In this issue
Drug treatment in Ireland 2009-2015.
Health Research Board. (2017) Drug treatment in Ireland 2009-2015. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2017. Year 2
Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2017) Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2017. Year 2. Dublin: Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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Trends in health behaviours, health outcomes and contextual factors between 1998-2014: findings from the Irish health behaviour in school-aged children study.
Keane, Eimear and Gavin, Aoife and Perry, Catherine and Molcho, Michal and Kelly, Colette and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse (2017) Trends in health behaviours, health outcomes and contextual factors between 1998-2014: findings from the Irish health behaviour in school-aged children study. Dublin: Department of Health and National University of Ireland, Galway.
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Living in limbo. Homeless young people’s paths to housing.
Mayock, Paula and Parker, Sarah (2017) Living in limbo. Homeless young people’s paths to housing. Dublin: Focus Ireland.
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Alcohol related harm profile 2017 : Galway.
Health Service Executive, Alcohol Forum. (2017) Alcohol related harm profile 2017 : Galway. Galway: Health Service Executive.
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Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2016.
Forensic Science Ireland. (2017) Forensic Science Ireland annual report 2016. Dublin: Forensic Science Ireland.
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The Probation Service annual report 2016.
Probation Service. (2017) The Probation Service annual report 2016. Dublin: Probation Service.
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Irish Prison Service annual report 2016.
Irish Prison Service. (2017) Irish Prison Service annual report 2016. Dublin: Irish Prison Service.
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HSE Data management report March 2017.
Health Service Executive. (2017) HSE Data management report March 2017. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Connecting for life: Kerry. Suicide prevention action plan 2017 - 2020.
Resource Office for Suicide Prevention. (2017) Connecting for life: Kerry. Suicide prevention action plan 2017 - 2020. Kerry: Health Service Executive.
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Oberstown annual reports 2012-2016.
Oberstown Children Detention Campus. (2017) Oberstown annual reports 2012-2016. Meath: Oberstown Children Detention Campus.
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Audit of the exercise by An Garda Síochána of the provisions of Section 12 of the Child Care Act 1991.
Shannon, Geoffrey (2017) Audit of the exercise by An Garda Síochána of the provisions of Section 12 of the Child Care Act 1991. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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National Self-Harm Registry. Report for January - June 2016. Interim report.
National Suicide Research Foundation. (2017) National Self-Harm Registry. Report for January - June 2016. Interim report. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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Houses of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare Sláintecare report.
Houses of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. (2017) Houses of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare Sláintecare report. Dublin: Houses of the Oireachtas.
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Roll your own cigarettes in Ireland: key patterns and trends.
Evans, David S and O'Farrell, Anne and Hickey, Paul (2017) Roll your own cigarettes in Ireland: key patterns and trends. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Ireland's drink and hospitality sector and your constituency. Summary of research report commissioned by the drinks industry group of Ireland.
Foley, Anthony (2017) Ireland's drink and hospitality sector and your constituency. Summary of research report commissioned by the drinks industry group of Ireland.
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Health student regard for substance-using patients as measured by the Medical Condition Regard Scale: a systematic review.
Ducray, Kevin and Pilch, M (2017) Health student regard for substance-using patients as measured by the Medical Condition Regard Scale: a systematic review. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early online .
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An exploratory service-based study of deliberate self-harm (DSH) in Ireland: ‘A hidden population’?
Quinn, P and Surgenor, P and McGilloway, Sinead (2017) An exploratory service-based study of deliberate self-harm (DSH) in Ireland: ‘A hidden population’? Irish Medical Journal , 110 , (5) .
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The involvement of alcohol in hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors: findings from two national registries.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Perry, Ivan J and Bonner, Brendan and O'Hagan, Denise and Daly, Caroline and Corcoran, Paul (2017) The involvement of alcohol in hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors: findings from two national registries. Journal of Public Health , Early online , pp. 1-7.
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Cannabis use among people entering drug treatment in Europe: a growing phenomenon?
Montanari, Linda and Guarita, Bruno and Mounteney, Jane and Zipfel, Nina and Simon, Roland (2017) Cannabis use among people entering drug treatment in Europe: a growing phenomenon? European Addiction Research , 23 , (3) , pp. 113-121.
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The microbiota, the gut and the brain in eating and alcohol use disorders: a 'ménage à trois'?
Temko, Jamie E and Bouhlal, Sofia and Farokhnia, Mehdi and Lee, Mary R and Cryan, John F and Leggio, Lorenzo (2017) The microbiota, the gut and the brain in eating and alcohol use disorders: a 'ménage à trois'? Alcohol and Alcoholism , Early online , pp. 1-11.
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Rapid expert review of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016.
Griffiths, Paul and Strang, John and Singleton, Nicola (2016) Rapid expert review of the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016. Dublin: Department of Health.
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The paradox of public holidays: Hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors.
Griffin, Eve and Dillon, Christina B and O'Regan, Grace and Corcoran, Paul and Perry, Ivan J and Arensman, Ella (2017) The paradox of public holidays: Hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors. Journal of Affective Disorders , 218 , pp. 30-34.
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Suicide among young people and adults in Ireland: method characteristics, toxicological analysis and substance abuse histories compared.
Arensman, Ella and Bennardi, Marco and Larkin, Celine and Wall, Amanda and McAuliffe, Carmel and McCarthy, Jacklyn and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2016) Suicide among young people and adults in Ireland: method characteristics, toxicological analysis and substance abuse histories compared. PloS one , 11 , (11) , e0166881.
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Exploring smoking, mental health and smoking-related disease in a nationally representative sample of older adults in Ireland – A retrospective secondary analysis.
Burns, Annette and Strawbridge, Judith and Clancy, Luke and Doyle, Frank (2017) Exploring smoking, mental health and smoking-related disease in a nationally representative sample of older adults in Ireland – A retrospective secondary analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research , Early online .
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Frequently asked questions: supervised injecting facilities.
Health Service Executive, National Office for Social Inclusion. (2017) Frequently asked questions: supervised injecting facilities. Dublin: Health Service Executive, National Office for Social Inclusion.
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A programme for a partnership Government annual report 2017.
Department of The Taoiseach. (2017) A programme for a partnership Government annual report 2017. Dublin: Department of The Taoiseach.
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Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2017) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 61, Spring 2017 , 28 p.. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Action plan for education 2017.
Department of Education and Skills. (2017) Action plan for education 2017. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills.
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“Its only weed”. Rethinking our response to young people’s cannabis use.
O'Brien, Karl and Foley, Brian (2017) “Its only weed”. Rethinking our response to young people’s cannabis use. Dublin: Ballymun Youth Action Project.
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