The emergence of the affected adult family member in drug policy discourse: a Foucauldian perspective
Devaney E (2017) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, 24(4): 359—367.
The affected adult family member has increasingly received attention in drug research, policy and practice fields; however, this development has received limited critical and theoretical examination with respect to the presuppositions underpinning its rationale.
The findings may be used as a starting point for critical reflection on the assumptions and privileged forms of knowledge and expertise that are shaping policy and practices relating to affected families.
Irish General Practitioner (GP) perspectives toward decriminalisation, legalisation and cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes (CTP)
Van Hout MC, Collins C, Delargy I and Crowley D (2017) International
Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15(5): 670—683.
The study aimed to investigate Irish general practitioner (GP) attitudes toward decriminalisation of cannabis and assess levels of support for therapeutic purposes (CTP).
The study reflects concerns around the mental health consequences of cannabis use and potential for misuse in the event of legalisation, and the need for product regulation and an enhanced evidence base to support treatment decision making. Further research and medical education is warranted.
An exploratory service-based study of deliberate self-harm (DSH) in Ireland: ‘A hidden population’?
Quinn P, Surgenor P and McGilloway S (2017) Irish Medical Journal, 110(5): 561.
The aim of this study was to investigate the nature and extent of deliberate self-harm (DSH) amongst those attending national crisis centres in Ireland, and to assess clients’ views of the service. A secondary analysis was undertaken of a large data set of clients presenting with DSH (n=823).
This is the first study in Ireland to provide insights into a ‘hidden population’ of people who engage in DSH. A need for greater awareness of DSH and its links to suicidal ideation/behaviour is indicated.
Outcomes from a large 10 year hepatitis C treatment programme in people who inject drugs: no effect of recent or former injecting drug use on treatment adherence or therapeutic response
Elsherif O, Bannan C, Keating S, McKiernan S, Bergin C and Norris S (2017) PLOS ONE, 12(6): e0178398.
We evaluated for differences in treatment adherence and response to Peginterferon-alfa-2a/Ribavirin (Peg-IFNα/RBV) in a large urban cohort with and without a history of remote or recent injection drug use.
Conclusions: PWID have comparable treatment adherence and SVR rates when compared to non-drug users treated with Peg-IFNα/RBV. These data support a public health strategy of HCV treatment and eradication in PWID in the DAA era.
Exploring patient characteristics and barriers to hepatitis C treatment in patients on opioid substitution treatment attending a community based fibro-scanning clinic
Crowley D, Cullen W, Laird E, Lambert JS, McHugh T, Murphy C and Van Hout MC (2017) Journal of Translational Internal Medicine, 5(2): 112—119.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health issue. There is substandard uptake in HCV assessment and treatment among people who inject drugs (PWID). Community fibroscanning is used to assess disease severity and target treatment.
Conclusions: The study highlights the usefulness of community fibroscanning. Identifying barriers to treatment in this cohort affords an opportunity to increase the treatment uptake. The availability of afternoon clinics and enhanced prison linkage are warranted.
Community pharmacist experiences of providing needle and syringe programmes in Ireland
McVeigh J, Hearne E, Bates G and Van Hout MC (2017) Research in Social Administration and Pharmacy, 13(4): 767—777.
The aim was to understand and illustrate pharmacist experiences of providing needle and syringe programmes (NSP).
Conclusions: Further enhancement of NSP coverage and targeted service delivery within national care pathways for drug and alcohol services is warranted.
Enhancing alcohol screening and brief intervention among people receiving opioid agonist treatment: qualitative study in primary care
McCombe G, Henihan AM, Klimas J, et al. (2016) Drugs and Alcohol Today, 16(4): 247—258.
The purpose of this paper is to describe a qualitative feasibility assessment of a primary care-based complex intervention to promote screening and brief intervention for PAU, which also aims to examine acceptability and potential effectiveness.
Although a complex intervention to enhance alcohol screening and brief intervention among primary care patients attending for OAT is likely to be feasible and acceptable, time constraints and patients’ reticence to discuss alcohol as well as GPs underestimating patients’ alcohol problems is a barrier to consistent, regular and accurate screening by GPs.
