
‘Smart drug’ not such a bright idea.
[Irish Examiner] , Walsh, Jason ‘Smart drug’ not such a bright idea. (30 Jun 2014)

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Sober Ireland: What’s it like to not drink in Ireland?
[] Sober Ireland: What’s it like to not drink in Ireland? (30 Jun 2014)

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Calling time on the Dáil bar. Opinion: Politicians need to lead by example when it comes to alcohol.
[Irish Times] , Mullally, Una Calling time on the Dáil bar. Opinion: Politicians need to lead by example when it comes to alcohol. (30 Jun 2014)

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Methadone: the ‘government drug’.
[Irish Times] , Freyne, Patrick Methadone: the ‘government drug’. (28 Jun 2014)

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Tobacco company questions how much plain packaging will cost the State.
[] Tobacco company questions how much plain packaging will cost the State. (28 Jun 2014)

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Majority of youths back regulation of cannabis.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Majority of youths back regulation of cannabis. (27 Jun 2014)

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Reilly calls for packet of 20 cigarettes to cost €20.
[Irish Times] , Cullen, Paul Reilly calls for packet of 20 cigarettes to cost €20. (27 Jun 2014)

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Suicide six times higher among male teens.
[] Suicide six times higher among male teens. (27 Jun 2014)

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Investigation launched after drone full of drugs touched down at Dublin prison.
[] Investigation launched after drone full of drugs touched down at Dublin prison. (26 Jun 2014)

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Why restricting alcohol sponsorship in sport makes sense.
[] , Devlin, Martina Why restricting alcohol sponsorship in sport makes sense. (26 Jun 2014)

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Study: Irish youngsters most likely in Europe to use cannabis and legal highs.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Study: Irish youngsters most likely in Europe to use cannabis and legal highs. (26 Jun 2014)

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Three-quarters of homeless people attending service overdosed in past year.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Three-quarters of homeless people attending service overdosed in past year. (25 Jun 2014)

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Policy to ban sale of e-cigarettes to under 18s.
[Irish Examiner] , McEnroe, Juno Policy to ban sale of e-cigarettes to under 18s. (25 Jun 2014)

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Government given go-ahead to ban 7,000 cigarette vending machines in pubs.
[] , McConnell, Daniel and O'Regan, Eilish Government given go-ahead to ban 7,000 cigarette vending machines in pubs. (25 Jun 2014)

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Harmful drinking ‘is norm in Irish society’.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Harmful drinking ‘is norm in Irish society’. (24 Jun 2014)

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30% suffered ‘negative consequence’ from drink.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac 30% suffered ‘negative consequence’ from drink. (24 Jun 2014)

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Drugs and prostitution will be measured in Ireland’s next GDP figures.
[] Drugs and prostitution will be measured in Ireland’s next GDP figures. (24 Jun 2014)

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NACDA press release: Drug prevalence survey: polydrug use results.
[National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol] NACDA press release: Drug prevalence survey: polydrug use results. (24 Jun 2014)

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Irish Alcohol Diaries 2013: New figures reveal 75% of alcohol is consumed as part of binge session.
[Health Research Board] Irish Alcohol Diaries 2013: New figures reveal 75% of alcohol is consumed as part of binge session. (23 Jun 2014)

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We can no longer afford to accept our harmful relationship with alcohol as the norm, says Alcohol Action Ireland.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] We can no longer afford to accept our harmful relationship with alcohol as the norm, says Alcohol Action Ireland. (23 Jun 2014)

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The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland calls for the introduction of minimum unit pricing in Budget 2015 to tackle the chronic health problems being caused by harmful drinking in Ireland.
[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland] The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland calls for the introduction of minimum unit pricing in Budget 2015 to tackle the chronic health problems being caused by harmful drinking in Ireland. (23 Jun 2014)

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New programme tackling self-harm and suicide to be rolled out across the country.
[Irish Examiner] New programme tackling self-harm and suicide to be rolled out across the country. (21 Jun 2014)

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Irish medicines board announces 2013 performance outturn.
Irish Medicines Board. [Irish Medicines Board] Irish medicines board announces 2013 performance outturn. (20 Jun 2014)

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Parents ‘over-reliant’ on medication to treat mental health issues.
[Irish Examiner] , Baker, Noel Parents ‘over-reliant’ on medication to treat mental health issues. (19 Jun 2014)

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Smoke and mirrors as Big Tobacco fights Australian plain packaging law.
[Irish Times] , Collins, Padraig Smoke and mirrors as Big Tobacco fights Australian plain packaging law. (19 Jun 2014)

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Smugglers target lax Irish courts.
[Irish Examiner] , Buckley, Dan Smugglers target lax Irish courts. (18 Jun 2014)

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Last orders on student alcohol misuse.
[Irish Medical Times] , Gantly, Dara Last orders on student alcohol misuse. (18 Jun 2014)

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Years of neglect and cuts leave area prey to drugs and crime.
[Irish Times] , Holland, Kitty Years of neglect and cuts leave area prey to drugs and crime. (16 Jun 2014)

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Experts highlight risk of late HIV diagnosis.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Doherty, Caroline Experts highlight risk of late HIV diagnosis. (14 Jun 2014)

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Warning about PMA/PMMA drug after six deaths in Ireland.
[Irish Times] , Mullally, Una Warning about PMA/PMMA drug after six deaths in Ireland. (14 Jun 2014)

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Sports not for sale to the alcohol industry.
[Irish Medical Times] , Mudiwa, Lloyd Sports not for sale to the alcohol industry. (13 Jun 2014)

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How the alcohol industry ‘runs the show’ at the World Cup.
[] How the alcohol industry ‘runs the show’ at the World Cup. (12 Jun 2014)

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Synthetic drugs problem ‘complex’.
[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary Synthetic drugs problem ‘complex’. (12 Jun 2014)

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It’s official: Ireland will be the first country in the EU to bring in plain packaging on cigarettes.
[] It’s official: Ireland will be the first country in the EU to bring in plain packaging on cigarettes. (10 Jun 2014)

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Call for Garda crackdown on teen drinking on Dublin's beaches.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Call for Garda crackdown on teen drinking on Dublin's beaches. (09 Jun 2014)

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Cocaine here is least pure — but second dearest in Europe.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Cocaine here is least pure — but second dearest in Europe. (07 Jun 2014)

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NI: 18 drug-related deaths linked to new drug 'speckled Rolex'.
[BBC News Northern Ireland] NI: 18 drug-related deaths linked to new drug 'speckled Rolex'. (05 Jun 2014)

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Cannabis 'can alter shape of sperm'.
Press Association. [] Cannabis 'can alter shape of sperm'. (05 Jun 2014)

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Are e-cigarettes the answer?
[Irish Times] , King, Anthony Are e-cigarettes the answer? (03 Jun 2014)

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Mixed messages about lethal drugs.
[Irish Times] Mullally,Una Mixed messages about lethal drugs. (02 Jun 2014)

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Opinion: The ‘War on Drugs’ has failed – let’s finally implement policies that make sense.
[]  Duffin, Tony  Opinion: The ‘War on Drugs’ has failed – let’s finally implement policies that make sense. (01 Jun 2014)

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