
Assaults on medical, nursing and paramedical staff.
Murphy, JFA (2015) Assaults on medical, nursing and paramedical staff. Irish Medical Journal, 108 (9).

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Attitudes to smoking and smoking cessation among nurses.
Chandrakumar, Sreejith and Adams, John (2015) Attitudes to smoking and smoking cessation among nurses. Nursing Standard, 30 (9). pp. 36-40.

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National sexual health strategy 2015-2020 and action plan 2015-2016.
Department of Health. (2015) National sexual health strategy 2015-2020 and action plan 2015-2016. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Drug treatment courts: refining successes and failures through participant narratives.
Broomfield, Darren (2015) Drug treatment courts: refining successes and failures through participant narratives. The Irish Social Worker, Spring . pp. 36-40.

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Vulnerable families and drug use: examining care admissions of children of parents attending an Irish drug treatment facility.
McGivern, Aidan and McDonnell, Chloe (2015) Vulnerable families and drug use: examining care admissions of children of parents attending an Irish drug treatment facility. The Irish Social Worker, Spring . pp. 17-23.

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Evaluation of CARE (Community alcohol response and engagement) pilot project.
Dermody, Aoife and Banka, P (2015) Evaluation of CARE (Community alcohol response and engagement) pilot project. Ballymun Local Drugs & Alcohol Task Force and Quality Matters, Dublin .

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Department of Health annual report 2015.
Department of Health. (2015) Department of Health annual report 2015. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence.
World Health Organization. (2015) Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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Young persons’ support programme.
National Family Support Network. (2015) Young persons’ support programme. [Teaching Resource]

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Presentations from the Lisbon addictions conference 2015.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2015) Presentations from the Lisbon addictions conference 2015. In: EMCDDA Conference on 20 years of monitoring and communicating evidence on drugs, 21-22 September, Lisbon.

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Just saying... the views of young people about drugs and alcohol.
North Inner City Drug and AlcoholTask Force. (2015) Just saying... the views of young people about drugs and alcohol. North Inner City Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Dublin .

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Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2015. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents.
Jurk, Sarah ,Garavan, Hugh et al (2015) Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online .

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Global status report on road safety 2015.
World Health Organization. (2015) Global status report on road safety 2015. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2014.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2015) National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2014. National Office for Suicide Prevention, Dublin .

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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2014.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Corcoran, Paul and Dillon, Christina B and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2015) National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2014. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork .

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Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up.
Klimas, J (2015) Training in addiction medicine should be standardised and scaled up. BMJ, 351 . h4027.

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South East Traveller health unit: strategic plan 2015 - 2020.
Health Service Executive. (2015) South East Traveller health unit: strategic plan 2015 - 2020. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Clustering of sex and substance use behaviors in adolescence.
McAloney, Kareena (2015) Clustering of sex and substance use behaviors in adolescence. Substance Use & Misuse, Early online . pp. 1-6.

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Socioeconomic inequalities in the impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking. A multilevel study in 29 European countries.
Pförtner, Timo-Kolja et al (2015) Socioeconomic inequalities in the impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking. A multilevel study in 29 European countries. Addictive behaviors, 53 . pp. 58-66.

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Low resolution and high resolution MS for studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of the new psychoactive substance methoxypiperamide (MeOP).
Meyer, Markus R and Holderbaum, Anna and Kavanagh, Pierce and Maurer, Hans H (2015) Low resolution and high resolution MS for studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of the new psychoactive substance methoxypiperamide (MeOP). Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 50 (10). pp. 1163-74.

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Risk of respiratory hospitalization and death, readmission and subsequent mortality: scottish health and ethnicity linkage study.
Bhopal, Raj and Steiner, Markus F C and Cezard, Genevieve and Bansal, Narinder and Fischbacher, Colin and Simpson, Colin R and Douglas, Anne and Sheikh, Aziz (2015) Risk of respiratory hospitalization and death, readmission and subsequent mortality: scottish health and ethnicity linkage study. European journal of public health, 25 (5). pp. 769-774.

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Ballymun Youth Action Project annual report 2014.
Ballymun Youth Action Project. (2015) Ballymun Youth Action Project annual report 2014. Ballymun Youth Action Project, Dublin .

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National youth strategy 2015-2020.
Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2015) National youth strategy 2015-2020. Government Publications, Dublin .

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Smoking dependence in 18 European countries: hard to maintain the hardening hypothesis.
Fernández, Esteve and Lugo, Alessandra and Clancy, Luke and Matsuo, Keitaro and La Vecchia, Carlo and Gallus, Silvano (2015) Smoking dependence in 18 European countries: hard to maintain the hardening hypothesis. Preventive Medicine, Early online .

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Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2014.
Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd. (2015) Finglas Addiction Support Team annual report 2014. Finglas Addiction Support Team Ltd, Dublin .

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Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015.
Corrigan, Deirdre (2015) Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

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Healthy Ireland survey 2015 - summary of findings.
Department of Health. (2015) Healthy Ireland survey 2015 - summary of findings. Department of Health, Dublin .

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Global Standards for quality health care services for adolescents.
World Health Organization. (2015) Global Standards for quality health care services for adolescents. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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"An unspoken world of unspoken things": a study identifying and exploring core beliefs underlying self-stigma among people living with HIV and AIDS in Ireland.
France, Nadine Ferris and Mcdonald, Steve H and Conroy, Ronan R and Byrne, Elaine and Mallouris, Chris and Hodgson, Ian and Larkan, Fiona N (2015) "An unspoken world of unspoken things": a study identifying and exploring core beliefs underlying self-stigma among people living with HIV and AIDS in Ireland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145 . w14113.

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Alcohol seminar - Drug & Alcohol Task Forces 25/9/15
Cullen, Bazzie (2015) Alcohol seminar - Drug & Alcohol Task Forces 25/9/15. In: The Public Health (Alcohol) Bill. ‘Lessons from the past, potential for the future’, 25 September 2015, F2 Centre, Dublin

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