BLDATF developed the DATMS to provide up-to-date information about drug and alcohol use among people living in Dublin 15. The monitoring system identifies the types of drug being used within the local community, and also identifies emerging trends at an early stage of development. To gather the relevant data, clients of treatment services were interviewed and outreach workers administered questionnaires in the local community.
This type of information is necessary in order to recognise key local issues and to develop appropriate strategies in response. The data will serve as a baseline for local trends from which future variations can be monitored over time.
Key research findings for treated drug and alcohol use
- The main problem drugs for which adult drug users sought treatment included heroin, methadone, alcohol, cannabis (weed), benzodiazepines, Z drugs and cocaine powder.
- The main problem drugs for which under-18 year old drug users sought treatment included cannabis (weed) and alcohol. Ecstasy and solvents were involved to a lesser extent.
- Service providers reported an increase in the use of the following drugs by treated drug users: cannabis (weed), benzodiazepines and Z drugs, crack cocaine, alcohol, Lyrica/Pregabalin (prescribed pain killer) and codeine-based over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
- The increase in the use of weed related to both treated under-18 and adult drug users. The increase in the use of the other drugs is related to treated adult drug users only.
- The number of heroin users entering treatment is in decline; clients are an ageing population of long-term users, with fewer young people accessing treatment.
- Poly-drug use was reported to be the norm by the majority of both treated under-18 and adult drug users.
- Steroid use by some men in recovery from problematic drug use was in some cases associated with relapse.