
Draft Council Conclusions on "An EU strategy on the reduction of alcohol related harm".
General Secretariat of the Council. (2015) Draft Council Conclusions on "An EU strategy on the reduction of alcohol related harm". Council of the European Union, Brussels .

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Garda recorded crime statistics 2009 - 2013.
Central Statistics Office. (2015) Garda recorded crime statistics 2009 - 2013. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

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Health service performance report September 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health service performance report September 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

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Comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders in Europe.
Torrens, Marta and Mestre-Pintó, Joan-Ignasi and Domingo-Salvany, Antònia (2015) Comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders in Europe. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg .

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Drug money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2015) Drug money: the illicit proceeds of opiates trafficked on the Balkan route. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna .

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The Parole Board annual report 2014.
Parole Board. (2015) The Parole Board annual report 2014. Parole Board, Dublin .

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Alcohol marketing and young people’s drinking behaviour in Ireland.
Fox, Cathy Ann and Kelly, Colette and Molcho, Michal (2015) Alcohol marketing and young people’s drinking behaviour in Ireland. Alcohol Action Ireland, Dublin .

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A community based study of Synthetic Cannabinoid use in Co. Monaghan, Ireland.
Van Hout, Marie Claire and Hearne, Evelyn (2015) A community based study of Synthetic Cannabinoid use in Co. Monaghan, Ireland. Teach na Daoine Family Resource Centre, Monaghan .

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Development and process evaluation of an educational intervention for overdose prevention and naloxone distribution by general practice trainees.
Klimas, Jan and Egan, Mairead and Tobin, Helen and Coleman, Neil and Bury, Gerard (2015) Development and process evaluation of an educational intervention for overdose prevention and naloxone distribution by general practice trainees. BMC medical education, 15 (206).

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Illegal tobacco products research – survey results 2014.
Revenue Commissioners. (2015) Illegal tobacco products research – survey results 2014. Revenue Commissioners, Dublin .

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On the fast-track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population.
UNAIDS. (2015) On the fast-track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population. UNAIDS .

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Implementation of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK.
Williams, Roger et al (2015) Implementation of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. The Lancet, 386 (10008). pp. 2098-2111.

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Cork Simon Community annual report 2014.
Cork Simon Community. (2015) Cork Simon Community annual report 2014. Cork Simon Community .

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Citywide 20th anniversary conference.
Citywide. (2015) Citywide 20th anniversary conference. In: Communities and drugs -Developing a drugs policy that works, 12 November 2015, Croke Park.

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European facts and the Global status report on road safety 2015.
Jackisch, Josephine and Sethi, Dinesh and Mitis, Francesco and Szymañski, Tomasz and Arra, Ian (2015) European facts and the Global status report on road safety 2015. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen .

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Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2014.
Daly, Antoinette and Walsh, Dermot (2015) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2014. Health Research Board, Dublin .

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Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2014.
Peter McVerry Trust. (2015) Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2014. Peter McVerry Trust, Dublin .

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Report to the Government of Ireland on the visit to Ireland carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 16 to 26 September 2014.
Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture. (2015) Report to the Government of Ireland on the visit to Ireland carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 16 to 26 September 2014. Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture .

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National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2014.
Griffin, Eve and Arensman, Ella and Corcoran, Paul and Dillon, Christina B and Williamson, Eileen and Perry, Ivan J (2015) National Registry of Deliberate Self Harm annual report 2014. National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork .

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Women, homelessness and service provision.
Mayock, Paula and Parker, Sarah and Sheridan, Sarah (2015) Women, homelessness and service provision. Simon Communities of Ireland, Dublin .

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HIV and young people who inject drugs. Technical brief.
World Health Organization. (2015) HIV and young people who inject drugs. Technical brief. World Health Organization, Geneva .

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National student drug survey 2015.
Bingham, Tim and O'Driscoll, Colin and De Barra, Graham (2015) National student drug survey 2015. , Dublin

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Sustainable growth of the Drinks Industry.
Fitzgerald, Ciaran (2015) Sustainable growth of the Drinks Industry. Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland, Dublin .

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Culture and organisation in the Irish prison service - a road map for the future.
Reilly, Judge Michael (2015) Culture and organisation in the Irish prison service - a road map for the future. Office of the Inspector of Prisons, Dublin .

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White Paper on Defence.
Ireland. Department of Defence. (2015) White Paper on Defence. Department of Defence, Kildare .

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Guidance for providers of health and social care services for children. Communicating in plain English with children and their families.
Health Information and Quality Authority. (2015) Guidance for providers of health and social care services for children. Communicating in plain English with children and their families. Health Information and Quality Authority, Dublin .