Effectiveness of a national ‘Minnesota Model’ based residential treatment programme for alcohol dependence in Ireland: outcomes and predictors of outcome
Gallagher C, Radmall Z, O’Gara C and Burke T (2017) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online
The aims of this study were (a) to examine the effectiveness of an inpatient treatment programme for alcohol dependence based on the ‘Minnesota Model’ and (b) to examine potential predictors of outcomes from such treatment.
This study provides evidence of the potential for a Minnesota-based treatment programme to be effective in helping people with alcohol dependence to reduce the amount of alcohol they consume and sustain this reduction beyond the treatment period.
Media coverage of alcohol issues: a critical political economy framework — a case study from Ireland
Mercille J (2017) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6): 1—13.
This paper presents such a framework that conceives of news organisations as corporations that share the values and interests of political and economic elites.
Results show that, overall, 44.0% of articles support public health measures and 56.0% are opposed or remain neutral.
A systematic review of the relationship between staff perceptions of organizational readiness to change and the process of innovation adoption in substance misuse treatment programs
Kelly P, Hegarty J, Barry J, Dyer KR and Horgan A (2017) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 80: 6—25.
The aim of this review was to describe the relationship between staff perceptions of organizational readiness to change (ORC) and the process of innovation adoption: exposure, adoption, implementation and integration into practice, in substance misuse treatment programs. This systematic review was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and fourteen papers were identified as being eligible for inclusion. This review was designed to include all constructs of ORC, but only one tool was used in all of the included papers. Despite this, the heterogeneity of studies in this review made a direct comparison of ORC related variables challenging.
Supportive text messages for patients with alcohol use disorder and a comorbid depression: a protocol for a single-blind randomised controlled aftercare trial
Hartnett D, Murphy E, Kehoe E, Agyapong V, McLoughlin DM and Farren C (2017) BMJ Open, 7(5): e013587.
Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and mood disorders commonly co-occur, and are associated with a range of negative outcomes for patients. Mobile phone technology has the potential to provide personalised support for such patients and potentially improve outcomes in this difficult-to-treat cohort. The aim of this study is to examine whether receiving supporting SMS text messages, following discharge from an inpatient dual diagnosis treatment programme, has a positive impact on mood and alcohol abstinence in patients with an AUD and a comorbid mood disorder.
The trial has received full ethical approval.
The involvement of alcohol in hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors: findings from two national registries
Griffin E, Arensman E, Perry IJ, Bonner B, O’Hagan D, Daly C and Corcoran P (2017) Journal of Public Health, Early online
Alcohol is often involved in hospital-treated self-harm. Therefore it is important to establish the role of alcohol in self-harm as well as to identify associated factors, in order to best inform service provision.
Conclusions: This study has highlighted the prevalence of alcohol in self-harm presentations, and has identified factors associated with presentations involving alcohol. Appropriate out-of-hours services in emergency departments for self-harm presentations could reduce the proportion of presentations leaving without being seen by a clinician and facilitate improved outcomes for patients.
Daily and occasional smoking and quitting in Irish university students
McKee G, Barry J, Mullin M, Allwright S and Hayes C (2017) Health, 9: 435—450.
This study assessed prevalence of student smoking and quitting behaviors and associated demographic, contextual and attitudinal factors.
Intentions to quit smoking and quit attempts were high among all smokers although use of on-site cessation supports was less than the optimal. These combined factors indicate a need for better targeting of our prevention strategies and the need to promote greater awareness of cessation supports for successful implementation of a smoke-free campus.
Non-medical use of olanzapine by people on methadone treatment
James PD, Fida AS, Konovalov P and Smyth BP (2016) BJPsych Bulletin, 40(6): 314—317.
We examined non-medical use (NMU) of olanzapine among adults on methadone treatment. A small minority show features of dependency. All doctors should be aware of the potential NMU of olanzapine, especially among patients with history of addiction.
The dynamic landscape of novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use in Ireland: results from an expert consultation
Van Hout MC (2016) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15(5): 985—992.
The study aimed to investigate expert perspectives on the NPS situation with regard to changing and emergent trends in use, health and social consequences and service implications.
