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Welcome to the first edition of the NDC Newsletter 2015. This is our monthly electronic digest of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco publications, news and Dail  debates

To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit the NDC website, Ireland's comprehensive alcohol and other drug research library, or follow us on Twitter


The Internet and drug markets.
Mountenay, Jane and Bo, Alessandra and Klempova, Danica and Oteo, Alberto and Vandam, Liesbeth (2015) The Internet and drug markets. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon .

Hazardous alcohol consumption among university students in Ireland: a cross-sectional study.
Davoren, Martin P and Shiely, Frances and Byrne, Michael and Perry, Ivan J (2015) Hazardous alcohol consumption among university students in Ireland: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 5 (e006045).

Building bridges – an evaluation and social return on investment study of the Le Cheile Restorative Justice Project in Limerick. Excecutive summary.
Quigley, M and Martynowicz, Agnieszka and Gardner, Caroline (2015) Building bridges – an evaluation and social return on investment study of the Le Cheile Restorative Justice Project in Limerick. Excecutive summary. Le Chéile, Ireland .

Health services performance assurance report November 2014.
Health Service Executive. (2015) Health services performance assurance report November 2014. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

Profile table of priority areas, actions and deliverables for the period 2015- 2017.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2015) Profile table of priority areas, actions and deliverables for the period 2015- 2017. Department of Health, Dublin

Drugnet Ireland Issue 52, Winter 2014.
Health Research Board. (2015) Drugnet Ireland Issue 52, Winter 2014. .

Census of drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland – 1st September 2014.
Corrigan, Deirdre (2015) Census of drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland – 1st September 2014. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast .

Police recorded drug seizure and arrest statistics. Monthly update report covering the period to 31st December 2014.
Police Service of Northern Ireland. (2015) Police recorded drug seizure and arrest statistics. Monthly update report covering the period to 31st December 2014. Police Service of Northern Ireland, Belfast .

Engaging young men project. A report on the mapping exercise conducted in Ireland during 2014.
Grace, B and Richardson, N and Carroll, P (2014) Engaging young men project. A report on the mapping exercise conducted in Ireland during 2014. Mens Health Forum in Ireland; Health Service Executive and Healthy Ireland, Dublin .

Description and outcome evaluation of Jigsaw: an emergent Irish mental health early intervention programme for young people.
O’Keeffe, L and O'Reilly, A and O’Brien, G and Buckley, R and Illback, RJ. (2015) Description and outcome evaluation of Jigsaw: an emergent Irish mental health early intervention programme for young people. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, early online .

Hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in the Western area of Northern Ireland.
Corcoran, Paul and Griffin, Eve and O'Carroll, Amanda and Cassidy, Linda and Bonner, Brendan (2015) Hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in the Western area of Northern Ireland. Crisis, Early online .

Drinking motives mediate cultural differences but not gender differences in adolescent alcohol use.
Kuntsche, Emmanuel and Wicki, Matthias and Windlin, Béat and Roberts, Chris  and Gabhainn, Saoirse Nic et al (2015) Drinking motives mediate cultural differences but not gender differences in adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Adolescent Health, Early online .

Growing up in Ireland: maternal health behaviours and child growth in infancy.
Layte, Richard and McCrory, Cathal (2014) Growing up in Ireland: maternal health behaviours and child growth in infancy. Stationery Office, Dublin .

Down a stony road: the 2014 DrugScope street drug survey.
Daly, Max (2015) Down a stony road: the 2014 DrugScope street drug survey. Drugscope, London .

How social context impacts on the development, identification and treatment of mental and substance use disorders among young people – a qualitative study of health care workers.
Leahy, D and Schaffalitzky, Elisabeth and Armstrong, C and Latham, Linda and McNicholas, F and Meagher, D and Nathan, Y and O'Connor, R and O'Keane, V and Ryan, P and Smyth, Bobby P and Swan, Davina and Cullen, Walter (2015) How social context impacts on the development, identification and treatment of mental and substance use disorders among young people – a qualitative study of health care workers. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .

