In this issue
Recorded crime: quarter 4 2015.
Central Statistics Office. (2016) Recorded crime: quarter 4 2015. Central Statistics Office, Cork .
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Addiction & mental illness: two problems, one person.
Dual Diagnosis Ireland. (2016) Addiction & mental illness: two problems, one person. Dual Diagnosis Ireland, Dublin .
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Report on the Listening Meetings.
HSE Mental Health Division. (2016) Report on the Listening Meetings. Health Service Executive, Dublin .
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Neural basis of reward anticipation and its genetic determinants.
Jia, Tianye et al, (2016) Neural basis of reward anticipation and its genetic determinants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Early online .
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Pathological internet use and risk-behaviors among European adolescents.
Durkee, Tony et al (2016) Pathological internet use and risk-behaviors among European adolescents. International journal of environmental research and public health, 13 (3).
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Views on alcohol and drug related issues: findings from the September 2015 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey.
Graham, I and O;Neill, N (2016) Views on alcohol and drug related issues: findings from the September 2015 Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey. Department of Justice, Northern Ireland, Belfast .
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Lysosomal disorders drive susceptibility to Tuberculosis by compromising macrophage migration.
Berg, Russell D et al (2016) Lysosomal disorders drive susceptibility to Tuberculosis by compromising macrophage migration. Cell, 165 (1). pp. 139-152.
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Policy and practice in ethnic data collection and monitoring.
Pavee Point Travellers and Roma Centre. (2016) Policy and practice in ethnic data collection and monitoring. Pavee Point Travellers and Roma Centre, Dublin .
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Alcohol literature review.
Hope, Ann (2014) Alcohol literature review. Department of Health, Dublin .
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The LGBTIreland report: national study of the mental health and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Ireland.
Higgins, Agnes et al (2016) The LGBTIreland report: national study of the mental health and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Ireland. GLEN and BelongTo, Dublin .
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The association between scholastic measures, alcohol outcome expectancies and alcohol use: a cross-sectional study in Northern Ireland.
McKay, Michael T and Harvey, Seamus A (2015) The association between scholastic measures, alcohol outcome expectancies and alcohol use: a cross-sectional study in Northern Ireland. Child Care in Practice, 21 (4). pp. 357-373.
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Perspectives on adolescent alcohol use and consideration of future consequences: results from a qualitative study.
Harvey, Seamus A and McKay, Michael T (2016) Perspectives on adolescent alcohol use and consideration of future consequences: results from a qualitative study. Child Care in Practice, Early online .
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Primary Care Reimbursement Service: statistical analysis of claims and payments 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2016) Primary Care Reimbursement Service: statistical analysis of claims and payments 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .
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National clinical programme for the assessment and management of patients presenting to Emergency Departments following self-harm.
Health Service Executive; College of Psychiatrists. (2016) National clinical programme for the assessment and management of patients presenting to Emergency Departments following self-harm. The National Clinical Programme for Mental Health Clinical Programme, HSE Clinical Strategy and Programmes Division, Dublin .
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Economics of tobacco: an analysis of cigarette demand in Ireland.
Kennedy, Sean and Pigott, Victor and Walsh, Keith (2015) Economics of tobacco: an analysis of cigarette demand in Ireland. Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Dublin .
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Opt-out panel testing for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in an urban emergency department: a pilot study.
O'Connell, Sarah et al (2016) Opt-out panel testing for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in an urban emergency department: a pilot study. PLoS ONE, 11 (3). e0150546.
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Children's Rights Alliance report card 2016.
Children's Rights Alliance. (2016) Children's Rights Alliance report card 2016. Children's Rights Alliance, Dublin .
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Energy drinks in Ireland - a review.
Safefood. (2016) Energy drinks in Ireland - a review. Safefood, Dublin .
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Alternative world drug report.
Rolles, Steve and Murkin, George and Powell, Martin and Kushlick, Danny and Saunter, Nicky and Slater, Jane (2016) Alternative world drug report. Count the Costs of the War on Drug, United Kingdom .
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Drugnet Ireland, Issue 55, Autumn 2015.
Health Research Board. (2015) Drugnet Ireland, Issue 55, Autumn 2015. , Issue 55, Autumn 2015 .
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Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS).
Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2016) Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS). Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Dubin .
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Reporting obligations under the Tobacco Products Directive No. 2014/40/EU.
European Commission. (2016) Reporting obligations under the Tobacco Products Directive No. 2014/40/EU. European Commission .
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Study on the exposure of minors to alcohol advertising on linear and non-linear audio-visual media services and other online services, including a content analysis.
European Commission. (2016) Study on the exposure of minors to alcohol advertising on linear and non-linear audio-visual media services and other online services, including a content analysis. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .
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Educational differences in associations of noticing anti-tobacco information with smoking-related attitudes and quit intentions.
Springvloet, L et al (2015) Educational differences in associations of noticing anti-tobacco information with smoking-related attitudes and quit intentions: findings from the International Tobacco Control Europe Surveys. Health Education Research, 30 (5). pp. 719-730.
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Understanding suicide and help-seeking in urban and rural areas in Northern Ireland.
Leavey, Gerard and Galway, Karen and Mallon, Sharon and Hughes, Lynette and Rondón-Sulbarán, Janeet and Rosato, Michael (2016) Understanding suicide and help-seeking in urban and rural areas in Northern Ireland. HSC Research and Development Division, Public Health Agency, Belfast .
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Death by suicide: a report based on the Northern Ireland Coroner’s database.
Bunting, Brendan and Corry, Colette and O'Neill, Siobhan and Moore, Adrian and Benson, Tony and McFeeters, Danielle (2016) Death by suicide: a report based on the Northern Ireland Coroner’s database. HSC Research and Development Division, Public Health Agency, Belfast .
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Parental alcohol use and resilience in young people in Northern Ireland: a study of family, peer & school processes.
McLaughlin, Aisling and O'Neill, Tara and McCarten, Claire and Percy, Andy and McCann, Mark and Perra, Oliver and Higgins, Kathryn (2016) Parental alcohol use and resilience in young people in Northern Ireland: a study of family, peer & school processes. HSC Research and Development Division, Public Health Agency, Belfast .
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Effectiveness of Scotland's national naloxone programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006-10) versus after (2011-13) comparison.
Bird, Sheila M and McAuley, Andrew and Perry, Samantha and Hunter, Carole (2015) Effectiveness of Scotland's national naloxone programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006-10) versus after (2011-13) comparison. Addiction, Early online .
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Health service performance report December 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2016) Health service performance report December 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .
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Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland.
Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland. (2016) Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland. Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland, Dublin .
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