Assessment of the value of youth work in Ireland
by Martin Keane
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) recently published what they claim to be the first national comprehensive and rigorous economic assessment of youth work in Ireland.1 The fieldwork and data collection and analysis were undertaken by Indecon International Economic Consultants.
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Review of drugs task forces and national structures continues
by Brigid Pike
On 18 December 2012 Alex White TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy (NDS), published the Department of Health’s 15 recommendations with regard to the first of the terms of reference for the review of drugs task forces (DTFs), i.e. the role and composition of DTFs and the national structures under which they operate.1 The report on this first stage of the review proposes three main changes.
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HSE targets for drug-related services in 2013
by Brigid Pike
Each year the Health Service Executive (HSE) publishes a ‘national service plan’ (NSP). The plan sets out the type and volume of services to be delivered during the year. In 2013, according to the newly released NSP,1 service activity volumes in relation to drug-related treatment are expected to be similar to last year’s targets (see following table). A new performance indicator (PI), monitoring the number of unique individuals attending a pharmacy needle exchange, has been included.
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Drugs: breaking the cycle
by Brigid Pike
On 10 December 2012 the UK Home Affairs Select Committee published its report on the illicit drugs issue.1 It was the first such parliamentary review of drug policy as a whole since 2002. It reveals a shift in opinion among some key policy makers, away from an enforcement-led strategy towards a more nuanced drug policy. The key recommendations are listed below.
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