Preventing alcohol-related harm: what communities can do
byDeirdre Mongan
In February 2013 Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum launched its strategy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in Galway City between 2013 and 2017.1 The Forum includes representatives from HSE West, the Western Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Galway–Roscommon Education and Training Board, An Garda Síochána, Galway City Council, Galway City Public Participatory Network and National University of Ireland Galway.
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First national youth strategy launched
byBrigid Pike
On 8 October 2015 the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr James Reilly TD, launched the National youth strategy 2015–2020.1 Ireland’s first-ever youth strategy, it sets out the government’s aim and objectives for young people aged 10 to 24 years, so that they can be active and healthy, achieve their full potential in learning and development, be safe and protected from harm, have economic security and opportunity, and be connected and contribute to their world. The strategy focuses particularly on young people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, the poorest outcomes.
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Regulating sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events
Deirdre Mongan
In 2013 the Irish government established a working group to examine the regulation of sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events. The working group reported its findings in December 2014.Comprised of representatives from several government departments, the working group was asked to ‘consider the value, evidence, feasibility and implications (including the public health consequences for children and young people and the financial impact on sporting organisations) of regulating sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events’ and ‘to consider alternative sources of funding for sporting organisations to replace potential lost revenue arising from any such regulation’. Following an initial analysis of the relevant available information and identifying information gaps, the group formulated a set of questions with a view to gathering evidence to facilitate a complete understanding of the issue. These questions were sent to key stakeholders. Main findings of the group were as follows.
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Community Alcohol Response and Engagement
byDerek O’Neill
On 27 October 2015 Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, Minister of State for Equality, New Communities and the Drugs Strategy, launched the evaluation report on the Community Alcohol Response and Engagement (CARE) alcohol treatment project.1 The CARE project was a cross-task force initiative funded by the HSE. Its aim was to provide cross-disciplinary support across three task force areas – Ballymun, Finglas and North County Dublin – to clients seeking to address problematic alcohol use. The project was rolled out between September 2014 and June 2015.
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Minimum unit pricing for alcohol: what will it really mean?
byJean Long
The publication of the HRB's National Alcohol Diary report last year reinforced the case to introduce minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Ireland.1 The recent response of the European Court of Justice’s Advocate General re-ignited the debate and was taken by some to suggest that MUP was not going to be legally enforceable. However the judgement was a little bit more nuanced than that.
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Methadone-maintained patients in primary care
byMartin Grehan
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Alcohol conference and training seminar
bySuzi Lyons
The North Dublin Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force (North Dublin RDATF)1 held a two-day alcohol event on 8–9 October 2015.1 The first day consisted of a conference on the topic ‘Alcohol through the ages: from the cradle to the grave’. It was open to all service providers working with people affected by alcohol.
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