In this issue
Evidence Resources
Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: an overview of systematic reviews.
Das, Jai K and Salam, Rehana and Arshad, Ahmed and Finkelstein, Yaron and Bhutta, Zulfiqar A . (2016) Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: an overview of systematic reviews. Elsevier. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59 (4 supp) S61–75.
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Dual dilemma: the impact of living with mental health issues combined with drug and alcohol misuse.
Turning Point. (2016) Dual dilemma: the impact of living with mental health issues combined with drug and alcohol misuse. London: Turning Point. 12 p.
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Public attitudes towards people with drug dependence and people in recovery.
Bryan, Ruth and McGregor, Diane and Belcher, Alex . (2016) Public attitudes towards people with drug dependence and people in recovery. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. 50 p.
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Juvenile curfew effects on criminal behavior and victimization. A systematic review.
Wilson, David B and Gill, Charlotte and Olaghere, Ajima and McGlure, David [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2016) Juvenile curfew effects on criminal behavior and victimization. A systematic review. The Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Systematic Reviews (2016:3) 97 p. DOI: 10.4073/csr.2016.3
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Domestic abuse and change resistant drinkers: preventing and reducing the harm. Learning lessons from domestic homicide reviews.
Ward, Mike and Holly, Jennifer and Allwright, Lucy and Booker, Lauren and Holmes, Mark and Pierce, Mike . (2016) Domestic abuse and change resistant drinkers: preventing and reducing the harm. Learning lessons from domestic homicide reviews. London: Alcohol Concern and Against Violence and Abuse. 65 p.
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Young people – substance misuse JSNA support pack 2017-18: commissioning prompts. Good practice prompts for planning comprehensive interventions.
Public Health England. (2016) Young people – substance misuse JSNA support pack 2017-18: commissioning prompts. Good practice prompts for planning comprehensive interventions. London: Public Health England. 20 p.
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Introducing the highlights from: Problem solving in court: current practice in FDACs in England.
Tunnard, Jo and Ryan, Mary and Harwin, Judith . (2016) Introducing the highlights from: Problem solving in court: current practice in FDACs in England. Lancaster University. 20 p.
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Estimating the burden of disease attributable to injecting drug use as a risk factor for HIV, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.
Degenhardt, Louisa and Charlson, Fiona and Stanaway, Jeff and Larney, Sarah and Alexander, Lily T and Hickman, Matthew and Cowie, Benjamin and Hall, Wayne and Strang, John and Whiteford, Harvey and Vos, Theo . (2016) Estimating the burden of disease attributable to injecting drug use as a risk factor for HIV, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Elsevier. The Lancet, Early online DOI:
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Alcohol Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; generic and cross-cutting issues.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2016) Alcohol Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 4 p.
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Alcohol Matrix cell B2: Practitioners; generic and cross-cutting issues.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2016) Alcohol Matrix cell B2: Practitioners; generic and cross-cutting issues. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 4 p.
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Hot topic. ‘Recovery’: meaning and implications for treatment.
[Drug and Alcohol Findings] (2016) Hot topic. ‘Recovery’: meaning and implications for treatment. London: Drug and Alcohol Findings. 5 p.
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Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings.
Marel, Christina and Mills, Katherine L and Kingston, Rosemary and Gournay, Kevin and Deady, Mark and Kay-Lambkin, Frances and Baker, Amanda and Teesson, Maree [NDARC] . (2016) Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings. Sydney: Australia: Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, National Drug and Alcohol. 446 p.
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Youth drinking in transition.
Wybron, Ian . (2016) Youth drinking in transition. London: DEMOS. 160 p.
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Attitudes to alcohol. Findings from the 2015 British Social Attitudes survey.
Fuller, Elizabeth and Simpson, Ian . (2016) Attitudes to alcohol. Findings from the 2015 British Social Attitudes survey. London: NatCen Social Research. 14 p.
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Tobacco standard packs.
Public Health England. (2016) Tobacco standard packs. London: Public Health England. Health Matters
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Evaluating the impact of a national naloxone programme on ambulance attendance at overdose incidents: a controlled time series analysis.
McAuley, Andrew and Bouttell, Janet and Barnsdale, Lee and Mackay, Daniel and Lewsey, Jim and Hunter, Carole and Robinson, Mark . (2016) Evaluating the impact of a national naloxone programme on ambulance attendance at overdose incidents: a controlled time series analysis. Wiley. Addiction (Abingdon, England), Early online Doi: 10.1111/add.13602
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Cannabis: the evidence for medical use.
Barnes, Michael P and Barnes, Jennifer C . (2016) Cannabis: the evidence for medical use. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform. 176 p.
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Access to medicinal cannabis: meeting patient needs.
All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform. (2016) Access to medicinal cannabis: meeting patient needs. London: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform. 47 p.
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Prevention of harm caused by alcohol exposure in pregnancy. Rapid review and case studies from Member States.
Schölin, Lisa [WHO] . (2016) Prevention of harm caused by alcohol exposure in pregnancy. Rapid review and case studies from Member States. Geneva: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. 53 p.
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Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2015 registrations.
United Kingdom. Office for National Statistics. (2016) Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2015 registrations. London: Office for National Statistics.
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Understanding and preventing drug-related deaths.
National expert working group to investigate drug-related deaths in England. [Public Health England] (2016) Understanding and preventing drug-related deaths. London: Public Health England. 36 p.
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Will drug use rise? Exploring a key concern about decriminalising or regulating drugs.
Murkin, George [Transform] . (2016) Will drug use rise? Exploring a key concern about decriminalising or regulating drugs. London: Transform Drug Policy Foundation. 36 p.
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Missed periods: Scotland's opportunities for better pregnancies, healthier parents and thriving babies the first time . . . and every time. A primer on preconception health, education and care.
Sher, Jonathan . (2016) Missed periods: Scotland's opportunities for better pregnancies, healthier parents and thriving babies the first time . . . and every time. A primer on preconception health, education and care. Glasgow: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Public Health). 45 p.
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The United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem: report of proceedings.
International Drug Policy Consortium. (2016) The United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem: report of proceedings. London: International Drug Policy Consortium. 20 p.
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