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Illicit drug markets in Ireland
Local residents' views on illicit drug markets
Ireland's drug policy - progress in 2013
Who should decide national drug policy?
Towards UNGASS 2016
Urban and rural youth attending a treatment centre
HRB publishes drug and alcohol evidence reviews
EMCDDA's new-look best-practice portal
National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework pilot evaluated
Quality Champions Training for addiction services
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Psychiatric and psycho-social characteristics of sucide completers
byLinda O'Connor

A recently published article examines the psychiatric and psycho-social characteristicsof people dying by suicide in the West of Ireland.1 As background, the authors note national statistics showing that between 2001 and 2013 there were approximately 500 deaths by suicide in Ireland, and that the incidence of suicide among Irish males was four times greater than among females. The authors also cite a WHO report  showing that, while the rate of death by suicide in Ireland is the eighth lowest in Europe compared to 26 other countries, in the 15–24-year-old age group Ireland ranks fourth highest. 

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