Findings underscored the mental health and addiction related consequences of NPS use, with prevention, clinical and treatment services ill-equipped to deal with the particular characteristics of this form of drug abuse.
Enhanced strategies, services and clinical responses are warranted to address the challenges encountered.
Shake ‘N Bake: the migration of ‘pervitin’ to Ireland
Van Hout MC and Hearne E (2016) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15(4): 919—927.
We present the first single case study of clandestine production of ‘Pervitin’ to Ireland, a country with low reporting history of methamphetamine.
The study yielded unique insight into migration of this culturally specific drug, and how continued cultural contexts for use and ‘cooking’ remain intact when residing in the host country. Given its unique cultural nature and national characteristics, continued migration of Eastern European citizens across Europe, diffusion of clandestine production warrants continued surveillance. Appropriate service responses require culturally appropriate information and outreach services to Eastern European service users.
Out of sight, out of mind? A national survey of paediatricians in Ireland regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Gill I and Sharif F (2017) Irish Medical Journal, 110(3): 528.
We aimed to evaluate self-reported knowledge and practice of doctors working in paediatrics in Ireland with regards to FASDs and alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Our survey suggests prenatal alcohol exposure may not be routinely considered in the evaluation of children with developmental delay by paediatric doctors in Ireland.
Opiate addiction and overdose: experiences, attitudes, and appetite for community naloxone provision
Barry T, Klimas J, Tobin H, Egan M and Bury G (2017) British Journal of General Practice, 67(657): e267—e273.
The study aimed to establish GPs’ views and experiences of opiate addiction, overdose care, and naloxone provision.
Conclusions: GPs report extensive contact with people who have opiate use disorders but provide limited opiate agonist treatment. They support wider availability of naloxone and would participate in its expansion. Development and evaluation of an implementation strategy to support GP-based distribution is urgently needed.
Exploring Irish Travellers’ experiences of opioid agonist treatment: a phenomenological study
Claffey C, Crowley D, MacLachan M and Van Hout MC (2017) Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Early online
The study aimed to explore and describe Irish Travellers’ experiences of drug use and opioid agonist treatment (OAT), with a view to improving service delivery and expanding the limited research base.
Conclusions: The development of culturally appropriate, gender sensitive and integrated OAT and mental health support services, designed with input from addiction and mental health specialists, alongside community members is warranted.
A national audit of smoking cessation services in Irish maternity units
Reynolds CME, Egan B, Cawley S, Kennedy R, Sheehan SR and Turner MJ (2017) Irish Medical Journal, 110(6): 580.
There is international consensus that smoking cessation in the first half of pregnancy improves foetal outcomes.
We surveyed all 19 maternity units nationally about their antenatal smoking cessation practices.
Although smoking is an important modifiable risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes, smoking cessation services are inadequate in the Irish maternity services and there are variations in practices between hospitals.
Exploring smoking, mental health and smoking-related disease in a nationally representative sample of older adults in Ireland – A retrospective secondary analysis
Burns A, Strawbridge J, Clancy L and Doyle F (2017) Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 98: 78—86.
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death among individuals with mental health difficulties (MHD). The aim of the current study was to determine the impact of smoking on the physical health of older adults with MHD in Ireland and to explore the extent to which smoking mediated or moderated associations between MHD and smoking-related diseases.
The challenge of complex drug use: Associated use of codeine-containing medicines and new psychoactive substances in a European cross-sectional online population
Kimergård A, Foley M, Davey Z, Wadsworth E, Drummond C and Deluca P (2017) Human Psychopharmacology, 32(3): e2611.
This study characterises codeine consumption amongst NPS users and non-NPS users to provide warning of health issues.
Conclusions: Amongst NPS users, codeine is less likely to be used daily but more likely to be used for recreational purposes. Smaller populations engaging in high-risk use exist who take multiple drugs in high doses. Combinations of misused codeine and NPS highlight the need for policy to respond to a more complex drug situation.
Health student regard for substance-using patients as measured by the Medical Condition Regard Scale: a systematic review
Ducray K and Pilch M (2017) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 34: 183—196.
The purpose of this review was to identify trends and patterns in health student, namely future practition ers’, regard for substance-using patients using the Medical Condition Regard Scale.
