
Northern Ireland road safety monitor. Annual report 2014.
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2014) Northern Ireland road safety monitor. Annual report 2014. Department of the Environment, London .

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Child Care Law Reporting Project: second interim report.
Coulter, Carol (2014) Child Care Law Reporting Project: second interim report. Child Care Law Reporting Project, Dublin .

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Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB): a scoping review of pharmacology, toxicology, motives for use, and user groups.
Brennan, Rebekah and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2014) Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB): a scoping review of pharmacology, toxicology, motives for use, and user groups. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 46 (3). pp. 243-251.

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Quay Times, the newsletter for supporters of Merchants Quay Ireland.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2014) Quay Times, the newsletter for supporters of Merchants Quay Ireland. Quay Times . pp. 1-2.

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Children of the recession. The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries.
Fanjul, Gonzalo UNICEF Office of Research. (2014) Children of the recession. The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries. UNICEF Office of Research, Florence .

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Relation between national-level tobacco control policies and individual-level voluntary home smoking bans in Europe.
Ferketich, Amy K and Lugo, Alessandra and La Vecchia, Carlo and Fernandez, Esteve and Boffetta, Paolo and Clancy, Luke and Gallus, Silvano (2014) Relation between national-level tobacco control policies and individual-level voluntary home smoking bans in Europe. Tobacco control, Early online .

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Irish Penal Reform Trust annual report.
Irish Penal Reform Trust. (2014) Irish Penal Reform Trust annual report. Irish Penal Reform Trust, Dublin .

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Illicit drug markets in Ireland.
Connolly, Johnny and Donovan, Anne Marie (2014) Illicit drug markets in Ireland. National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol, Dublin .

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Coolmine annual report 2013. 40 years helping people overcome addiction.
Coolmine Therapeutic Community. (2014) Coolmine annual report 2013. 40 years helping people overcome addiction. Coolmine Therapeutic Community, Dublin .

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An analysis of the recording of tobacco use among inpatients in Irish hospitals.
Sheridan, A and Howell, Fenton (2014) An analysis of the recording of tobacco use among inpatients in Irish hospitals. Irish Medical Journal, 107 (9). pp. 1-4.

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Parental rules, parent and peer attachment, and adolescent drinking behaviors.
McKay, Michael T. (2014) Parental rules, parent and peer attachment, and adolescent drinking behaviors. Substance Use & Misuse, Early online .

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Life-time prevalence and psychosocial correlates of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior: a comparative study of findings in 11 European countries.
Brunner, Romuald et al (2014) Life-time prevalence and psychosocial correlates of adolescent direct self-injurious behavior: a comparative study of findings in 11 European countries. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 55 (4). pp. 337-48.

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A newly identified group of adolescents at "invisible" risk for psychopathology and suicidal behavior: findings from the SEYLE study.
Carli, Vladimir et al (2014) A newly identified group of adolescents at "invisible" risk for psychopathology and suicidal behavior: findings from the SEYLE study. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 13 (1). pp. 78-86.

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Risk-behaviour screening for identifying adolescents with mental health problems in Europe.
Kaess, Michael and Brunner, Romuald and Parzer, Peter and Carli, Vladimir and Apter, Alan and Balazs, Judit A and Bobes, Julio and Coman, Horia G and Cosman, Doina and Cotter, Padraig and Durkee, Tony and Farkas, Luca and Feldman, Dana and Haring, Christian and Iosue, Miriam and Kahn, Jean-Pierre and Keeley, Helen and Podlogar, Tina and Postuvan, Vita and Resch, Franz and others, . (2014) Risk-behaviour screening for identifying adolescents with mental health problems in Europe. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 23 (7). pp. 611-620.

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What do temporal profiles tell us about adolescent alcohol use? Results from a large sample in the United Kingdom.
McKay, Michael T and Andretta, James R and Magee, Jennifer and Worrell, Frank C (2014) What do temporal profiles tell us about adolescent alcohol use? Results from a large sample in the United Kingdom. Journal of adolescence, 37 (8). pp. 1319-1328.

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Modeling the impact of place on individual methadone treatment outcomes in a National longitudinal cohort study.
Murphy, Emma and Comiskey, Catherine M (2014) Modeling the impact of place on individual methadone treatment outcomes in a National longitudinal cohort study. Substance Use & Misuse, epub ahead of print .

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Computer-assisted and online data collection in general population surveys.
Skarupova, Katerina (2014) Computer-assisted and online data collection in general population surveys. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon .

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Scotland the brave! - Alcohol policy in Scotland. Proceedings from Brussels event to support Scotland’s alcohol minimum unit pricing policy.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems. (2014) Scotland the brave! - Alcohol policy in Scotland. Proceedings from Brussels event to support Scotland’s alcohol minimum unit pricing policy. In: Scotland the brave!, 5th September 2014, Brussels.

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National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2013.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2014) National Office for Suicide Prevention annual report 2013. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2013.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Corcoran, Paul and Wall, Amanda and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2014) National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2013. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork .

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Inspector of prisons annual report 2013/2014.
Reilly, Judge Michael (2014) Inspector of prisons annual report 2013/2014. Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin .

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Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014.
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2014) Statistics from the Northern Ireland drug misuse database: 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

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A systematic review of Hepatitis C virus treatment uptake among people who inject drugs in the European Region.
Lazarus, Jeffrey V and Sperle, Ide and Maticic, Mojca and Wiessing, Lucas (2014) A systematic review of Hepatitis C virus treatment uptake among people who inject drugs in the European Region. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14 (Supp 6). S16.

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Childhood sexual trauma, cannabis use and psychosis: statistically controlling for pre-trauma psychosis and psychopathology.
Murphy, Jamie and Houston, James Edward and Shevlin, Mark and Adamson, Gary (2013) Childhood sexual trauma, cannabis use and psychosis: statistically controlling for pre-trauma psychosis and psychopathology. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 48 . pp. 853-861.

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Regulatory approaches to new psychoactive substances (NPS) in the European Union.
Hughes, Brendan and Griffiths, Paul (2014) Regulatory approaches to new psychoactive substances (NPS) in the European Union. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109 (10). pp. 1591-1593.

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The association between family affluence and smoking among 15-year-old adolescents in 33 European countries, Israel and Canada: the role of national wealth.
Pförtner, Timo-Kolja and Moor, Irene and Rathmann, Katharina and Hublet, Anne and Molcho, Michal and Kunst, Anton E and Richter, Matthias (2014) The association between family affluence and smoking among 15-year-old adolescents in 33 European countries, Israel and Canada: the role of national wealth. Addiction (Abingdon, England), Early online .

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Where are they now? A follow-up study to Cork Simon’s 2013 report ‘How did I get here?’.
O'Reilly, Owen and Foley, Jacklyn Cork Simon Community. (2014) Where are they now? A follow-up study to Cork Simon’s 2013 report ‘How did I get here?’. Cork Simon Community, Cork .

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Cross border organised crime assessment 2014.
Police Service of Northern Ireland, An Garda Siochana. (2014) Cross border organised crime assessment 2014. Department of Justice and Department of Justice and Equality, Belfast and Dublin .

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