18 April 2013
Drugs Awareness Training – Foundation
Venue: MQI, 28 Winetavern Street, Dublin 8
Organised by / Contact: Merchants Quay Ireland / Miriam Kane
Email: training@mqi.ie
Tel: (01) 524 0934
Information: This course is aimed towards project workers, health care workers, social workers, people working in community settings and other who are interested in gaining a basic level of understanding of the main issues and concepts relating to problem drug use in Ireland. The aim of the course is to raise awareness and introduce participants to key issues associated with problem drug use. Participants completing this course will have a sound understanding of various drugs including how they are used, the equipment involved, common terminology, drug effects and the patterns of drug use. Participants will also have gained an understanding of their own personal attitudes regarding drug use and that of others and an appreciation of the policy and practice of harm reduction.
24 April 2013
Legal Highs/Research Chemicals Training
Venue: Oxford House, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG
Organised by / Contact: Tony d’Agostino
Email: tonydaguk@gmail.com
Web: http://www.tonydagostino.co.uk/drug-training-events.htm
Information: A one-day course, at beginner to intermediate level, on mephedrone, methoxetamine (MXE), synthetic cannabinoids and other commonly used legal / illegal drugs. This course focuses on the different types of research chemicals, prevalence, health and interventions.
7–10 May 2013
Global Addiction and Europad Joint Conference
Venue: Pisa, Italy
Organised by / Contact: Global Addiction /Cortex Ltd
Email: mc@cortexcongress.com
Web: http://www.globaladdiction.org/
Information: Global Addiction is a knowledge-sharing facility for all those involved in the understanding and treatment of addiction. It offers the opportunity for all to link both on-line and at the biennial conference. This year we are pleased to launch our new Policy Considerations stream on the website which will develop into a subsection geared more towards policy makers, influencers and initiators. This section will include topics of relevance more to the wider societal aspects of addiction. The open-access part of the website is geared towards Clinical Aspectsof understanding and treating all addictions.
16–17 May 2013
Managing Drug and Alcohol Problems in Primary Care
Venue: National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham, UK
Organised by / Contact: Royal College of General Practitioners
Web: www.rcgp.org.uk/courses-and-events
Information: This, the 18th national conference, will once again examine the critical role primary care plays in working with drug users, their families and carers. The conference is the largest event in the UK for GPs, shared care workers, drug users, nurses and other primary care staff, specialists, commissioners and researchers interested in and involved with the management of drug users in primary care.
9–12 June 2013
The Value(s) of Harm ReductionHarm Reduction International Conference
Venue: Vilnius, Lithuania
Organised by / Contact: Harm Reduction International / Eurasian Harm Reduction Network
Email: conference@ihra.net
Web: www.ihra.net/about-the-event-2
Information: Harm Reduction International (HRI) was formerly known as the International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA). The theme of this conference calls on the urgent need to provide sufficient political and financial support to address the HIV epidemic driven by injecting drug use in many parts of the world, as well as the ethical basis of the harm reduction philosophy. It will focus on key issues affecting the Eurasian region including the retreat of donors, the lack of national government funding for harm reduction, the influence of repressive law enforcement and human rights abuses that currently take place in the countries of Eurasia.
1–12 July 2013
Illicit drugs in Europe: supply, demand and public policies
European Summer School on illicit drugs Europe
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal
Organised by / Contact: University Institute of Lisbon, with the EMCDDA
Email: drugsummerschool.cies@iscte.pt
Web: www.drugsummerschool.cies.iscte-iul.pt/np4/home
Information: Two-week summer school in Lisbon on the drugs problem in Europe and beyond, involving scientific experts from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and the following guest lecturers: Prof Björn Hibell, Prof Robert West and Dr Gabriele Fischer. This course counts for 6 ECTS Credits for undergraduate and graduate students.
21–23 August 2013
Contemporary Drug Problems Conference
Complexity: Researching alcohol and other drugs in a multiple world
Venue: Aarhus University, Denmark
Organised by / Contact: Aarhus University Conference organisers
Email: CDP@curtin.edu.au
Web: psy.au.dk/en/research/research-centres-and-units/centre-for-alcohol-and-drug-research/research/conferences/contemporary-drug-problems/
Information: An interdisciplinary conference for international researchers in drug use and addiction studies from a range of research disciplines. This conference offers a forum in which the issues and dilemmas of complexity in alcohol and other drug research can be explored. It welcomes research based on quantitative and qualitative methods, and encourages innovative use of methods, concepts and theoretical approaches. Following the conference, Contemporary Drug Problems, an interdisciplinary quarterly and one of the driving forces behind the conference, will publish a special issue featuring selected papers from the conference.
17–20 September 2013
14th conference of the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic
Organised by / Contact: EFTC
Email: eftc@conference.cz
Web: www.conference.cz/EFTC2013/index.htm
Information: This conference will be hosted by the non-governmental organisation for the treatment of addiction, Magdaléna, ops, and the Clinic of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague. Prague is the historical pearl of Europe and one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
The purpose of the conference is to discuss the pressing issues we all face in this changing world of addiction: development trends in the therapeutic community; research and education; and special populations and approaches. This topic not only invites us to reflect upon the basic and classical therapeutic ideas from a contemporary perspective, but also proposes to discuss their current transformation, modification, and new developments.
23–26 October 2013
Addictions and other Mental Disorders
Third International Congress on Dual Disorders
Venue: Barcelona, Spain
Organised by / Contact: Spanish Society of Dual Disorders (SEPD)
Email: secretariat@cipd2013.com
Information: This multidisciplinary congress is expected to attract in excess of 1,500 mental health professionals, researchers, educators, healthcare workers, administrators, policy makers, academics, consumers, careers and field workers from across the globe. After the successful second congress held in Barcelona in 2011, the aim of this new edition is to consolidate a platform on which professionals in the field of mental health and addictions, together with the main opinion leaders in this area, can review and share recent knowledge and developments. The themes to be addressed are the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutics of dual disorders, from molecular biology to daily clinical practice and from prevention strategies to recovery programmes.