Health and wellbeing operational plan 2015.
Health Service Executive. (2014) Health and wellbeing operational plan 2015. Health Service Executive, Dublin .

The rise and challenge of dark net drug markets.
Buxton, Julia and Bingham, Tim (2015) The rise and challenge of dark net drug markets. Global Drug Policy Observatory, Swansea .

Do importance of religious faith and healthy lifestyle modify the relationships between depressive symptoms and four indicators of alcohol consumption? A survey of students across seven universities in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
El Ansari, Walid and Sebena, Rene and Stock, Christiane (2014) Do importance of religious faith and healthy lifestyle modify the relationships between depressive symptoms and four indicators of alcohol consumption? A survey of students across seven universities in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Substance Use & Misuse, 49 (3). pp. 211-220.

'Causes of causes': ethnicity and social position as determinants of health inequality in Irish Traveller men.
Hodgins, Margaret and Fox, Fergal (2014) 'Causes of causes': ethnicity and social position as determinants of health inequality in Irish Traveller men. Health Promotion International, 29 (2). pp. 223-234.

Brass Munkie.
Uisce. (2014) Brass Munkie. , Issue 27, Autumn 2014 .

Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2014.
Central Statistics Office. (2014) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2014. Central Statistics Office, Cork .

The association between parental and adolescent substance misuse: findings from the Irish CASE study.
Keeley, Helen S. and Mongwa, T and Corcoran, P (2015) The association between parental and adolescent substance misuse: findings from the Irish CASE study. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, early online .


Baby addicted to alcohol or drugs born every 10 days.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Baby addicted to alcohol or drugs born every 10 days. (31 Jan 2015)

Should sports arenas have ‘no alcohol’ areas so kids aren’t sharing stands with drunks?
[] , Hennessy, Michelle Should sports arenas have ‘no alcohol’ areas so kids aren’t sharing stands with drunks? (31 Jan 2015)

Women now drink as much as men.
[Irish Examiner] , English, Eoin Women now drink as much as men. (30 Jan 2015)

Bill on e-cigarettes due to be launched today.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Bill on e-cigarettes due to be launched today. (30 Jan 2015)

Child law czar: no ambivalence on drink sponsors in sport.
[Irish Examiner] , Baker, Noel Child law czar: no ambivalence on drink sponsors in sport. (30 Jan 2015)

‘Worse now than the heroin epidemic of the 80s’ – Christy Burke on drugs in Dublin
[] ‘Worse now than the heroin epidemic of the 80s’ – Christy Burke on drugs in Dublin. (29 Jan 2015)

Dublin hospitals told: If someone is homeless, you can’t discharge them.
[] Dublin hospitals told: If someone is homeless, you can’t discharge them. (29 Jan 2015)

Opinion: Our harmful drinking culture impacts us all – we urgently need to tackle it.
[] , Davoren, Martin P Opinion: Our harmful drinking culture impacts us all – we urgently need to tackle it. (29 Jan 2015)

Opioid antagonist project planned.
[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary Opioid antagonist project planned. (29 Jan 2015)

Column: The war on drugs in athletics.
[] , Gillick, David Column: The war on drugs in athletics. (28 Jan 2015)

Why the Government should stand firm on sports alcohol sponsorship clampdown.
[Irish Times] , Shortall, Roisin Why the Government should stand firm on sports alcohol sponsorship clampdown. (28 Jan 2015)

Research/evaluation tender: Alcohol Forum National Community Mobilisation Project.
[Activelink] Research/evaluation tender: Alcohol Forum National Community Mobilisation Project. (28 Jan 2015)

Media Awards deadline approaches, have you entered yet?
[] Media Awards deadline approaches, have you entered yet? (28 Jan 2015)

‘Disgrace’ not to ban sports’drink sponsors.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac and Connolly, Shaun ‘Disgrace’ not to ban sports’drink sponsors. (27 Jan 2015)

