Life Cork. Cork suicide and self-harm prevention action plan 2017 - 2020.
Health Service Executive. (2017) Connecting for Life Cork. Cork suicide and self-harm prevention action plan 2017 - 2020. Cork: Health Service Executive.
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Core addiction medicine competencies for doctors, an international consultation on training..
Ayu, Astri Parawita and El-Guebaly, Nady and Schellekens, Arnt and De Jong, Cor and Welle-Strand, Gabrielle and Small, William and Wood, Evan and Cullen, Walter and Klimas, Jan (2017) Core addiction medicine competencies for doctors, an international consultation on training.. Substance Abuse , Early online .
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Concurrent use of alcohol interactive medications and alcohol in older adults: a systematic review of prevalence and associated adverse outcomes.
Holton, Alice E and Gallagher, Paul and Fahey, Tom and Cousins, Gráinne (2017) Concurrent use of alcohol interactive medications and alcohol in older adults: a systematic review of prevalence and associated adverse outcomes. BMC Geriatrics , 17 , (1) , p. 148.
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A multi-country study of harms to children because of others' drinking.
Laslett, Anne-Marie and Rankin, Georgia and Waleewong, Orratai and Callinan, Sarah and Hoang, Hanh T M and Florenzano, Ramon and Hettige, Siri and Obot, Isidore and Siengsounthone, Latsamy and Ibanga, Akanidomo and Hope, Ann and Landberg, Jonas and Vu, Hanh T M and Thamarangsi, Thaksaphon and Rekve, Dag and Room, Robin (2017) A multi-country study of harms to children because of others' drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , 78 , (2) , pp. 195-202.
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National cancer strategy 2017-2026.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2017) National cancer strategy 2017-2026. Dublin: Department of Health.
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IPRT strategic plan 2017 - 2021.
Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2017) IPRT strategic plan 2017 - 2021. Dublin: Irish Penal Reform Trust.
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DEIS plan 2017.
Ireland. Department of Education and Skills.. (2017) DEIS plan 2017. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills.
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Health service annual report and financial statements 2016.
Health Service Executive. (2017) Health service annual report and financial statements 2016. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Primary Care Division - social inclusion key performance indicator metadata 2017.
Health Service Executive. (2017) Primary Care Division - social inclusion key performance indicator metadata 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2016.
CAB Annual Report Committee. (2017) Criminal Assets Bureau annual report 2016. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Ireland and the Convention Against Torture. Submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture on Ireland’s second periodic report.
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. (2017) Ireland and the Convention Against Torture. Submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture on Ireland’s second periodic report. Dublin: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
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National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2016.
Eogan, Maeve (2017) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual key service activity report 2016. Dublin: National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.
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Smoking cessation in severe mental ill health: what works? an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
Peckham, Emily and Brabyn, Sally and Cook, Liz and Tew, Garry and Gilbody, Simon (2017) Smoking cessation in severe mental ill health: what works? an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC psychiatry , 17 , (1) , p. 252.
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Report on scrutiny of the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill 2016.
Joint Committee on Health. (2017) Report on scrutiny of the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill 2016. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.
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New opinion poll shows overwhelming public support for Government action to curb alcohol marketing that appeals to young people.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2017) New opinion poll shows overwhelming public support for Government action to curb alcohol marketing that appeals to young people. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Evidence review to inform the parameters for a refresh of A Vision for Change.
Cullen, Kevin and McDaid, David (2017) Evidence review to inform the parameters for a refresh of A Vision for Change. Dublin: Department of Health.
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Home manufacture of drugs: an online investigation and a toxicological reality check of online discussions on drug chemistry.
Hearne, Evelyn and Alves, Emanuele Amorim and Van Hout, Marie Claire and Grund, Jean-Paul C (2017) Home manufacture of drugs: an online investigation and a toxicological reality check of online discussions on drug chemistry. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs , Early online , pp. 1-10.
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Exploring Irish Travellers' experiences of opioid agonist treatment: a phenomenological study.
