
Human immunodeficiency virus among people who inject drugs: Is risk increasing in Europe?
Hedrich, Dagmar and Kalamara, E and Sfetcu, O and Pharris, A and Noor, A and Wiessing, Lucas and Hope, Vivian and van de Laar , M (2013) Human immunodeficiency virus among people who inject drugs: Is risk increasing in Europe? Eurosurveillance, 18 (48).

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Assessment and treatment of hazardous and harmful alcohol drinkers in Ireland: A survey of Irish gastroenterologists.
Dillon, Audrey and Stewart, Stephen (2013) Assessment and treatment of hazardous and harmful alcohol drinkers in Ireland: A survey of Irish gastroenterologists. In: Future proofing Irish General Practice, 23 November 2013, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone.

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QuADS organisational standards.
Ana Liffey Drug Project , Health Service Executive. (2013) QuADS organisational standards. Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin.

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HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2012.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2013) HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2012. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm.

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Exploration and confirmation of factors associated with uncomplicated pregnancy in nulliparous women: prospective cohort study.
Chappell, Lucy C and Seed, Paul T and Myers, Jenny and Taylor, Rennae S and Kenny, Louise C and Dekker, Gustaaf A and Walker, James J and McCowan, Lesley M E and North, Robyn A and Poston, Lucilla (2013) Exploration and confirmation of factors associated with uncomplicated pregnancy in nulliparous women: prospective cohort study. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347 . f6398.

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A tobacco free future. An all-Ireland report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood.
McAvoy, Helen and McDaid, Olga and Metcalfe, Owen and Clancy, Luke (2013) A tobacco free future. An all-Ireland report on tobacco, inequalities and childhood. Institute of Public Health in Ireland and TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland. , Dublin.

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Facing ‘The Fear’: speaker presentations.
Smyth, Bobby P. and Arensman, Ella and Farren, Conor and McGarry, Philip (2013) Facing ‘The Fear’: speaker presentations. In: Facing ‘The Fear’: Alcohol and Mental Health, 20 November 2013, RCPI, Dublin.

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Health at a glance 2013.
OECD. (2013) Health at a glance 2013. OECD Publishing.

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Drugs, alcohol & substance use/misuse: policy for children detention schools.
Drugs Policy Working Group, Irish Youth Justice Service. (2013) Drugs, alcohol & substance use/misuse: policy for children detention schools. Irish Youth Justice Service, Dublin.

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National review panel annual report 2012.
National Review Panel for Serious Incidents & Child Deaths. (2013) National review panel annual report 2012. Health Service Executive, Kildare.

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A post-structuralist analysis of Irish youth crime prevention policy, with a specific focus on Garda Youth Diversion Projects.
Swirak, Katharina (2013) A post-structuralist analysis of Irish youth crime prevention policy, with a specific focus on Garda Youth Diversion Projects. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.

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Complexity of care: management of alcohol issues by the practice nurse.
Latham, Linda (2013) Complexity of care: management of alcohol issues by the practice nurse. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 21 (5). pp. 37-38.

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Smoking cessation: a new approach.
Smoking cessation: a new approach. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 21 (7). p. 27.

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Addiction and dependency – what we already know.
Byrne, Hanora (2013) Addiction and dependency – what we already know. World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery, 21 (7). pp. 47-48.

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Travellers accessing addiction services in Ireland (2007 to 2010): analysis of routine surveillance data.
Carew, Anne Marie and Cafferty, Siobhan and Long, Jean and Bellerose, Delphine and Lyons, Suzi (2013) Travellers accessing addiction services in Ireland (2007 to 2010): analysis of routine surveillance data. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 12 (4). pp. 339-335.

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Responsible vendors, intelligent consumers: Silk Road, the online revolution in drug trading.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Bingham, Tim (2013) Responsible vendors, intelligent consumers: Silk Road, the online revolution in drug trading. International Journal of Drug Policy .

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Ruhama annual report 2012.
Ruhama. (2013) Ruhama annual report 2012. Ruhama, Dublin.

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Is there more to psychosocial treatments in addiction than brief interventions?
Kelleher, E (2013) Is there more to psychosocial treatments in addiction than brief interventions? Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .

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Estimation of toxic elements in the samples of different cigarettes and their impact on human health of Irish hypertensive consumers.
Afridi, Hassan Imran and Kazi, Tasneem Gul and Talpur, Farah Naz and Brabazon, Dermot and Naher, Sumsun (2013) Estimation of toxic elements in the samples of different cigarettes and their impact on human health of Irish hypertensive consumers. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 426C . pp. 51-57.

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Child Care Law Reporting Project: interim report.
Coulter, Carol (2013) Child Care Law Reporting Project: interim report. Child Care Law Reporting Project, Dublin.

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2013 National Report (2012 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point. Ireland: new developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues.
Health Research Board, Irish Focal Point. (2013) 2013 National Report (2012 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point. Ireland: new developments, trends and in-depth information on selected issues. Health Research Board, Dublin.

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An in-depth case examination of an exotic dancer’s experience of melanotan.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Brennan, Rebekah (2013) An in-depth case examination of an exotic dancer’s experience of melanotan. International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online .

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Teen counselling annual report 2012.
Crosscare Teen Counselling. (2013) Teen counselling annual report 2012. Crosscare Teen Counselling.

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Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region. Final report.
UCL Institute of Health Equity. (2013) Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region. Final report. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagan.

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Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2012.
Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot (2013) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2012. Health Research Board, Dublin.

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Drug-related infectious diseases.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2013) Drug-related infectious diseases.
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What recovery outcomes does the evidence tell us we can expect?
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. (2013) What recovery outcomes does the evidence tell us we can expect?
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School-based interventions to prevent the uptake of smoking among children and young people.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2013) School-based interventions to prevent the uptake of smoking among children and young people.
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Identifying and supporting children affected by parental substance use. Resource for schools.
Adfam. (2013) Identifying and supporting children affected by parental substance use. Resource for schools.
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Hepatitis C avoidance in injection drug users: A typology of possible protective practices
Hepatitis C avoidance in injection drug users: A typology of possible protective practices. PLoS ONE, 8 (10)
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