National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy
by Lucy Dillon

Vision and mission

Vision: A safe, fair and inclusive Ireland where people are supported to flourish and to live inclusive, healthy, and fulfilling lives, whatever their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics.


Mission: To promote inclusion, protect rights, and to improve quality of life and wellbeing for LGBTI+ people enabling them to participate fully in Ireland’s social, economic, cultural, and political life.


Thematic pillars

The four thematic pillars are based on stakeholder consultation about what issues LGBTI+ people in Ireland were facing.


Visible and included: This pillar focuses on the need for increased visibility and non-stereotypical representation of LGBTI+ identities, which would support long-term attitudinal change. Among the eight outcomes identified under this pillar were: LGBTI+ people are positively visible across all sectors of society; Irish workplaces are inclusive of LGBTI+ people and support them in bringing their ‘authentic selves’ to work; and better information is available on the population and needs of LGBTI+ people in Ireland to support the development of effective policy.


Treated equally: This pillar has at its core legislative change and awareness raising to ensure that LGBTI+ people are treated equally. Among the five outcomes to be achieved are: LGBTI+ people are aware of the supports and redress mechanisms available to them where discrimination has occurred; same-sex parents are treated equally to opposite-sex parents before the law; supports are provided to those at higher risk of multiple discrimination and marginalisation, including older people, migrants, Travellers, people with disabilities, and prisoners among the LGBTI+ community.


Healthy: The strategy commits to ensuring that LGBTI+ people can fully and equally avail of mainstream health services, while also recognising the need for dedicated services in some circumstances. Among the seven outcomes to be achieved are: healthcare providers and practitioners are trained to understand the identities and needs of their LGBTI+ patients and to avoid making heteronormative assumptions; and people living with HIV in Ireland are supported and not stigmatised. The action in Reducing harm, supporting recovery: a health-led response to drug and alcohol use 2017–20253 aimed at addressing the needs of LGBTI+ people is cited as an action under the following outcome: health policy takes consideration of the needs of all population groups, including the LGBTI+ community.


Safe and supported: The strategy intends to ensure that LGBTI+ people feel safe and secure when living their daily lives. Among the six outcomes linked to this pillar are: Ireland has strong legislation and supports in place to combat hate crime and encourages people to report it; LGBTI+ victims of crime are appropriately supported and included in mainstream service provision underpinned by formalised consultation structures with An Garda Síochána and other relevant agencies; and LGBTI+ people can travel safely and with confidence.


A mid-term report on progress made on implementing the strategy will take place in Q3 of 2020.


Lucy Dillon


1  Department of Justice and Equality (2019) National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021. Dublin: Government of Ireland.

2  Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2018) LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018–2020. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

3  Department of Health (2017) Reducing harm, supporting recovery: a health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017–2025. Dublin: Department of Health.