Claffey, C and Crowley, Des and Maclachan, M and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2017) Exploring Irish Travellers' experiences of opioid agonist treatment: a phenomenological study. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online , pp. 1-8.
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Perinatal mortality in Ireland. Annual report 2015.
O'Farrell, IB and Manning, E and Corcoran, P and McKernan, J and Meaney, S and Drummond, L and de Foubert, P and Greene, RA (2017) Perinatal mortality in Ireland. Annual report 2015. Cork: National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre.
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Characteristics of methadone-related overdose deaths and comparisons between those dying on and off opioid agonist treatment (OAT): a national cohort study.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Crowley, Des and Collins, C and Barry, A and Lyons, Suzi and Delargy, Ide (2017) Characteristics of methadone-related overdose deaths and comparisons between those dying on and off opioid agonist treatment (OAT): a national cohort study. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems , Early online , pp. 1-8.
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The emergence of the affected adult family member in drug policy discourse: a Foucauldian perspective.
Devaney, Eva (2017) The emergence of the affected adult family member in drug policy discourse: a Foucauldian perspective. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy , 24 , (4) .
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A National audit of smoking cessation services in Irish maternity units.
Reynolds, CME and Egan, B and Cawley, S and Kennedy, R and Sheehan, SR and Turner, MJ (2017) A National audit of smoking cessation services in Irish maternity units. Irish Medical Journal , 110 , (6) .
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A cross-national study on gender differences in suicide intent.
Freeman, Aislinné and Mergl, Roland and Kohls, Elisabeth and Székely, András and Gusmao, Ricardo and Arensman, Ella and Koburger, Nicole and Hegerl, Ulrich and Rummel-Kluge, Christine (2017) A cross-national study on gender differences in suicide intent. BMC Psychiatry , 17 , (1) , p. 234.
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Effectiveness of a national ‘Minnesota Model’ based residential treatment programme for alcohol dependence in Ireland: outcomes and predictors of outcome.
Gallagher, C and Radmall, Z and O'Gara, C and Burke, T (2017) Effectiveness of a national ‘Minnesota Model’ based residential treatment programme for alcohol dependence in Ireland: outcomes and predictors of outcome. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early online .
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Anxiety and depression among patients with alcohol dependence: co-morbid or substance-related problems?
Gallagher, C and Radmall, Z and O'Gara, C and Burke, T (2017) Anxiety and depression among patients with alcohol dependence: co-morbid or substance-related problems? Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early online .
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Community pharmacist experiences of providing needle and syringe programmes in Ireland.
McVeigh, Jim and Hearne, Evelyn and Bates, Geoff and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2017) Community pharmacist experiences of providing needle and syringe programmes in Ireland. Research in Social Administration and Pharmacy , 13 , (4) , pp. 767-777.
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Development, implementation, and evaluation of the SMART consent workshop on sexual consent for third level students.
MacNamee, Padraig and Breen, Julie and Byrnes, Elaine and O'Higgins, Siobhan and Seery, Chiara and Silke, Charlotte (2017) Development, implementation, and evaluation of the SMART consent workshop on sexual consent for third level students. Galway: National University of Ireland, Galway.
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Alcohol and digestive cancers across Europe: time for change.
United European Gastroenterology. (2017) Alcohol and digestive cancers across Europe: time for change. Vienna: United European Gastroenterology.
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Brexit: implications and potential solutions.
Seanad Special Select Committee on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. (2017) Brexit: implications and potential solutions. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.
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EMCDDA–Europol 2016 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2017) EMCDDA–Europol 2016 annual report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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The impact of Brexit on the Irish drinks industry.
Fitzgerald, Ciaran (2017) The impact of Brexit on the Irish drinks industry. Dublin: Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland.
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Stimulating and supporting a black and minority ethnic voice on drugs issues.
Crowley, Niall (2017) Stimulating and supporting a black and minority ethnic voice on drugs issues. Dublin: Citywide.
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