
Baby addicted to alcohol or drugs born every 10 days.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Cionnaith, Fiachra Baby addicted to alcohol or drugs born every 10 days. (31 Jan 2015)

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Should sports arenas have ‘no alcohol’ areas so kids aren’t sharing stands with drunks?
[] , Hennessy, Michelle Should sports arenas have ‘no alcohol’ areas so kids aren’t sharing stands with drunks? (31 Jan 2015)

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Women now drink as much as men.
[Irish Examiner] , English, Eoin Women now drink as much as men. (30 Jan 2015)

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Bill on e-cigarettes due to be launched today.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Bill on e-cigarettes due to be launched today. (30 Jan 2015)

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Child law czar: no ambivalence on drink sponsors in sport.
[Irish Examiner] , Baker, Noel Child law czar: no ambivalence on drink sponsors in sport. (30 Jan 2015)

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‘Worse now than the heroin epidemic of the 80s’ – Christy Burke on drugs in Dublin
[] ‘Worse now than the heroin epidemic of the 80s’ – Christy Burke on drugs in Dublin. (29 Jan 2015)

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Dublin hospitals told: If someone is homeless, you can’t discharge them.
[] Dublin hospitals told: If someone is homeless, you can’t discharge them. (29 Jan 2015)

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Opinion: Our harmful drinking culture impacts us all – we urgently need to tackle it.
[] , Davoren, Martin P Opinion: Our harmful drinking culture impacts us all – we urgently need to tackle it. (29 Jan 2015)

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Opioid antagonist project planned.
[Irish Medical Times] , Culliton, Gary Opioid antagonist project planned. (29 Jan 2015)

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Column: The war on drugs in athletics.
[] , Gillick, David Column: The war on drugs in athletics. (28 Jan 2015)

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Why the Government should stand firm on sports alcohol sponsorship clampdown.
[Irish Times] , Shortall, Roisin Why the Government should stand firm on sports alcohol sponsorship clampdown. (28 Jan 2015)

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Research/evaluation tender: Alcohol Forum National Community Mobilisation Project.
[Activelink] Research/evaluation tender: Alcohol Forum National Community Mobilisation Project. (28 Jan 2015)

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Media Awards deadline approaches, have you entered yet?
[] Media Awards deadline approaches, have you entered yet? (28 Jan 2015)

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‘Disgrace’ not to ban sports’drink sponsors.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac and Connolly, Shaun ‘Disgrace’ not to ban sports’drink sponsors. (27 Jan 2015)

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Alcohol Action Ireland critical of mooted voluntary code change.
[Medical Independent] Alcohol Action Ireland critical of mooted voluntary code change. (27 Jan 2015)

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One in three wants cannabis legalised, poll says.
[] , Ryan, Philip One in three wants cannabis legalised, poll says. (26 Jan 2015)

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Five steps that I hope will replace fear with confidence in our health system.
[] , Varadeker, Leo Five steps that I hope will replace fear with confidence in our health system. (23 Jan 2015)

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Minister Reilly welcomes news that the British Government will bring forward a tobacco plain packaging plan.
[Department of Children and Youth Affairs] Minister Reilly welcomes news that the British Government will bring forward a tobacco plain packaging plan. (22 Jan 2015)

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James Reilly: Drug use in teen care home is not unique.
[Irish Examiner] , Connolly, Shaun James Reilly: Drug use in teen care home is not unique. (21 Jan 2015)

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‘Drug free’ homeless hostel rife with narcotic abuse, says resident.
[Irish Times] , Kelly, Olivia ‘Drug free’ homeless hostel rife with narcotic abuse, says resident. (21 Jan 2015)

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Could you stop drinking if you wanted to?
[] , McCarthy, Barbara Could you stop drinking if you wanted to? (20 Jan 2015)

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O’Sullivan accuses authorities of undermining drug-free accommodation.
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie O’Sullivan accuses authorities of undermining drug-free accommodation. (16 Jan 2015)

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Better-off women more likely to drink alcohol in pregnancy.
[Irish Times] , Flaherty, Rachel Better-off women more likely to drink alcohol in pregnancy. (15 Jan 2015)

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Employees who work more than 55 hours a week more likely to consume 'risky' levels of alcohol.
[] , Merrill, Jamie Employees who work more than 55 hours a week more likely to consume 'risky' levels of alcohol. (14 Jan 2015)

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Garda Christmas road traffic enforcement campaign 2014.
Garda Siochana. [] Garda Christmas road traffic enforcement campaign 2014. (14 Jan 2015)

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Parents ‘must rethink teen drinking’.
[Irish Examiner] , Murray, Niall Parents ‘must rethink teen drinking’. (13 Jan 2015)

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Find it difficult to quit smoking? This might be why.
[] Find it difficult to quit smoking? This might be why. (12 Jan 2015)

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Cheap drink can get pretty expensive.
[] , Lynch, Declan Cheap drink can get pretty expensive. (11 Jan 2015)

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Is crystal meth on the rise? One Councillor says it’s like Breaking Bad out there.
[] Is crystal meth on the rise? One Councillor says it’s like Breaking Bad out there. (11 Jan 2015)

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Teen alcohol project scoops Young Scientist award.
[Irish Times] , Ahlstrom, Dick Teen alcohol project scoops Young Scientist award. (10 Jan 2015)

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Mini-CAB needed to crack down on ‘middle-income’ drug dealers.
[] Mini-CAB needed to crack down on ‘middle-income’ drug dealers. (10 Jan 2015)

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Drink choice 'linked to location'.
Press Association. [] Drink choice 'linked to location'. (08 Jan 2015)

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Charity ups security over violent new drug.
[] , Feehan, Conor Charity ups security over violent new drug. (07 Jan 2015)

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Fight against drugs hit hard by cutbacks.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Fight against drugs hit hard by cutbacks. (06 Jan 2015)

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Poisoning cases rise blamed on e-cigs.
[Irish Examiner] , Kelleher, Lynne Poisoning cases rise blamed on e-cigs. (05 Jan 2015)

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Too much, too often: Time to sober up.
[] , Reynolds, Deirdre Too much, too often: Time to sober up. (04 Jan 2015)

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Gardaí will be able to test your saliva on the roadside by the end of this year.
[] , Hennessy, Michelle Gardaí will be able to test your saliva on the roadside by the end of this year. (02 Jan 2015)

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