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Overdose risk perceptions and experience of overdose among heroin users in Cork, Ireland. preliminary results from a pilot overdose prevention study.
Horan, John Aidan and Deasy, Conor and Henry, Kieran and O'Brien, Declan and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2015) Overdose risk perceptions and experience of overdose among heroin users in Cork, Ireland. preliminary results from a pilot overdose prevention study. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 17 (5). pp. 19-26.

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Health survey Northern Ireland. First results 2014/15.
Bell, Carey and Scarlett, Mary (2015) Health survey Northern Ireland. First results 2014/15. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

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Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients in primary care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (OPTI-SCRIPT study) .
Clyne, Barbara and Smith, Susan M and Hughes, Carmel M and Boland, Fiona and Bradley, Marie and Cooper, Janine A and Fahey, Tom (2015) Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients in primary care: A cluster-randomized controlled trial (OPTI-SCRIPT study) . Annals of Family Medicine, 18 (6). pp. 545-553.

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Women and homelessness: a resource guide.
Walsh, Kathy (2015) Women and homelessness: a resource guide. Simon Communities of Ireland, Dublin .

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‘It's just like we're going around in circles and going back to the same thing …’: the dynamics of women's unresolved homelessness.
Mayock, Paula and Sheridan, Sarah and Parker, Sarah (2015) ‘It's just like we're going around in circles and going back to the same thing …’: the dynamics of women's unresolved homelessness. Housing Studies, Early online .

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The dynamics of long-term homelessness among women in Ireland.
Mayock, Paula and Sheridan, Sarah and Parker, Sarah (2015) The dynamics of long-term homelessness among women in Ireland. Dublin Region Homeless Executive, Dublin .

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Driver attitudes & behaviour survey 2014.
O'Mahony, John and Tapley, Nigel (2015) Driver attitudes & behaviour survey 2014. Road Safety Authority, Dublin .

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Alcohol-related brain injury.
McMonagle, Helen (2015) Alcohol-related brain injury. Forum, 32 (10). pp. 55-57.

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Health at a glance 2015.
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. (2015) Health at a glance 2015. OECD Publishing, Paris .

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What comes after the war on drugs – flexibility, fragmentation or principled pluralism?
Cockayne, James and Walker, Summer (2015) What comes after the war on drugs – flexibility, fragmentation or principled pluralism? United Nations University, New York .

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Acute recreational drug and new psychoactive substance toxicity in Europe: 12 months data collection from the European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN).
Dines, Alison M and Wood, David M and Yates, Christopher and Heyerdahl, Fridtjof and Hovda, Knut Erik and Giraudon, Isabelle and Sedefov, Roumen and Dargan, Paul I (2015) Acute recreational drug and new psychoactive substance toxicity in Europe: 12 months data collection from the European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN). Clinical Toxicology, 53 (9). pp. 893-900.

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Address by Minister Aodhán Ó Ríordáin T.D.
(2015) Address by Minister Aodhán Ó Ríordáin T.D. In: London School of Economics IDEAS Forum, 2 November, London.

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Youth health report 2015. Summary of findings relating to 15-24 year olds in the Healthy Ireland Survey 2015. (2015) Youth health report 2015. Summary of findings relating to 15-24 year olds in the Healthy Ireland Survey 2015., Dublin .

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Medications in drug treatment: tackling the risks to children - one year on.
ADFAM. (2015) Medications in drug treatment: tackling the risks to children - one year on. Adfam.

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A framework for working safely and effectively with men who perpetrate intimate partner violence in substance use treatment settings
Hughes, Liz and Fitzgerald, Colin and Radcliffe, Polly and Gilchrist, Gail (2015) A framework for working safely and effectively with men who perpetrate intimate partner violence in substance use treatment settings. King’s College London.

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Young people's mental health
British Youth Council Youth Select Committee.(2015) Young people's mental health. British Youth Council

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Cannabis regulation: lessons learned in Colorado and Washington State
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. (2015) Cannabis regulation: lessons learned in Colorado and Washington State. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.

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Psychosocial determinants of cannabis dependence: a systematic review of the literature
Schlossarek, S and Kempkensteffen, J and Reimer, J and Verthein, U (2016) Psychosocial determinants of cannabis dependence: a systematic review of the literature. Karger. European Addiction Journal, 22 (3) 131-44

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Step by step toolkit. Preparing for work with children and young people who inject drugs.
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Harm Reduction International, Save the Children, Youth RISE.(2015) Step by step toolkit. Preparing for work with children and young people who inject drugs.  International HIV/AIDS Alliance.

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A global review of the harm reduction response to amphetamines: a 2015 update
Pinkham, Sophie and Stone, Katie (2015) A global review of the harm reduction response to amphetamines: a 2015 update. Harm Reduction International.

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