The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use: survey results
by Mairea Nelson, Mary Dunne and Brian Galvin
As part of an ongoing evaluation of our website and library services, the staff of the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use (NDC) recently conducted an online survey of our users. We received 441 responses. Thank you to everyone who took part.
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Drugnet digest
This section contains short summaries of recent reports and other developments of interest.
by contributors: Finglas Addiction Support Team, Suzi Lyons, Ita Condron, Johnny Connolly and Brigid Pike
President Higginis officially opens the new FAST centre in Finglas, with Barbara Condon, general manager |
President opens new centre for Finglas service
The Finglas Addiction Support Team (FAST) new facility was officially opened by President Michael D Higgins in May 2012. The centre works with drug users, recovered users, their families and the community in the Finglas area to provide the highest standard of addiction support.
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In brief
by Brigid Pike (compiler)
In recent months a series of reviews of structures and systems supporting the operation of the voluntary and community sector in Ireland have been initiated. While no final decisions have yet been taken, findings reported to date indicate both the need for a thorough overhaul and also the complexity of the issues.
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Drugs and crime data 2012
by Johnny Connolly
This article looks at trends in reported drug offences and drug seizures for various periods between 2003 and 2011. It should be noted that drug offence and seizure data are primarily a reflection of law enforcement activity. Consequently, they are affected in any given period by such factors as law enforcement resources, strategies and priorities, and by the vulnerability of drug users and drug traffickers to law enforcement activities. Having said that, drug seizures are seen as indirect indicators of the supply and availability of drugs.
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Drugs in focus – policy briefing
by Joan Moore (compiler)
Drug demand reduction: global evidence for local actions Cited from Drugs in focus, No. 23, 1st issue 2012
The development of evidence‑based demand reduction interventions is a primary drug policy objective at national, European Union (EU) and global level. A particular discourse, with its own set of concepts, is used to discuss implementation of this objective, including terms such as: best practice, quality standards, guidelines, protocols, accreditation systems and benchmarking. This paper provides readers with straightforward definitions of the terms used, whilst highlighting achievements and current challenges in transferring scientific knowledge into practice in the drug demand reduction arena. A special focus is given to ‘best practice’ because of this concept’s increasing popularity and importance in Europe.
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From Drugnet Europe
by Joan Moore (compiler)
New drugs detected in the EU at the rate of around one per week
Monitoring responses to drug problems in Europe — a systemic approach
Thematic paper on drug-related research
Market share of herbal cannabis rising
Social reintegration of drug users — a neglected issue
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Recent publications
by Joan Moore (compiler)
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Upcoming events
by Joan Moore - (compiler)
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