10 October 2013
Drugs and alcohol in the workplace – assessment, treatment and rehabilitation
34th annual EAP conference
Venue: Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8
Organised by / Contact: EAP Institute
Email: anita@eapinstitute.com
Web: www.eapinstitute.com/conference13/conference.asp
Information: This conference will feature presentations from HR managers, medical specialists, experts in toxicology and laboratory drug testing, EAP consultants and community based support groups on resources available to those in the workplace who may require assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.The invited speakers are: Prof Aidan McCormick,St Vincent’s Hospital; Pat Ward,head of corporate services, Dublin Port Company; Maurice Quinlan,director of the EAP Institute; Dr Mark Piper, toxicology manager, Randox Testing Services; Invited speakers from Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Al-Anon Family Services. Session chairs are Frank Cunneen, IBEC, and Alan Moran, Hibernian Healthcare.
10 October 2013
Drugs & Alcohol - over the counter, under the net
One-day training course
Venue: Easton Business Centre, Bristol BS5 0HE
Organised by / contact: The Training Exchange
Email: info@trainingexchange.org.uk
Web: http://tinyurl.com/blo4fry
Information: Drugs bought over the counter in chemists and via the internet are now commonplace. But what kind of a problem are they? Explore the changing face of drug-using culture, the commercialisation of medications, and the revolutionary impact of the internet and how it is policed. This course provides opportunities to identify the drugs available, how much we know about them, their effects and risks; and to consider how we can work effectively with people to reduce harm and support recovery. Trainer – Rowan Miller.
19 October 2013
Family Support Network annual work conference
Venue: Citywest Hotel, Saggart, Co Dublin
Organised by / Contact: Family Support Network
Email: info@fsn.ie
Tel: (01) 836 5168 or (01) 874 7156
Web: www.fsn.ie/news_events/index.html
Information: The National Family Support Network is an autonomous self-help organisation that respects the lived experiences of families affected by drugs in a welcoming non-judgemental atmosphere. The Annual Work Conference provides family support groups with the opportunity to discuss national policy and to participate in training workshops. See our website for more information on cost and what is included. Full payment along with completed booking form must be submitted to the NFSN by 20th September 2013 to guarantee your place.
7 November 2013
Pathways through prostitution: Exploring positive support models for women affected by prostitution and sex trafficking
Venue: Morrison Hotel, Ormond Quay Lower, Dublin 1
Organised by / Contact: Ruhama
Email: admin@ruhama.ie
Web: www.ruhama.ie/index.php
Information: This free half-day event will host presentations and sessions featuring: international research on exiting prostitution and recovery from sex trafficking; Ruhama’s model of work with women in Ireland; current trends, challenges and good practice responses; personal perspectives and needs of survivors; facilitated discussion. Full details of speakers will be posted on our website in due course. This event will be of interest to members of organisations working with vulnerable women, providers of migrant support, addiction and homeless services, and health, legal and law enforcement professionals. Registration is essential and numbers are strictly limited.
7–8 November 2013
SSA Annual Symposium 2013
Venue: Park Inn Hotel, York, UK
Organised by / Contact: Society for the Study of Addiction
Email: membership@addiction-ssa.org
Web: www.addiction-ssa.org/ssa_10.htm
Information: Professor Robert West will give the Society lecture: ‘What can the experience of combating tobacco addiction globally tell us about better ways of addressing other addictions?’ Themes of the symposium will be: patient/service-user invovlement; effective mechanisms of treatment; alcohol and drug testing methods and their uses; international treatment and prevention policy. The winner of the SSA Fred Yates prize 2013, Jaime Delgadillo, will talk on his work, ‘Mental health screening and outcome measurement in alcohol and drug users’.
11–16 November 2013
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week
Organised by / Contact: Midland Regional Drugs Task Force
Email: mrdtf@hse.ie
Web: www.mrdtf.ie/news-details.php?ID=24
Information: Details will be posted on the MRDTF website in due course.
Drugnet Ireland is published by: Health Research Board Knockmaun House 42–47 Lower Mount Street Dublin 2
Tel: 01 2345 148 Email: drugnet@hrb.ie Managing editor: Brian Galvin Editor: Joan Moore |