This review found that patients with drug-use problems were consistently held in the lowest echelons of regard by trainee health practitioners. The impact of sex, age, year of course, and personal exposure to mental health difficulties in predicting negative regard was unclear.
Unless addressed, patients with drug problems may have a high potential for future treatment marginalisation by tomorrow’s health professionals. This scenario needs to be proactively managed by all stakeholders through a greater investment in educational and clinical training placement opportunities.
The paradox of public holidays: hospital-treated self-harm and associated factors
Griffin E, Dillon CB, O’Regan G, Corcoran P, Perry IJ and Arensman E (2017) Journal of Affective Disorders, 218: 30—34.
This study used national data to examine the patterns of hospital-treated self-harm during public holidays, and to examine associated factors.
Conclusions: Public holidays are associated with an elevated number of self-harm presentations to hospital, with presentations to hospital involving alcohol significantly increased on these days. Hospital resources should be targeted to address increases during public holidays, including during out-of-hours. Involvement of alcohol may delay delivery of care to these patients in emergency settings.
Suicide among young people and adults in Ireland: method characteristics, toxicological analysis and substance abuse histories compared
Arensman E, Bennardi M, Larkin C, Wall A, McAuliffe C, McCarthy J, Williamson E and Perry IJ (2016) PLOS ONE, 11(11): e0166881.
The aim of this study was to identify socio-demographic characteristics and circumstances of death associated with age among individuals who died by suicide.
Conclusions: Based on this research it is recommended that strategies to reduce substance abuse be applied among 25—34-year-old individuals at risk of suicide. The wide use of hanging in young people should be taken into consideration for future means restriction strategies.
An investigation into the effect of alcohol consumption on health status and health care utilization in Ireland
Ormond G and Murphy R (2017) Alcohol, 59: 53—67.
This paper presents a study of the effect of alcohol consumption on individual health status and health care utilization in Ireland using the 2007 Slán National Health and Lifestyle Survey, while accounting for the endogenous relationship between alcohol and health.
Findings show that in Ireland, moderate drinkers enjoy the best health status. More moderate drinkers report having very good or excellent health compared with heavy drinkers, non-drinkers, or those who never drank. While heavy drinkers do not report having as good a health status as moderate drinkers, they are better off in terms of health when compared with non-drinkers and those who are lifetime abstainers.
Codeine use, dependence and help-seeking behaviour in the UK and Ireland: an online cross-sectional survey
Kimergård A, Foley M, Davey Z, Dunne J, Drummond C and Deluca P (2017) QJM, 110(9): 559—564.
Codeine misuse and dependence poses a clinical and public health challenge. However, little is known about dependence and treatment needs in the UK and Ireland.
Conclusions: Codeine dependent users were more likely to seek help on the Internet to control their use of codeine than from a GP, which may indicate a potential for greater specialised addiction treatment demand through increased identification and referrals in primary care.
Anxiety and depression among patients with alcohol dependence: co-morbid or substance-related problems?
Gallagher C, Radmall Z, O’Gara C and Burke T (2017) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online
The aim of this study was to characterise rates of co-morbid psychiatric symptoms among a group of individuals commencing treatment for alcohol dependence, and to examine the stability of these symptoms following treatment of the alcohol problem.
The significant change in rates of reported symptoms following completion of treatment suggests that a large proportion of symptoms reported at treatment entry were substance related. Diagnosing co-morbid conditions is best left until after a period of abstinence during which the alcohol problem has been treated.
Home manufacture of drugs: an online investigation and a toxicological reality check of online discussions on drug chemistry
Hearne E, Alves EA, Van Hout MC and Grund JPC (2017) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 49(4): 279—288.
We illustrate here how online communal folk pharmacology of homemade drugs on drug website forums may actually inform home manufacture practices or contribute to the reduction of harms associated with this practice. Discrepancies between online information around purification and making homemade drugs safer, and the synthesis of the same substances in a proper laboratory environment, exist.
Drug discussion forums should consider reevaluating their policies on chemistry discussions in aiming to reach people who cannot or will not refrain from cooking their own drugs with credible information that may contribute to reductions in the harms associated with this practice.