Alcohol Action Ireland critical of mooted voluntary code change.
[Medical Independent] Alcohol Action Ireland critical of mooted voluntary code change. (27 Jan 2015)

One in three wants cannabis legalised, poll says.
[] , Ryan, Philip One in three wants cannabis legalised, poll says. (26 Jan 2015)

Five steps that I hope will replace fear with confidence in our health system.
[] , Varadeker, Leo Five steps that I hope will replace fear with confidence in our health system. (23 Jan 2015)

Minister Reilly welcomes news that the British Government will bring forward a tobacco plain packaging plan.
[Department of Children and Youth Affairs] Minister Reilly welcomes news that the British Government will bring forward a tobacco plain packaging plan. (22 Jan 2015)

James Reilly: Drug use in teen care home is not unique.
[Irish Examiner] , Connolly, Shaun James Reilly: Drug use in teen care home is not unique. (21 Jan 2015)

‘Drug free’ homeless hostel rife with narcotic abuse, says resident.
[Irish Times] , Kelly, Olivia ‘Drug free’ homeless hostel rife with narcotic abuse, says resident. (21 Jan 2015)

Could you stop drinking if you wanted to?
[] , McCarthy, Barbara Could you stop drinking if you wanted to? (20 Jan 2015)

O’Sullivan accuses authorities of undermining drug-free accommodation.
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie O’Sullivan accuses authorities of undermining drug-free accommodation. (16 Jan 2015)

Better-off women more likely to drink alcohol in pregnancy.
[Irish Times] , Flaherty, Rachel Better-off women more likely to drink alcohol in pregnancy. (15 Jan 2015)

Employees who work more than 55 hours a week more likely to consume 'risky' levels of alcohol.
[] , Merrill, Jamie Employees who work more than 55 hours a week more likely to consume 'risky' levels of alcohol. (14 Jan 2015)

Garda Christmas road traffic enforcement campaign 2014.
Garda Siochana. [] Garda Christmas road traffic enforcement campaign 2014. (14 Jan 2015)

Parents ‘must rethink teen drinking’.
[Irish Examiner] , Murray, Niall Parents ‘must rethink teen drinking’. (13 Jan 2015)

Find it difficult to quit smoking? This might be why.
[] Find it difficult to quit smoking? This might be why. (12 Jan 2015)

Cheap drink can get pretty expensive.
[] , Lynch, Declan Cheap drink can get pretty expensive. (11 Jan 2015)

Is crystal meth on the rise? One Councillor says it’s like Breaking Bad out there.
[] Is crystal meth on the rise? One Councillor says it’s like Breaking Bad out there. (11 Jan 2015)

Teen alcohol project scoops Young Scientist award.
[Irish Times] , Ahlstrom, Dick Teen alcohol project scoops Young Scientist award. (10 Jan 2015)

Mini-CAB needed to crack down on ‘middle-income’ drug dealers.
[] Mini-CAB needed to crack down on ‘middle-income’ drug dealers. (10 Jan 2015)

Drink choice 'linked to location'.
Press Association. [] Drink choice 'linked to location'. (08 Jan 2015)

Charity ups security over violent new drug.
[] , Feehan, Conor Charity ups security over violent new drug. (07 Jan 2015)

Fight against drugs hit hard by cutbacks.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Fight against drugs hit hard by cutbacks. (06 Jan 2015)

Poisoning cases rise blamed on e-cigs.
[Irish Examiner] , Kelleher, Lynne Poisoning cases rise blamed on e-cigs. (05 Jan 2015)

Too much, too often: Time to sober up.
[] , Reynolds, Deirdre Too much, too often: Time to sober up. (04 Jan 2015)

Gardaí will be able to test your saliva on the roadside by the end of this year.
[] , Hennessy, Michelle Gardaí will be able to test your saliva on the roadside by the end of this year. (02 Jan 2015)

Dail Debates

Oireachtas debates

TOC of Journals

Journal table of contents alerts

Click on the link below to see the latest articles from these journals.

  • Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • International Journal of Drugs Policy
  • Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
  • Addiction

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