Drug-related deaths in Ireland, 2004–2013
Minister of State for Drugs, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Ms Ena Lyn, author, Dr Graham Love, CEO, HRB and Dr Suzi Lyons author at the launch of the Drug-related deaths in Ireland, 2004–2013 report in December. |
The latest figures from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) show that a total of 679 deaths in Ireland during 2013 were linked to drug use. These figures are contained in a recent NDRDI report which provides information on deaths from poisoning, trauma or medical causes in which drugs were a factor in the fatality during the period 2004–2013.
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Regulating sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events
byDeirdre Mongan
In 2013 the Irish government established a working group to examine the regulation of sponsorship by alcohol companies of major sporting events. The working group reported its findings in December 2014.
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Culture and organisation in the Irish Prison Service
byBrian Galvin
Culture and organisation in the Irish prison service: a road map for the future, a new report completed by the Inspector of Prisons, Judge Michael Reilly, and Professor Andrew Coyle, Emeritus Professor of Prison Studies at the University of London, examines all aspects of the administration and governance of the Irish prison system and identifies a number of deficiencies in administration, treatment of prisoners and delivery of services by prison staff.1 The authors are particularly critical of inadequate and misleading reporting, a direct result of the absence of functioning line management structures in many prisons and a factor contributing to consistent breaches of agreed procedures.
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Women and addiction
byIta Condron
On 13 November 2015 the Dublin Business School (DBS) held a day-long conference on women and addiction.1 The conference sought to explore the challenges faced by women in addiction by promoting dialogue about the issues experienced by these women in contemporary Ireland, and about the challenges faced by those working in the field. The conference brought together practitioners, students, volunteers, and individuals and groups with an interest in women and addiction.
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Grandparents caring full-time for grandchildren owing to parental drug use
byMartin Grehan
The authors of this study sought to examine:- How do grandparents assume the caring role for their grandchildren?
- What do grandparents identify as the positive aspects of occupying this role, as well as its associated stresses and strains?
- How satisfied or dissatisfied are grandparent carers with the support they receive from the child protection service and, to a lesser extent, from addiction treatment services?
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Overdose risk among heroin users: a pilot prevention study
bySuzi Lyons
The main cause of death among injecting drug users (IDUs) is opiate-related overdose. Some of the most common risk factors for overdose are age, gender, injecting drug use, drug purity, low tolerance, polydrug use, and recent imprisonment/release from prison. Problem drug users with a history of self-harm are also at increased risk of overdose.
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Adolescents’ exposure to alcohol marketing
byDeidre Mongan
Alcohol Action Ireland commissioned the Health Promotion Research Centre at NUI Galway to undertake research on the extent and nature of Irish adolescents’ exposure to alcohol marketing and to determine the relationship between exposure to alcohol marketing and alcohol drinking behaviour.1
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