17 October 2014
ACJRD conference "Youth justice transformation"
Venue: Camden Court Hotel, Dublin 2
Email: danelle.hannan@acjrd.ie
Web: http://www.acjrd.ie/
The ACJRD 17th annual conference "Youth justice transformation" will take place on Friday 17 October 2014 in the Camden Court Hotel, Dublin 2.
This one day conference will see international and national experts address "Youth Justice Transformation" in a number of plenary and workshop sessions. Opportunities will be provided throughout the day for delegates to share information, exchange views and network with colleagues who engage in similar or complementary areas of expertise. Chatham House Rules will apply for this conference, and it is therefore a 'closed' event.
This conference will appeal to policy makers, those working in government agencies, professionals, practitioners, academics and those involved in community and civil society groups from a wide range of disciplines within the Criminal Justice System. Non-members of ACJRD Ltd, are welcome to attend the Annual Conference.
11 November 2014
Alcohol Action Ireland conference 2014.
Venue: Westin Hotel, Dublin 2
Web: http://alcoholireland.ie/
Girls, women and alcohol will be the focus of Alcohol Action Ireland’s annual conference.
During the conference, expert speakers will examine the factors influencing alcohol consumption and drinking patterns among Irish girls and women, the health risks involved, as well as what we need to do to bring about a positive change to the current situation. Women will also share their personal experiences of alcohol with conference attendees.
14 October 2014
Let's Talk: social inclusion week event
Venue: DLR County Council Assembly Hall
Web: http://www.activelink.ie/content/community-exchange/events/17165
Let's Talk are hosting a flagship event during Social Inclusion week on Tues 14th Oct in the DLR County Council Assembly Hall. During this all day event, many local and national organisations will be hosting stands and displaying posters and brochures outlining the services they provide. This event is aimed at parents and carers of teenagers and will cover a broad range of topics, like bullying/cyberbullying, drugs/alcohol, mental health, teenage behaviour, sport and body image.
02 October 2014
WHO regional office for Europe International conference on prison health.
Venue: Irish Prison Service College
Web: http://www.euro.who.int/en/media-centre/events/eve...
WHO/Europe, the Irish Prison Service and Public Health England are jointly organizing an international conference on prison health, to be held at the Irish Prison Service College.
The theme is “empowering people in prison, improving lives in the community”. The conference will explore how health care, training and support provided in custody can reduce repeat offences and prepare prisoners to live more productive lives after returning to the community.
The conference will bring together expert participants from health and justice organizations in WHO European Member States to discus the theme, share good practices and learn from each other. Participants will visit a prison during the afternoon of 1 October.