EMCDDA select new director
by Brian Galvin
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has selected Alexis Goosdeel (Belgium) as the agency's new Director, starting on 1 January 2016. Mr Goosdeel, a psychologist with a background in public health, has been head of the EMCDDA's Reitox and international relations unit since 2005. This work involves coordinating a network of 30 national drug monitoring centres and preparing EU candidate and potential candidate countries for membership of the EMCDDA.

The EMCDDA is a special Lisbon-based EU agency. Its aim is to provide the EU and its member states with 'factual, objective, reliable and comparible information at European level concerning drug addiction and their consequences'. The EMCDDA was formally established in 1993 and has been operational since 1995.