In this issue
PSNI-Garda exchange leads to launch of anti-drugs campaign

[Irish Times] Moriarty, Gerry (30 Nov 2017).

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Dedicated police units needed to tackle dark net drug trade.

[Irish Examiner], O'Keeffe, Cormac (29 Nov 2017)

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Medicinal cannabis licence granted for girl with rare syndrome.

Press Association [] (29 Nov 2017)

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Misuse of Drugs (supervision of prescription and supply of methadone and medicinal products containing buprenorphine authorised for opioid substitution treatment) regulations 2017 SI No. 522 of 2017.

[Department of Health] (28 Nov 2017)

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Long-delayed laws could restrict gambling advertising. So why do bookies want it?

[], Murray, Sean (27 Nov 2017)

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Hundreds of suicide-risk patients quit A&E unseen.

[], O'Regan, Eilish (27 Nov 2017)

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Planning permission needed for Dublin drug injection centre, says city council.

[RTE News] (24 Nov 2017)

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Alcohol Action Ireland highlights the clear link between alcohol and seven cancers.

[Alcohol Action Ireland] (23 Nov 2017)

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Here are the details of the Cold Weather Initiative for homeless and rough sleepers.

[] (22 Nov 2017)

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The media has a problem with alcoholism – and it's stopping people getting help.

[The Guardian], Morris, James (22 Nov 2017)

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The government just outlawed four popular 'designer' drugs.

[], Burke, Ceimin (22 Nov 2017)

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900 diagnosed annually with alcohol-related cancer: HSE.

[Irish Examiner], Ring, Evelyn (21 Nov 2017)

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New legislation published today to bring faster response to new drugs.

[EMCDDA] (21 Nov 2017)

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Drinking in teens and 20’s increases cancer risk .

[Health Service Executive] (20 Nov 2017)

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How the boom is back for the party drug of the Celtic Tiger.

[] Bielenberg, Kim (19 Nov 2017)

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How to stop a child ‘falling in with the wrong crowd’.

[Irish Times], Sharry, John (19 Nov 2017)

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First licence granted to treat pain with cannabis.

[Irish Examiner], Fegan, Joyce (18 Nov 2017)

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Timetable for introduction of cheap alcohol ban 'uncertain' despite UK ruling.

[], O'Regan, Eilish (16 Nov 2017)

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People Before Profit insisting medicinal cannabis bill can be amended.

[Irish Examiner] (15 Nov 2017)

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Increase in people smoking and injecting crack cocaine in Dublin.

[], Brophy, Daragh (15 Nov 2017)

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Scotch Whisky Association and others (Appellants) v The Lord Advocate and another (Respondents) (Scotland).

[Supreme Court UK] (15 Nov 2017)

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Furanylfentanyl to be placed under control across the EU.

[EMCDDA] (15 Nov 2017)

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'No exceptions': Shane Ross insists first-time offenders and 'morning-after' drink drivers will be banned from road.

[] Armstrong, Kathy (15 Nov 2017)

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Ireland, Irishness and Alcohol – national conference asks if we should be calling time on this relationship?

[Donegal Now] (13 Nov 2017)

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€200 million spent a year: How Ireland's recreational drug users are keeping the cartels in business.

[], MacNamee, Garreth (12 Nov 2017)

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Ireland has big problem with alcohol, Varadkar tells FG summit.

[Irish Times], McGee, Harry (11 Nov 2017)

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Locations in Cork City identified for supervised injecting facility.

[Irish Examiner], English, Eoin (11 Nov 2017)

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Here's what the minimum price for booze will be under new alcohol rules.

[] Finn, Christina (10 Nov 2017)

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Medicinal cannabis bill makes progress in the Dáil despite expected opposition.

[] Brennan, Cianan (10 Nov 2017)

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1.35 million people continuing to have a harmful relationship with alcohol finally resonating with our legislators.

[Alcohol Action Ireland] (10 Nov 2017)

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'Previously they'd have driven off on their lunch break and used in the car. If they overdosed they would have died'.

[] Brophy, Daragh (10 Nov 2017)

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Plan for national gambling control office to tackle sector.

[Irish Examiner] O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (08 Nov 2017)

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Live in Ireland but don’t drink alcohol? You’ll be treated with extreme suspicion.

[Irish Times] Kennedy, Laura (08 Nov 2017)

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An advice service keeps drug users up to date on trends.

[Dublin Inquirer] Neylon, Laoise (08 Nov 2017)

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Minimum alcohol pricing ‘could prevent 3 deaths a week’.

[Irish Examiner] Leogue, Joe (07 Nov 2017)

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As tourist faces possible death penalty over painkillers, these are the medicines that could get you jailed abroad.

[] Calder, Simon (06 Nov 2017)

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Delay on gambling laws sparks concern.

[Irish Examiner] O'Doherty, Caroline (06 Nov 2017)

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Responsibility Vs freedom: Teens who drink at home are more likely to binge.

[Irish Times] Sharry, John (06 Nov 2017)

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National Youth Media Awards competition tackles drugs issue.

[Irish Times] D'Arcy, Ciaran (06 Nov 2017)

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Alcohol makes rats more likely to compulsively take cocaine.

[] Hosford, Paul (05 Nov 2017)

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Betting firms ‘should be taken out of sports sponsorship’.

[Irish Times] Edwards, Elaine (05 Nov 2017)

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RSA links false breath tests and road deaths.

[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (04 Nov 2017)

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Controlled drugs guidance.

[Irish Medical Times] (03 Nov 2017)

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Professor Frank Murray opinion on Public Health (Alcohol) Bill published in The Lancet.

[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland] (03 Nov 2017)

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No cheer in the dangers of teenage drinking.

[Irish Examiner] Hogan, Richard (02 Nov 2017)

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IPH says Minimum Unit Pricing key to tackling inequalities in alcohol-related harm.

[Institute of Public Health] (02 Nov 2017)

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