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Next National Drugs Strategy under development
by Brigid Pike
The Cabinet Committee on Social Policy and Public Service Reform has mandated the Department of Health to develop a new National Drugs Strategy, to follow the current National Drugs Strategy which will expire at the end of 2016.1 Late in 2015 the Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy established a Steering Committee to provide him with guidance and advice in the development of the new Strategy. This Committee met for the first time on 8 December 2015.
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What’s in a drugs strategy?
by Brigid Pike
While work is proceeding on developing the strategic approach that will be adopted when the current National Drugs Strategy 2009–2016 expires at the end of this year, Drugnet Ireland takes a look at a selection of current drugs strategies from around the world to explore the range of approaches that are being taken to this complex and hydra-headed challenge.
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Help not Harm symposium
by Brigid Pike
On 28 January 2016 Help not Harm held a pre-election symposium in Dublin with contributors speaking on three themes – failures of the criminal justice approach and of government efforts, and exploring what works?
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HSE National Service Plan 2016
by Brigid Pike
The HSE’s National Service Plan 2016 (NSP), approved by the government in December 2015, sets out the HSE’s priorities and targets for tackling tobacco use and alcohol and substance misuse in 2016.1 Initiatives are identified in three distinct areas – in the context of the Healthy Ireland policy framework, and within the HSE’s Primary Care Division and Mental Health Services.
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Tusla priorities for 2016
by Brigid Pike
On 10 December 2015 Gordon Jeyes, the Chief Executive of TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency, appeared before the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children to give an update on TUSLA’s activities in 2015 and its priorities for 2016 (Table 1).1 The update reported progress in implementing TUSLA’s first corporate plan, which was launched in February 2015.2
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