
Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2013.
Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot and Moran, Rosalyn (2014) Irish psychiatric units and hospitals census 2013. Health Research Board, Dublin.
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ICGP annual report 2013.
Irish College of General Practitioners. (2014) ICGP annual report 2013 (Jan-Dec). Irish College of General Practitioners, Dublin.
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Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries.
Kuntsche, Emmanuel and Nic Gabhainn, Saoirse et al (2014) Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 75 (3). pp. 428-437.
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Factors associated with self-cutting as a method of self-harm: findings from the Irish National Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm.
Arensman, Ella and Larkin, Celine and Corcoran, Paul and Reulbach, Udo and Perry, Ivan J (2014) Factors associated with self-cutting as a method of self-harm: findings from the Irish National Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm. European journal of public health, 24 (2). pp. 292-297.
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Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence – Westminster videos
Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence – Westminster videos. In: Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, Big Influence: New vectors for global disease, 1 April 2014, The Palace of Westminster, London.
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Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population

Drummond, Anne and Codd, Mary and Donnelly, N and McCausland, D and Mehegan, J and Daly, L and Kelleher, Cecily (2014) Study on the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use, and blood-borne viruses among the Irish prisoner population. National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol, Dublin

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Better outcomes brighter futures. The national policy framework for children & young people 2014 - 2020

Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2014) Better outcomes brighter futures. The national policy framework for children & young people 2014 - 2020. Stationery Office, Dublin.

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Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe. A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries

Giraudon, Isabelle and Mena, Guillermo and Matias, Joao and Vicente, Julian (2014) Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe. A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon.

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Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2012 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System
Health Research Board. (2014) Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland: figures for 2012 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System. Health Research Board, Dublin.
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Health service performance assurance report. January 2014.

Health Service Executive. (2014) Health service performance assurance report. January 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin

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Steps towards a fairer future. Securing economic development, social equity and sustainability.
Healy, Sean and Leahy, Ann and Mallon, Sandra and Murphy, Michelle and Reynolds, Brigid (2014) Steps towards a fairer future. Securing economic development, social equity and sustainability. Social Justice Ireland, Dublin
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Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11 drug prevalence survey: cocaine results. Bulletin 4.

National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol. (2014) Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11 drug prevalence survey: cocaine results. Bulletin 4. National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol, Dublin.

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Factsheet: Cocaine - the Irish situation

National Documentation Centre on Drug Use (2014) Factsheet: Cocaine - the Irish situation (updated version)

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Community-based interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2014) Community-based interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. NICE public health intervention guidance 4
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Needle and syringe programmes overview.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014) Needle and syringe programmes overview. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE pathways
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