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Results from fourth general population survey on drug use in Ireland
by Sean Millar
The first survey on drug use in the general population was carried out in Ireland in 2002/3. The results were jointly published by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD), now the National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA), and the Drug and Alcohol Information and Research Unit. The survey was repeated in 2006/7 and in 2010/11.1 In 2014, the NACDA commissioned IPSOS MRBI to conduct the Ireland and Northern Ireland drug prevalence survey 2014/15.2
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Sixth ESPAD survey report published
by Sean Millar
The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) has conducted surveys of school-going children every four years since 1995 using a standardised method and a common questionnaire. The sixth survey was undertaken in 35 European countries during 2014/15 and collected information on alcohol, tobacco and other substance use among 15‒16-year-old students.
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Trends in alcohol and drug admissions to psychiatric facilities
by Sean Millar
Data from Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2015, the annual report published by the Mental Health Information Systems Unit of the Health Research Board, have shown that the total number of first admissions to inpatient care for persons with an alcohol disorder has continued to fall.1
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