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All articles in this issue:
 EU National Drug Co-ordinators meet in Dublin
 Annual review of the drug situation in Europe
 How are the children?
 The President gets young people talking...
 ...and the Minister replies
 Young people appeal for a more inclusive society
 Guidelines for promoting mental health and suicide prevention in post-primary schools
 Healthy Ireland - implementation matters
 Launch of Galway City alcohol strategy
 Government policy on long-term homelessness
 INCB annual report 2012
 Education, addiction services and workforce development
 Alcohol Forum national conference
 Legal proceedings for drug offences 2004–2011
 Recent publications
 Upcoming events
 Ireland’s 7th EU Presidency and drug policy
 Commission on Narcotic Drugs meets for 56th Session
 Irish and Portuguese drug policies profiled
Launch of Galway City alcohol strategy
by Deirdre Mongan

Cover - Galway Alcohol Strategy 2013.jpgGalway City strategy to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm 2013–2017 was launched on 18 February by Mr Alex White TD, Minister of State for Primary Care. The five-year strategy seeks to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm in Galway City and was prepared by Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum in partnership with a range of organisations and groups. These include HSE West, An Garda Síochána, Western Region Drugs Task Force, City of Galway VEC, NUI Galway, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway City Council and Galway City Community Forum. 

The strategy is informed by research on effective approaches to preventing and reducing alcohol-related harm and focuses on four key areas:  

  1. Prevention – the aim is to communicate and engage with policy makers, stakeholders and the general public.
  2. Supply, access and availability – the aim is to ensure that key factors influencing alcohol supply such as price, availability and marketing are regulated and controlled.
  3. Screening, treatment and support services – the aim is to provide a range of services and supports.
  4. Research, monitoring and evaluation – the aim is to use information and research in decision making.

It is anticipated that the outcomes of implementing the strategy will include:

  • Improved health, wellbeing and quality of life of people living in Galway City;
  • Reduced harmful use of alcohol;
  • Reduced alcohol-related harm;
  • Reduced incidents of alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour;
  • Increased access to support services for those affected by another’s alcohol consumption;
  • Increased access to alcohol treatment services;
  • Reduced prevalence of alcohol at community events/activities; and
  • Reduced alcohol marketing in local areas.

The Galway City Alcohol Forum will develop a yearly action plan to achieve the outcomes of the strategy and an update on progress made will be completed each year. This progress update will enable the Forum to adapt the action plan to reflect developments and changes in the local or national context. This will also ensure energy and momentum for the implementation of this strategy.

A copy of the strategy and the 2013 action plan may be accessed at

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